
Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 7 - Conscious Evolution

Submitted by drmoe on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 15:58



What are those deep dark secrets that we keep to ourselves?  Are they the soundings of some distant past trying to break through to a new reality?  The voice of reason perhaps, wanting to cut across the chatter that is our brain feverishly at work?  Or, is it something else altogether, so remote and bizarre that we can’t even fathom it with the best of detailed roadmaps?


     Is this our heritage knocking at the door?  Is it a source of pride perhaps, or a bit of whimsy?  All these possibilities exist in one form or another.  They are real to those who attend to them.  But to us who are waking up to something meaningful and deep, is it not possible that the Creator is knocking at the door and we are about to receive a very important message?


     “Remember when I sent you here. Remember our agreement.  I provide the resources and you provide the commitment.  We work together to elevate your life to a new plateau, so that others can see what is possible.”


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 6 - The Big Sleep

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 10/28/2012 - 11:10



       What is it about fear that gets us all tied up in knots?  Is it the biological realm rearing its head in the face of a possible threat?  Is it our minds making mountains out of molehills?  Or is it some other nefarious element that lies outside of our control? The “fight or flight” response says “you must make a choice,” based on what’s in front of you and what capacity you believe you have to deal with it.


 It’s not always right, this “fight or flight” response.  Sometimes we act when leaving would be a better option.  Sometimes we stay to quickly learn that was inadvisable.  So how do we deal with fear in a manner that is most compatible with our True Self?


The nature of fear is twofold.  First, we are reacting to a real or perceived danger.  Second, there is an urge to do something about it, be it magical or otherwise.  For a physical danger, fight or flight is likely the best course of action.  We measure the danger and act, by either removing ourselves or confronting it.


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 5- How We Lost Our Way

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 10/27/2012 - 08:58

Asking for Help


It’s not easy to ask for help, is it?  We wander around this plane trying to figure out who we are, getting stuck here or there, not knowing what to do next.  We are hampered by this unwillingness to seek help.


       “Who can do it alone?”, we could ask.  Well, no one, apparently.  We all rely on each other at some level.  There are days when we feel strong and days when we feel weak.  Leaning on each other is a necessary requisite to getting by in this life.  Culture can say what it wants about “doing it alone” or that “men are stronger than women”.  The fact is we need each other in times of weakness and it doesn’t matter what gender steps up to lend a hand. 


       When we are too tired or ill to do it ourselves, we need to reach out and take that hand, to let someone help and pull us free of the swamp. Better than drowning, isn’t it?  Better than giving up altogether.


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 4 - Life as Movie and Myth

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 09:11




Sometimes it’s hard to make a change in our lives.  It requires such stamina, a wealth of desire.  Is it any wonder many give up before they start?  The aching inside drives us forward, to a hopefully better place, where we can be relieved of our dissatisfaction.


So where do we go on this quest? Do we cross the mighty ocean?  Scale the tallest mountain? Or simply take stock of ourselves and issue another edict.  “I will not live like I did before”, “I will change the script of my life”,  “I will scale what is mine to scale, and I will go it alone if I have to”.


There is no need to go it alone.  The Great Creator is always there with a helping hand.  He is right behind you, giving a little push.  Saying things like, “You can do more if you want”, “There is much you have to offer”, “You’re just getting started”.  A gentle prodding it will be, because He’s sensitive that way.  Pushing too hard elicits resistance.  That’s not the way to go.  Gentle prodding, with generous doses of encouragement, will take you further.


Drain the Banks - Join a Credit Union

Submitted by drmoe on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 07:51

Note:  I wrote the following as a comment to the story about the 86 year old woman standing up to her bank.  I felt "urged" to share this as a Blog Post.




This Letter would be more Hilarious, if it weren't so True.


Who hasn't been nailed with fee after fee when banks automated systems skip a beat? Then, who's responsibility is it to correct to matter? One month I was nailed with $200.00 in fees for not having the required money in my account at the exact moment when some payment was due as opposed to seconds later - a scenario that never existed when I first joined the bank 40 years ago.


I'm through begging the banks to treat me with respect and return money they stole from my account. That was the respect they used to give me for over 3 decades of good banking relations before they became the Undead Zombies that they are today. I've closed my accounts and abandonned ship. They are not representative of me or my needs. And they are called Banksters for good reason.


Just Google "Bankers Arrested 2012" and see the list of criminals that pretend to be your ally.


Drain the Banks and Join a Credit Union. Member owned and operated. Unless you like being Abused, which is what the banks do - while still pretentding they are the stalwart protectors of truth and honesty in banking.


Reply to Drake on Canadian Executive Orders as Socialist BS

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 07/05/2012 - 07:34

Reply to Drake on Canadian Executive Orders – Maurice Turmel PhD

July 5, 2012



I've read those Canadian Executive Orders through twice now and I have no idea what you are complaining about Mr. Drake. Is there really a Communist or Socialist behind every tree?  Perhaps in your mind, but not in mine, and I sincerely doubt, in the minds of most Canadians who have read this document.


When I first read those Orders I was blown away. Yes, I am Canadian, for 67 years now. I was worried that we weren't really contributing anything to this Ascension 2012 Agenda, especially this part where the World is moving quickly to neutralize and or get rid of the Dark Cabal. Yes, I'm referring to the Mass Arrests that you and many other sources have been preparing us for.


Well along comes this document that lays out in pretty specific detail what a new Canada is going to look like once the smoke clears. It has everything from compensation from the St Germain Trust, which by the way will be available to Americans as well as the rest of the world, to statements about disconnecting us from the British Monarchy, to, yes, Free Healthcare, Free Education, abolishment of Income Taxes, abolishment of other usury taxes and more free benefits, benefits, benefits!!!

And all you can see here is a Socialist Plot? Really???


Where are your American Executive Orders, those that would be the equivalent to these Canadian Executive Orders that you take exception to? How will those American Orders differ and how will they reflect the New America that you're proudly supporting in your role as an information gatekeeper for your White Hat Military?


The Voice: One Path to Ascension

Submitted by drmoe on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 08:38

Written 15 years ago "The Voice - One Path to Ascension" is available FREE during this time of great transition. This book tells the story of Lightworkers picked up on Earth by members of our Star Families, taken to a Training Center in the Plaiedes and prepared for their mission back on Earth in 2012 to help the planet and all its inhabitants Ascend as predicted by numerous sources including the Ancient Mayans.

This is a Training Manual for Souls, written as a story, but clearly delivering the essence of what Lightworkers and Starseeds are going through today in preparation for the great changes now taking place on our home planet, and their individual roles in helping their fellow humans make the transition as well.


My Gift to You, my fellow Lightworkers, Starseeds & Wayshowers.




Dr Moe

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