
Holy Energy, Batman!

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 11:09


I'm feeling weird today. I think that I knew something was up yesterday, that there was a lot more energy. I was hesitant to take a personal day so soon into the year... but I did and went shopping with my sister. We got frozen yogurt and it was delicious. I think that's why I didn't notice anything yesterday. I was having fun and my vibrations were higher. Today, though, I am sitting in my cubicle and my heart feels like it's a ballon in my chest. It makes it uncomfortable and a little hard to breathe, but it's not something that I'm afraid of. Synchronistically, a little after feeling this I saw the Earth Allies' message about the energy of today. Just before this feeling in my chest, I was insanely aware of myself. I was sitting in my chair, I mean really sitting there and just taking everything in. I can feel it coursing through me and it is intense. It's overwhelming. It's exhilarating. This is the start of something new. New ideas. New hopes. New dreams. New reality. It's coming, my dear and you can't stop it. You can't hurry it either. YOu must be patient. Oh but it's so hard to be patient when I'm hearing that our New Age will be wonderful beyond comprehension. I just want to comprehend it!


Submitted by Jazz on Fri, 10/26/2012 - 09:06

More BS from DC in form of NAtional Guard mandate:


"PREPPERS will be treated as terrorists."

-O? The call to arms (and I quote) for ENLISTMENT:


"Federal law requires everyone who enlists or re-enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the enlistment oath. The oath of enlistment into the United States Armed Forces is administered by any commissioned officer to any person enlisting or re-enlisting for a term of service into any branch of the military. The officer asks the person, or persons, to raise their right hand and repeat the oath after him. The oath is traditionally performed in front of the United States Flag and other flags, such as the state flag, military branch flag, and unit guidon may be present."


""I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me(as apliccable only when service contract not expired or retired), according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."


SECRET SERVICE couldnt hold a candle to me in SAN DIEGO and STILL CANT.



Sorry IF DC dont like it. Last I checked calling VETS(WAR HEROS), those who honorably SERVE, and PROTECT FREEDOM abroad(military or civilian) ARE NOT TERRORISTS. STOP TREATING US like WE ARE THE THREAT.


Lord Wolf should have given DC 3 weeks, not 3 months. LEts HOPE and PRAY NOVEMBER is the RECKONING MONTH and our STAR FRIENDS COME QUIKLY.


LET US SPEED UP THIS PROCESS and Send the dark ones back to where they belong. THEY have a choice.They arent taking it for OUR good.

Galactic Interplanetary Waves = Ripples Through ALL Dimensions (As Upon Earth, then Outward to All Dimensions and All Universes)

Submitted by JTariah on Thu, 06/21/2012 - 16:45

Galactic Interplanetary Waves = Ripples Through ALL Dimensions = Your Ascension (As Upon Earth, then Outward to All Dimensions and all Universes)

If you want to ascend with the planet, sign up for a
Mission now with Project Eagle Triad, by emailing:

If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working
your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and
mankind, and would like to participate in ***Project: Eagle
Triad*** please email janisel(at)

Learn More about details and History of ***Project Eagle Triad*** (Ashtar's Trinity) go here:

===   ===   +++   ===   ===   ++++   ===   ===   ===   
                         ASCENSION CLASS 47

       by SANANDA (Lord Jesus the Christ, Ascended)
              channeled through Rev Deb Wright
                       "The Domino Effect"


This is the lesson that you shall have concerning planetary,
galactic, universal, All That Is ascension.

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