

Submitted by alexiskarpouzos on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 05:36

The Multiplicity and the Unity are one and the same thing, a thing that is both many and one at the same time. The waves, and the currents underwater, make up the ocean. The ocean is the underlying basis for every wave. Neither the ocean, nor the waves, can be understood in isolation from each other. We must preserve the sense of unity and the sense of diversity and multiplicity. We must recognize that the One and the Many are the same thing viewed from different angles. The One is the Many. The One is manifested only in and through the Many. It has no separate existence apart from the Many. Equally the Many are the One. Even during their temporary separation, they are always part of the One, and always united with the One. Every one of us is always part of the One, and can unite with the One at any time we choose.

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science

Submitted by Alexis Karpouzos on Thu, 08/10/2017 - 08:59

The universe is not a world of separate things and events but is a cosmos that is connected, coherent, and bears a profound resemblance to the visions held in the earliest spiritual traditions in which the physical world and spiritual experience were both aspects of the samereality and man and the universe were one. The findings that justify this new vision of the underlying logic of the universe come from almost all of the empirical sciences: physics, cosmology, the life sciences, and consciousness research. They explain how interactions lead to interconnections that produce instantaneous and multifaceted coherence–what happens to one part also happens to the other parts, and hence to the system as a whole. The sense of sacred oneness experienced by our ancestors that was displaced by the unyielding material presumptions of modern science can be restored, and humanity can once again feel at home in the universe.

Want a Miracle?

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 09/27/2014 - 10:46

spiritual_practiceWe spend way too much time in spiritual practices trying to leave our bodies. We try to go to the Other World instead of consciously bringing more of our soul into our physical bodies. When we integrate matter and spirit – real miracles happen.

We have heard the old worn out line, “We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.” This is true and the rest of the truth is that our life purpose is not to become more spiritual. We can’t do that anyway. We are already as spiritual as we can possibly be. Our life purpose is to recognize that we are spirit in matter and to become fully human, using our individual Divine gifts to the utmost. That’s the real purpose of being on Earth.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!
Look for my new book, Sophia Speaks: Encounters with Wisdom, out this fall!

Heart Voice or Ego Voice…How Do We Know Which One is Speaking?

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 09/20/2014 - 08:16

the-voice-of-the-heartHow does one recognize the voice of the heart from the voice of the ego? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Sometimes the ego is so clever, trained, and educated that it pretends to be the Heart Voice. Yet, there is one key element that points to whether it’s the ego or heart voice. If what you are told is good for you and All Life, then it is being transmitted through the heart from the soul. If it is only and exclusively good for you, it is coming through the mind and is of the ego. It’s that simple.

So the imperative question we must continuously ask ourselves, “Is this good for All Life and me, or is this just good for me?”

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Look for my new book, Sophia Speaks: Encounters with Wisdom, out this fall!

Requesting or Knowing…Which is the Most Powerful Way to Pray?

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 09/13/2014 - 06:53

Prayer is an efficient and powerful tool. It is essential for each one of us to pray and/or meditate. Requesting blessings and giving thanks is of ultimate benefit – it is also a magnanimous way we can help others and our planet. Joining others in prayer bolsters the energy behind the manifestation and expedites it.

I now better understand that there is another level of prayer that does not include just making requests. Instead, it is completely about being inside the realm of gratitude and knowingness…sending out blessings, healing, loving and abundance to anyone, everyone and everything. (Yes, in case you were wondering, you do have the power within to send out gifts to others.)

When we are connected to our souls, knowingness and gratitude amplifies the way prayer manifests in the world. Knowingness is not the same as hope or faith. Knowingness is a much higher frequency. It is simply a more powerful way of bringing forth abundance to everyone’s life including ourselves.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!
Look for my new book, Sophia Speaks: Encounters with Wisdom, out this fall!

Ever Been Hit with the Cosmic 2x4?

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 09/06/2014 - 12:19

Every time I think I am becoming more aware, the Universe seems to send a message to help me take another step toward living in more wholeness and balance.

When we do not get things, see our own issues the first time around…or the second…or the third…we are forcing the ante to be raised again and again, until we leave the Universe with no choice but to come at us with the Cosmic 2×4. That “OUCH” seems to get our attention! Wouldn’t it be grand if we could gain understanding the first time around?

Looking back on my life, I seem to have been a slow learner, and have a few bumps on my noggin to prove it. Lately, I have been listening very closely.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Look for my new book, Sophia Speaks: Encounters with Wisdom, out this fall!

What's a Living Prayer?

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 08/09/2014 - 17:01

I discovered that when expressing and living my awareness in the “everyday,” my life becomes a living prayer or meditation.

Sitting for hours is not the only way to bring Wisdom into our lives. As I have developed and expanded my awareness, I have begun to see confirmation that everything is part of our spiritual practice and path.

I see Wisdom manifest when I cook dinner, make the bed, wash the car, fold the laundry, kiss a child, comfort the sick, cut the grass, post on Facebook, plant a garden, drive to work, or do any of our life pursuits.

I have learned that blending prayer, meditation, service, and study is the path to more awareness. Once we are aware, we realize this work enables us to see with the inner-eye and hear with the inner-ear.

All the years of our spiritual practice culminate in the realization that our entire life is, and has always been, a spiritual practice.

We are Spirit – practicing life!

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!
Look for my new book, Sophia Speaks: Encounters with Wisdom, out this fall!

What is Spiritual (Inner) Marriage

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 08/02/2014 - 07:07

spiritual_marriageThe spiritual inner-marriage is about the balancing of the masculine and feminine energies within oneself so there is harmony and alignment with the soul. Recognition and union with one’s soul is the true marriage, or Divine Union, rather than the commonly held belief of finding another person as a “soul mate.”

Each individual has masculine and feminine energies within, and seeks balance between them to create wholeness. This balance of energy reflects in one’s outer-marriage/partnership. The more balanced the masculine and feminine energies are in a person, the smoother the outer life.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

What Does It Mean to Walk on the Beauty Path?

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 07/26/2014 - 07:03

Beauty PathIt is when we choose Wisdom, step by step, taking the highest possible path, a path without friction. On the Beauty Path™, we live a life of neutrality and walk in harmony and balance. This happens when we let go of fear and commit to our liberation from the Seven Disempowering Habits: blame, shame, question (“why me?”), guilt, judge, compare and compete.

Neutrality – To live on the Beauty Path one must be neutral to people, events, circumstances, etc. This requires one to be non-judgmental and see with the inner eye. One has to keep his or her mind on Truth, not worldly illusions, and this takes a spiritual practice. This does not mean one cannot take a “stand.” Taking a stand and judging are disparate vibrations with differing motives. To live in “neutrality” requires living without a “charge.” (Charge meaning emotional energy running through one’s body, as in “being hot about something”.) When we do not live in neutrality we then walk on the Path of Struggle.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

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