twin flames

Conversations with my Twin Flame ~ A New Beginning. - By Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 11:46


My day began uneventful just the way I like it, but I woke up tired as if I'd never slept at all, and my body felt extremely heavy. I had more than 8 hours sleep so I was curious to know why I felt so tired.


Good morning sunshine!


Good morning Debbie. How are you feeling today?


For some reason I feel as though I haven't slept and my body feels heavy.


It's the Equinox energy, it is very strong.


Does that explain why I didn't sleep?


Partly. Your body is undergoing certain changes in preparation for the full merging of our energies. This has been happening most nights for the past few weeks. The bulk of these changes are done at night when you are in a state of complete relaxation.


What kind of changes?


Your cellular structure in your physical body is being changed and your Lightbody is encoding itself to accommodate full brain function and full DNA structure.


Wow, okay. I was wondering why doctors haven't picked up 12 strands of DNA in the physical human body. [Smile] So the changes are occurring in the Lightbody.


Yes. And you are also integrating my energy and the energy of the Equinox, which is why you are tired. You need to rest today and get some more sleep.


Ah yes...I knew you were going to say that! I feel like a 2 year old being ordered to take naps during the day..


It's for your own good Beloved. You will feel much better, trust me.


I'm sure I will. Thank you for the update.


Conversations with my Twin Flame ~ “No Time”. By Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 03/15/2013 - 09:42

The other day I was very tired from integrating the energies of the New Moon and I felt myself slip for a second into what I can only describe as a kind of “time warp”. It felt really weird so I asked my Twin what had happened.


What was that? It felt weird!


You dipped into ‘No time’.


No way!


Yes way!


Omg! Tell me please, what was I feeling!


You felt just for a second what it feels like to be in the space of ‘no time’. It feels like everything had come to a standstill, but at the same time you felt what it feels like to be in the field of ‘possibility’ where everything is available to you all at once.


What do you mean by possibility?


The field of possibility is where all things are available to you now.


You mean NOW in this moment?


Yes. All things that are available are only available in THIS moment.


In the moment of now.


Yes. The moment of now can be forever if you choose it to be.


Just one long moment! Omg! I’m going to put that on Facebook!


No way!


Yes way! Come on! We have to share this stuff!


Okay. [Smile]


How come I’m feeling this now?


Because you are integrating a higher aspect of yourself.


But I thought I had already merged with my high self.


You have, but you still need to integrate her consciousness.


How am I doing that?


You are doing that by integrating higher frequencies of energy.


From the New Moon?




Wow! In that case I can’t wait for the Equinox!



Conversations with my Twin Flame ~There is Power in the Stillness. by Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 03/15/2013 - 09:38


For some time now I’ve had these conversations with my Twin Flame. He is not incarnated with me, he lives in the higher realms, except that he is not at home now, he is with me and always has been throughout my entire incarnation. I decided to blog some of our conversations because they contain much wisdom and inspiration. This morning I woke up to the noise of a busy city and felt immediately frustrated. Then I heard him say:


There is power in the stillness.


You mean “there is power in the stillness of the mind”?


Yes, that too. But I don’t want you to still your mind. I want you to BE still and think what you are doing. You’re not a human do-ing. You’re a human BE-ing. Allow yourself to BE.


Be what?


Be Love.


How can I be love?


By being in the vibration of love.


How can I get into the vibration of love?


By asking the energy of love to fill you with its vibration. It’s simple. Just ask.


Just ask?


Yes. Say “I ask the Power of Divine Love to fill me now”. Then allow yourself to feel the blissful energy of this vibration.


And it will stay with me the whole day?


It will. Unless it does not.


What do you mean?


If you get into one of your moods, it will evaporate.


Just like that! It will immediately evaporate?


No, not immediately. It will give you a little time to decide if you want to embrace your foul mood or if you want to continue embracing the blissful energy of love.


So I can stay in the energy of love by deciding to.


Yes you can. Its all you. Only you.

Twin Flames and Twin Souls - Is There a Difference?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 02/18/2013 - 14:27

Is there a difference between a Twin Flame and a Twin soul? No there isn't. A Twin Soul occurs when part of an original soul splits into two parts to form your other Self, or Twin Flame. Thus a Twin Flame is the mirror image of one soul that has split into two parts, one being male dominant and one being female, so yes a Twin Flame is also known as your Twin Soul.


A Twin Flame is also referred to as your Divine Complement. Everybody has one. There are no exceptions. It is a uncommon and very rare thing for Twin Flames to incarnate together, and if they do so it is for a very specific and unavoidable reason.


When a soul takes on a low density physical form in the human realm, it's Twin Flame remains behind in the higher dimensions and acts as a guide to support it's other half. Now during the process called Ascension, which started at the end of 2012, some twin flames are re-uniting in order to prepare to fulfil their divine missions together. One reason for this is to help raise the consciousness of humanity and the planet through your combined energy.


How do you know you're with your Twin Flame?

Whether incarnated or not, the bond or connection you will feel with your other half is deeply loving and spiritual. It is nothing like the human bond formed in a romantic relationship. The twin flame bond transcends this. This is how you can tell the difference. Whilst in physical form, your bond with your Twin is the closest you will come to experiencing Oneness. There is no mistaking it. It will give you a taste of the Oneness you will experience when you ascend out of the human realm into the higher dimensions.


The Relationship

**You Will ASCEND With Your Soul Group!** = Begin Your Mission with Your Galactic Family Now + Ascension Lessons

Submitted by JTariah on Fri, 07/20/2012 - 13:58

**You Will ASCEND With Your Soul Group!**  = Begin Your Mission with Your Galactic Family Now + Ascension Lessons
(channeled transmission below)

Preparing for the Ascension

Project: Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity)

Our Purpose and Mission

Ascension Lessons!

If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email


Connect With Your Soul Group; Find Your Soulmate!

Submitted by in5d on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 03:03

Connect With Your Soul Group; Find Your Soulmate!

Greetings to all beautiful co-creators!

First, I would like to express gratitude in how the Galactic Free Press is awakening the world and uniting soul groups together!

in5d is taking like-minded souls to a new level of communication with in5d Connection. Our parent website, in5d Spiritual, Metaphysical and Esoteric Database has brought together millions of like-minded people through articles, videos and live chat.  Now, we’re taking this one step further with in5d Connection.

in5d Connection is a multifaceted portal where you can search for like-minded souls in your area and around the globe.  Whether you’re single and searching for your soulmate or twin flame or if you’re married and are simply looking for like-minded souls, in5d Connection will make this happen for you!

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