connecting with your higher self soul

Connecting with your Higher Self within your Sacred Heart ~ Meditation and Energy Transmission

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 02:38

For the past 3 years Michael has been guiding me to “stay in my heart”, and now more than ever this is possibly the most important advice you will ever receive. If you’re not in this sacred space, you may find that your world – your living experience – is becoming more chaotic by the day.

If you thought that by now you would be experiencing less resistance in your transformation / ascension process, then you may just want to rethink that because for me personally my ego mind and lower consciousness is putting up a royal fight, and the only place / space I’m finding peace of mind and a sense of balance is in my heart.

Yesterday Michael guided me to a passage in Emmanuel’s Book 1 (Pg 32 of the Kindle book). It served to remind me how powerful my mind can be:

“The heart is an unerring compass. The heart knows the Soul better than the mind does. Unless your mind is in service of the heart it becomes a warped and twisted master.”

He goes on further to say:

“The only path that is right for you is the one that is already designed within you. To find this path you have to hear your own heart. There simply is no other way.”

Recently we released the 2nd Mp3 energy transmission to help people to form this energetic connection within their sacred heart, and to make this connection to their Higher Self and Source energy – to the God within.

Please make use of this meditation. It will help you now to find inner peace and to become stronger energetically. You will find this transmission here:

Sunday Musings ~ Perceptions of My Higher Heart

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 11/16/2014 - 12:28

Heart-Based living is incredible, astonishing, amazing, extraordinary, mind-blowing, mind boggling, fantastic, and unbelievable at first… But then you will get to a point when it IS believable, and you will realize that Heaven truly can, and does, exist within YOU.

There is no better advice that we can give you than this: – Connect deeply with the Higher Aspect of your Self and work with them in your Sacred Space. This Sacred Space IS YOUR HEART. This is where you can connect with your Beloved  Counterpart and the Higher Aspect of your Self. This IS where you will find your Beloved I AM Presence – and it is ALL WAYS PRESENT in your life!

Your incarnation – your Earthly journey as a grounded Spiritual Being is not meant to be forged [made. created] by you alone. When you work in partnership with your Self as a Sovereign Being, you open the doorway to miracles happening in your life on a daily basis. You will notice that opportunities come your way – new possibilities get presented to you to on a silver platter so to speak. You will begin to realize that you are CO-CREATING your reality here as a Galactic Human in a physical vessel, as was the original plan intended by the Elohim.

When all 13 of your chakras are open and clear you become a beacon that receives and transmits high frequency Light coded energy from the Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun, to the crystalline grid on Planet Earth. Your living experience reflects Light and Love all around and people will begin to notice the difference in you.

Sunday Musings ~ So Much Love! Go on! Grab hold of it with both hands! What are you waiting for?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 09/28/2014 - 08:40

Our hearts expanding continually to hold more love than we have ever before experienced. Sometimes that may feel painful, but it is nothing to be alarmed about. In fact, it is something to be celebrated. Every time you feel tightness in your chest, know that your heart center is expanding to hold more love and light. Take several deep breaths to help the energy flow through. Pamper and nurture yourself! Take a luxurious hot bath with lavender oil and sea salt. Go for a walk in nature if you can. Listen to music. Play an instrument if you can. Dance. You have no idea what is going on inside of you or the full extent of what you are accomplishing here as a Warrior of the Light. You may feel as though you’re doing nothing, but know your Higher Self is working with you and through you non-stop! The more time you spend within your Heart /Higher Self / Soul, the easier the transition becomes.

Everyone is going through various stages of releasing right now. Don’t let your ego and your fears prevent you from facing these negative emotions. Do whatever it takes to keep your vibration high and stay positive. Watch happy movies. Watch sad movies. There is nothing wrong with crying. It releases sadness which is a positive thing. All of us have come here with our fair share of negative emotion within our karmic imprint. It doesn’t matter what you’re releasing or for who. We are all One! What matters is that you don’t hold onto it and take ownership of it. It is surfacing to be released. Nothing more. Don’t make an issue out of it and don’t try to analyze it. That is what your ego does.

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