
A Time for Total Trust

Submitted by Astarte on Tue, 08/14/2012 - 16:11

14 August 2012

Do you believe each One is deserving of love and forgiveness?  Do you routinely extend this courtesy to yourself as well?  If we cannot forgive ourselves, how will we forgive 'our enemies,' the Cabal, Team Dark...  As we re-examine our earthly personalities, we sift through habits and beliefs we've practiced for years, perhaps even decades.  If on examination any belief or perception no longer suits you and your current level of light, send it on for recycling.  If it's not Light, let it go!  If it's not of the Light, let it drift no longer matters.   


The ego enjoys obsession and likes to replay how someone hurt us or slighted us, over and over.  It makes no distinction, however, between perceived slights, real slights, and imagined slights.  Thank the ego for bringing in this important information and then let it go.  If at first you don't succeed, persevere.  Having patience with your process and patience with the ongoing galactic process shows our maturity as Lightworkers.  Patience comes out of total trust and the sure knowledge that we are Light, we are One, and we will all ascend at the perfect time.  


Increased access to divine energies is not only your right, it is available now!  Please remember the new earth already exists, and with the latest celestial alignments as well as our latest DNA upgrades, we've got a lock on access to Light/Love energy which cannot be stopped.  Trust whole-heartedly that your ascension is inevitable.


Patiently gift yourself with quiet time to practice allowing the new vibration into your heart.  You'll find it feels so good, you may never want to leave it behind.  Until we ascend to our new home, persevere patiently and be in total trust.  


In trust and unity,

Your Star-Sis, Astarte

Fran Zepeda - Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven - Feel Your Bliss - May 10, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 19:51

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Feel Your Bliss ~ May 10, 2012

We speak to you today about Bliss. Bliss is your natural state. You go in and out of this state many times in the day. Many things bring you out of it. You are learning to monitor this, and not allow your thoughts to drift into lower vibrations, more and more.


You may not recognize Bliss at times. For it is becoming more and more a part of you in these days of parting 3rd dimensional thought. Breathing in that feeling of Bliss in the moment will help you to sustain it.


The love in your hearts that you are cultivating more and more is expanding your reality of Bliss and Joy, dear ones. When it comes into your heart, revel in it and feel it deeply. Be still and take it in. You can even see it in your minds-eye and feel it in your body. Take note of it and expand it and allow it and just be in it.


We are all watching you expand your repertoire of experiences in the 5th Dimension. You go there much more than you realize. Sometimes you stop yourselves because it doesn’t feel real or it takes you out of your body and this makes you uncomfortable. Just go with it. You are learning to integrate these experiences into your physical being. Always staying connected and grounded with Mother Earth will help you with this.


Having Faith and Trust of a Child

Submitted by Sylver Tygres Lyght on Sun, 02/05/2012 - 18:27

 In recent days a promised trip did not go through. The recent firestorm with this is proof that we need to make changes in how we react, think and feel. Things are going to be changed, nothing is ever written in stone, and some lightworkers need to lose the superiority complex quickly! Just because something doesn't happen when you want it to or are told that it is going to does not mean that it will not happen! Where is the childlike faith and trust that is needed?


Some of the comments I have seen in relation to this are ego based, plain and simple. Learning to live from your heart instead of your head and as a child with faith love and trust is what is needed, but sometimes we forget to do this. Have we forgotten how to live like this? For some, the answer is yes and reopening the heart to childlike faith, love and trust is not going to be easy.


I am no saint. Far from it. I go through problems with the ego too at times. I am only Divine going through a human experience and that experience includes learning how to lose the ego and trust, love and have faith as a child. Each day brings a new step in the Ascention process.


As a wounded healer, the heart is where most of the wounding is. However, that can be healed with love as I have seen. I no longer worry about things any more. I have a child's trust and faith and it has not proven me wrong once!


I forget sometimes and let ego take over. I will admit that. Love, faith and trust are all needed. I am learning to lose the ego in the areas that have not already been cleared. I know without a doubt that things will work out in the Divine plan. It is just going to be a matter of believing, trusting and knowing they will, regardless of other's snarky and downright unlightworker comments to the contrary.

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