Good Day and Love to All -
The energy rising within us seeks an outlet in the rational mind - finds solace in the loving heart. Science and Spirituality connect together in the form of consciousness - our water enables us to achieve a state of balance - based on distribution of energy via the alignment of the water molecules. Once intent is introduced, our water can connect to water everywhere and introduce an outcome that creates our 5D world.
Water is one of those substances that we know all about, and yet know very little about. 3D science has some very concrete rules for how water works and how it doesn't work - these rules are not anything that the water molecules pay any attention to - they just vibrate when they feel the love in our heart.
Water is the universal solvent - it dissolves salts and carries blood though our bodies. Water molecules align with each other to form networks of communication, to instantly transfer thought to action. The waters of biochemistry are individual molecules that are connected to proteins and enzymes, and yet disconnected from the bulk of solvent water; they take shape by holding on to oxygen and nitrogen atoms by strong polar interaction. Once in place, a bio-water molecule merges into the ultimate being. Water is a fractal form of life itself, on every scale.