Is this dream about disclosure?
Date of dream: this morning
Location: lowereast side, nyc
Time: around 10pm Summer evening
It was about 10 pm. I was with my friend and her kids at a restaurant. A friend I haven't seen in a long time shows up. We talk, have dinner and catch up.
We were walking out of the restaurant onto the streets. All of a sudden there is a gasp in the crowd around us. Everyone is looking at the sky seeing a huge image of a face flashing different colors and lights. The funny thing is that this image was also present and live on my iPhone, which tells me it was probably live on all video/tv screens. I began running home to my mom. I get to my mothers and everyone that is there is moving around so fast. (I believe my father was there somewhere in the background. My dad is on the other side of the veil) I am rushing around trying to figure out what to gather and I see that my mom and family have already started gathering some items like clothes, food, and water.