Terrible Twos Anyone?
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I've been so very emotional lately. Yet, there has been no real explanation for my tears, my sorrow, my joy, my pain... I honestly thought I was going slightly bonkers, but I still embraced the stage of life. I understand that much of my emotion comes from being a deep Empath. I used to always say that I didn't have too many friends, because each new person I let into my life was soul tied to my heart, and I could feel their emotions. DAMN, I did not know how true that was! And now, here I am... openly inviting all of you into my life and my world with complete honesty, transparency and love... and this sh^t is no joke! The funny thing is I wouldn't have it any other way and I even sometimes wish I could advance this journey just so I could reach out to so many more of you. Yet, I call out my ego for having those thoughts and check myself back into the current moment because I am exactly where I am supposed to be in this moment.
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