Manel Blanco

Going Through Shadows: The Vortex Of Transformation.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/19/2015 - 16:12

Paradoxically, one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in personal development is self-truth. Even when one is consciously seeking it, self-knowledge is not easy to accept. There's a moment in childhood in which everyone separates from love. From this moment on we become accustomed to a series of lies that become part of a personal truth that it is reinforced unconsciously. As we separate from love, what one learns instead is fear. As we grow up ego, personality and character are formed, and as such lessons become familiar, they're accepted as part of the norm. 

As one reaches certain age, jealousy, sense of possession and entitlement, envy, anger, hate or arrogance are accepted as unmovable truths. These traits are hardly admitted, and are even denied by most people. When accepted publicly, such truths only serve to boost the ego and a false personality. Sometimes denial is due to lack of awareness, sometimes it is conscious. No one wants to admit to negative traits as part of their character, and yet, we all embody them at one point in life. 

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How The Internet Can Contribute To The Shift Of Consciousness.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/07/2015 - 14:36
These days everyone is connected to everyone else around the world. People create friendships with others without meeting and we all learn about and from each other by sharing experiences, posts, blogs or uplifting messages. 

This is great news, as there is no longer need to meet others physically. However, the reality of physical distance or the lack of means to move around the world and meet personally could cause anxiety and frustration. Love does not require to make everything physical. It is not about what we can get, but what we can give. What we give returns to us in many other ways. Love in whichever form comes is what truly matters.

There are 7 billion people in this world. Touching everyone physically is not possible.

Integration: Being In Peace With The Self And The World.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/29/2015 - 20:46

No one can experience inner peace fully while we are still finding fault with the world and others. While the list of things that could be changed, so as to make it a better place, to disagree with and to dislike is endless, we must learn to integrate what we see outside, accepting it as a part of ourselves without judgement. 

Humanity is one big family. Everyone is different, but we all complement each other. This is the beauty that we do not seem to perceive. Everyone is different, because each one of us has a different purpose and only by joining forces together we can create a magical reality.

Without embracing the good and the bad in ourselves and others there will never be a peaceful living situation. We don't have to agree to what is happening, but casting a stone while hiding the hand and separating from all responsibility from the state of the world will never make it better. 

Blaming the rest of the world or society for the current state of affairs, as if we weren't part of it only causes separation. What we are seeking for is unity. One World, one race, one heart, one soul, one feeling. And it is everyone's responsibility to contribute to reach this goal. 

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Why I Love Mercury Retrograde And Why You could Too.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 05/19/2015 - 18:55

Mercury has just gone retrograde again. This time in Gemini, the sign it rules. 

All the planets, except Sun and Moon, go in apparent backward motion from time to time, yet the Mercury retrograde seems to be the most famous one. Almost everyone knows about it, including the people who know nothing about astrology and those who don't even believe in it. 

In astrology, when a planet is in retrograde, it doesn't actually move backwards in the sky. It only appears to change direction, so it is really an optical illusion. When this happens, the energy turns inward and backwards, resulting in slightly unusual effects. 

So should we just stop living every time Mercury goes retrograde? Of course not. Mercury retrograde happens three or even four times a year, and it usually lasts for about three weeks. I even believe that the most challenging moments don't happen during the retrograde motion period, but during those slow and stationary periods, right before Mercury changes its direction. Mercury is a quick planet which rules all kinds of movement, so it gets a bit awkward when it slows down or stops (to be exact, when it appears to slow down or stop), because it's contrary to its essential nature. 


Forgive Your Parents, Forgive Yourself.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/04/2015 - 15:18

There are questions which, depending on someone's current state of consciousness cannot be answered with the rational mind. Trying to rationalise some of the actions of our parents is one of them. From our own personal experience and perspective only, this can prove impossible. As we are missing knowledge and important facts about  their lives, the image we create of them can only be a partial one.

Details of their childhood are missing, or how they were educated or the experiences they went through. The fact that they don't share such experiences with their children does not help us to understand the whole spectrum of who they are. It is not always easy to share our experiences and traumas with others, and for a parent; this is not different. In addition, some parents do not share traumatic experiences that shaped them into who they are, as they have assimilated them and perceived them as normal.


Breaking With The Past: Separating From Mistakes

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/09/2015 - 16:33

Everyone has made mistakes in the past. Most of us make them daily. Yet, instead of accepting and integrating our mistakes as part of being human, the immediate reaction is rejection. That mistake is already part of us and it exists for a reason. Making a mistake does not make us a mistake. Eventually mistakes would make us wise, but only when we choose to learn from them.

There is somehow a unnatural reaction of disgust towards the mistake that it is used to belittle others and ourselves. A constant reminder that we are not good enough. It begins in childhood and never ends. As children we feel an immense frustration when facing lack of understanding due to an even more natural mistake made due to lack of experience and knowledge. And yet, in adulthood we have the same critical attitude towards ourselves and others. 

Making a mistake is as human as it is unavoidable. To use a mistake against a person is refusing our humanity, which we believe to be imperfect. One can never be perfect and there is no point in trying. You will be your best, perfect self when you overcome the fear of being yourself, accepting your talents and flaws.


Looking Into Each Other's Soul: Opening The Door Of The Soul.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/19/2014 - 09:19

One of the things that I found, both, interesting and disturbing at my arrival in England in 1992 was the lack of eye contact and even physical contact for that matter. In time I got used to it, and as one of my beliefs is to adapt to what every country has to offer, I let it go. I must admit that I didn't do such a good job. I kept and keep looking at people in the eye, with different results; some positive, some others truly challenging. 

On the challenging front, we can find the infamous expression: "what the f*** are you looking at?" or its politer version "what are you looking at?" There have been interesting stories around these episodes, usually defiant, but what matters today is the answer. I am looking at you. And the words unsaid. I am looking at your soul. 

As years went by living in England, I was rather shocked in one of my brief escapades to Barcelona, where people do indeed look at each other in the eye all the time. It's the natural thing to do...


Healing Through Feeling: Taking Responsibility For Our Healing.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 11:04

The following is a very effective tool for personal healing that anyone can use at convenience any time they wish. Everyone is responsible for their own healing. Having the support and direction of others might feel and it is in fact wonderful, but no one can heal for us. Too often we put too much emphasis on what others can do while overlooking what we can do ourselves. Feeling is an act of self-love.

This method is a simple as to feel every feeling and emotion that we face. Humanity as a group is unfeeling. Living in a society in which each individual has been led to believe and encouraged to compete with each other, giving priority to our individuality above all, feeling has become a human need widely ignored. And yet, everyone has feelings and suffers silently due to avoidance. Follow your intuition, trust the process and above all, trust yourself.


Tears Are Healing: This Is The Reason Why.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/20/2014 - 13:47

Everyone has shed tears at one point in their lives, especially as a child. As children, we have neither the experience, nor the knowledge to interpret most situations we go through. Generally, tears are associated with a bad experience; therefore it is not surprising that we avoid crying, as tears as a norm always come after a negative experience. Crying is not part of the negative experience, but the beginning of the healing process. This, of course, does not apply to tears of laughter.

Crying is the body's natural resource to cope and eliminate the bad energies that we absorb from negative or stressful experiences. Everyone who remembers crying, must also remember the feeling of relief that comes after. As the general understanding is that crying is a sign of weakness or the admission that we cannot cope with the situation, most people try and avoid it at all cost, especially in public. Popular mythology says that boys don't cry and women are too emotional. Yet, one of the most powerful tools for healing we have as humans is crying. Avoiding it only makes us weaker. Not only it perpetuates the trauma, but it makes it stronger, deeper.


How To Prevent Bad Energies From Affecting You: Transforming A Negative Into A Positive.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 15:15

Every day I see numerous posts online in which people express the unfair treatment they receive from those to whom they have given their time unconditionally, opened their hearts and sometimes the doors to their homes. It is a sad reality, but one that we can change with time, love and patience.

There are two truths that we have to come to terms with. One, that our good deeds are not always reciprocated by those who benefit directly from our efforts. When this happens, the next step we should take is to let them go as soon as we can. 'Letting Go Of Toxic Relationships' is essential to have a healthy and happy life. Kindness is too often confused with weakness, and by keeping a firm position we show others that kindness is actually a sign of strength.


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