HILARION ~ Beloved Lightworkers,

Submitted by Madelaine on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 07:25

January 30 – February 6, 2011


Beloved Lightworkers,

This week will be one that is filled with an extra increase of intense energy that will be filling your system. You will feel vibrations in your ears and sense ‘tingling’ sensations in your crown chakras as you go about your daily living. You may feel tired and may require frequent naps during this time. Many calibrations are taking place now, aligning each of you to the new and higher frequencies of Light.

It will be easier to acclimate if you practice each day raising your vibrational frequency by aligning intentionally with your Great I AM Presence and setting your intention each day to be aligned with the Ascension timeline. If possible, go for walks in the fresh air at a brisk pace as this will help clear your energy meridians and keep the energy flowing through unimpeded. Drink a large amount of pure, clean water and bless it before consumption.

HILARION ~ Beloved Ones,

Submitted by Madelaine on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 06:20

January 23 – 30, 2011


Beloved Ones,

You are now entering the field of infinite possibilities and will be experiencing the easier manifestation of your dreams and desires. The feeling of wondrous anticipation that you have been experiencing is this new field of energy that is now pouring down upon the Earth and everyone and everything upon Her. Try to connect to the feeling of expansiveness and practice visualizing your outer self as an expanded, much larger Light Body, that glows with pure Light!

Although there is still cleansing and releasing happening within each of you, there is now a feeling of greater joy and lightness of Being, too. This is a good time to focus and write down what it is you want to experience in this New Year and keep this list ever within your vision and close to you in your sacred space at all times. When you feel yourselves waning in energy level, read back to yourself what you want in your life and your World and expect the highest outcome for the highest good of all concerned. Then, pull up your socks and trudge forward again!

HILARION ~ Welcome Back Beloved Lightworkers

Submitted by Madelaine on Sun, 01/16/2011 - 06:14

January 16 – 23, 2011


Beloved Lightworkers,

Welcome back! In the coming week you will find many of the perplexing questions you’ve had burning in the backs of your minds begin to be answered and all the puzzle pieces will start to fall into place. You will begin to see more clearly what has been behind the events and situations in your lives. Most of you will be happily surprised to find that you were serving a higher purpose and function than the seeming dilemma’s and situations that you have been struggling to balance and bring into equilibrium. True, some of this is personal karma, but a lot of the happenings in your life have been the result of the great Love you hold for all of Humanity and the Earth and your willingness to take on more than your individual load in order to transmute greater amounts of density upon the Earth.

HILARION ~ Welcome Back Beloved Lightworkers

Submitted by Madelaine on Sun, 01/09/2011 - 13:18

January 9 – 16, 2011


Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,

Many of you are stepping into your new roles as the Light Emissaries upon the Earth. This is a great responsibility and requires that One has total self mastery on all levels of Being. You are beginning to realize the power that you hold within yourselves, that you have the power to heal or the power to hurt with just a few words. There can be only one choice as you progress and that is to choose the way of Love. Do you see now that wielding power is not for the faint of heart, that true power requires constant self discipline at all times, thus the need for the immense testing that each of you has been going through.

As you continue to experience the power of kundalini rising within you, you are learning about the ways and means of balance. The most important element of this is to ground your energies into the Earth each day and sometimes more often in order to maintain balance and equilibrium. This is a time when your Higher Self is slowly coming into your lower bodies and ‘testing’ the waters, so to speak. If your Higher Self came in all at once, it would most likely burn your circuits very quickly, and so great care is being taken to acclimatize your physical vehicles to the higher energies to make this process more filled with grace and ease. Your Higher Self is a Being of Immense Power.

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