
Spiritual Awakening, How Are You FEELING?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/15/2016 - 10:29
Spiritual awakening and feelings

How are you feeling during your spiritual awakening? It can be a positive and exhilarating experience, but at the same time, it can be intense and overwhelming. I want to validate how you feel and tell you that you're not alone.

Spiritual awakening is different for everybody. Some people say to me that that their awakening has been very positive, exciting, mind bending and wondrous. Others relate that their awakening has taken it's toll on them. That all they can see is negativity in the world, that they are powerless to stop it and how they feel lacking in purpose.

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Psychometry, Reading the Energetic Signatures of Objects.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/02/2016 - 09:44
So what is psychometry? Psychometry is reading the energetic signature of objects through touch. Any object can absorb energy from a previous owner or people in its vicinity, over time. If you tune into these residual energies, they can form a link to previous owners and you can gain a sense of them. Images can form in your mind, feelings begin to erupt within you, and you begin to know things. Psychometry can be used to make spirit contact; linking with the former owners of objects.

What are objects? Well, that's obvious, it's a cup, a table, a piece of jewelry, a pencil, a lamp, a stone, anything! But the thing is, an object is not really an object is it? It's all just an illusion and we know this from quantum mechanics. Everything is made of energy, namely light. On the tiniest unimaginably small scale everything is made up of atoms and space, and atoms comprise of particles of energy. It's all just an illusion for our senses. So when you're sensing the energies of an object, you're tapping into something that is pure energy anyway. You're reading the energetic signature of a piece of energy. You read energy all the time, you decode our world from the endless sea of coded intelligent energy in which your consciousness resides (the 'unified field').

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Repressions Within The Subconscious Mind and Their Impact on Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 11:10
Do you suffer from anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, sadness or anything else? I'd like to share a method with you to help correct that.

Horrible things happen to us all at some point in our lives. When we are young, things can happen that we don't consciously deal with properly. As children we lack the tools to process these events and circumstances, there is no conscious adult reasoning. Children and young adults, being largely helpless and at the mercy of others, lack the power to escape negative situations or gain support.

You may have experienced loss, physical or emotional neglect (mild or severe), shaming, abuse, abandonment and more, to a small or great degree, from birth up until recent years, as a one-off event or series of events.

Traumatic memories and emotions are placed into the subconscious mind as programs. These programs feed us emotional responses, information and feelings daily, into our adult lives, all as a result of repressed trauma from younger years. As an adult, you may experience anxiety or fear in certain situations and not know why. Consciously you're not afraid but you have a sense of fear bubbling up to the surface all the time; this is a symptom. Underlying fear, shame, anxiety, guilt, even depression, are symptoms of repression.

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Consciousness in The Holographic Illusion of Reality. Are We In The Matrix?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 15:52

'Unified Field Theory' suggests that our reality is a sea of energy, an energetic illusion that our consciousnesses perceive and interact with. The world you see around you is really a soup of intelligent energy fooling your senses into thinking it is the tangible, visible and audible reality that you experience.

In physics, unified field theory can be described as 'all that is usually thought of as fundamental forces and elementary particles to be written in terms of a single field' (Wikipedia.org).

We all learned at school that matter (solids, liquids, gases, and everything you can see) is made up of atoms. Atoms consist of particles of energy and lots of empty space (the empty space or void itself being highly charged with latent energy). How can it be that the hard, tangible world around us consists of pure energy? Our senses are being fooled because we can't see past this unified field - we are completely immersed within it, it is everything and everywhere.

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Co-Creation: How We as Co-Creators Manipulate Our Illusory Reality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 07/26/2015 - 09:38
Co-creators and co-creationWe come to realize that reality is an illusion of sorts, interpreted by our five senses which are perfectly programmed to perceive it. As everything is created from atoms (with space between), which are themselves made-up of particles of intelligent energy, we know that we reside within an energetic illusion. This illusion is called by quantum physicists 'The Unified Field' - an energetic soup in which our consciousnesses exist and interact with, creating what we perceive as earthly life. You could describe the energetic unified field as 'god' or the creation, the very consciousness of the universe that is all that there is. So how do we really alter and manipulate this energetic illusion that we call reality? And if reality is an illusion, how is it that other people can influence and change our own reality?
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What is Mindfulness? What are the Benefits? + How To + Meditation Technique

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 07/10/2015 - 16:27
What is mindfulness and what are the benefits
Mindfulness is simply being in the present moment and observing it. It's paying attention, non-judgementally, to your thoughts, sensations and emotions that are arising right now. Mindfulness has become mainstream today due to it's simple methodology and amazing effects, it is in-fact an adaptation from ancient Buddhist meditation practices such as Vipassana.
Why Do We Need Mindfulness?
We will walk up a hill preoccupied with getting to the top, all the while ignoring the beautiful view on the way.
Harvard University research has shown that people spend about 47 percent of their waking hours thinking about something other than what they’re doing (Harvard Gazette). This means that all the while we're doing the things we do in life, our minds are very often elsewhere, not observing the present moment.
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How to Relate to Non-Spiritual People After Your Spiritual Awakening

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/04/2015 - 08:38

So you've gone through a spiritual awakening. It might have been a quick process or a long one, easy or traumatic, you may have had to partially or fully reinvent your sense of self because both your perception of reality and your ego were stripped bare. One thing however is a very common question among those who've gone through a spiritual awakening, and that's 'How do I deal with non-spiritual people?'

You might feel like a different person. Your perceptions have shifted. Perhaps you view physical death, physical reality, the nature of existence, the power of consciousness and the universe completely differently. You're on a path of intense learning and experience and it's overwhelming at times. You may have realized that the life we lead is largely controlled by unseen human forces for social, economic and political reasons. You might have seen an apparition, had a near-death or out-of-body experience, you could have benefited from meditation, received contact from a loved one or spirit guide on the other side, or some other profound experience.

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The Law of Attraction: How it Works and Why it REALLY Occurs

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/12/2015 - 15:52

No one seems to say how and why the law of attraction really occurs. Here goes.

Firstly, in my article 'God is You, Everywhere and Everything' I explain that 'God', the creator, creation, source, the universe or whatever you want to call it is everywhere and everything. It is not a human male with a beard, it is absolutely everyone, everything and everywhere. It is the intelligent energy that creates all that there is. In my article 'Why the World is an Illusion,' I explain how atoms are comprised of pure energy and mostly empty space. Atoms scale up to create molecules and compounds, scaling up to create everything, for example, you, me, the air, water, mountains, trees, your cat, cup of tea, laptop and absolutely everything.

This creation, the all-encompassing singular entity, is infinitely intelligent as is the energy that it is everywhere. It is comprised of atoms that are conscious and alive. Your own consciousness is one super intensified focal point of this universal intelligent energy, the very same energy that creates an atom. Your consciousness is part of the overriding mass consciousness of this universal entity that makes up all that there is.

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Spiritual Protection - How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energies & Emotional Vampires

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/18/2015 - 16:37

Spiritual protection

A most important aspect of spirituality is protection. There are simple measures that you can take to defend yourself from negative energies and dark entities that can reduce your well-being to the point of harm. Every good spiritual medium (one who communicates with those passed-over) is taught how to protect themselves, but it's not just them who need it. Medium's open themselves up to spirit contact regularly, however you're likely to encounter negative energies in the form of an emotional vampire human acquaintance, energies of an object or place, or even a dark entity or spirit that has wandered into your space. You need not fear or let them drain your emotions to a low vibration - because you can take complete control.

Protection is Needed Due to:

Psychic attack - a human that harbors negative emotions toward you projects low vibratory energies that you absorb. It can come from someone close to you or someone at a distance, because distance often no bearing if the attacker can visualize (simply think of) you as an individual. The negative emotions serve to counteract your positive vibration, literally canceling out your happiness.


Why the World is an Illusion Fooling Our Senses & How to See Through It

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 22:00

How you see the world, process your interactions and the responses you produce, are all a product of a reality that you have created for yourself – reality is not given to you, it is made by you. The world you see around you right now is not a set construct, it's not a predefined experience for all humans to perceive in the same way and interact with similarly – the reality you see is a product of your own perceptions, how you've processed the world and the sense you made of it. Everybody makes sense of the world differently in billions of subtle ways, and we hope that these perceptions align with other people's, else a person can be perceived as mad! The world however is far stranger than we perceive, but our human senses are tuned to ignore the truth of this illusion.

You can drastically alter your perception of reality and therefore transform the way you interact and feel about the world, in turn creating such profound changes in your life that an entire consciousness shift can result. Outcomes of this transformation can be, finding lasting inner peace, calmness, serenity, realizing the important things in life, appreciating your existence, finding much love where it was previously invisible, and realising a new purpose.


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