light codes

2017 Divine Love and Galactic Codes of Light Pouring In

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 12/20/2016 - 11:43

Imagine with me, this image. Imagine yourself in the crystal center of the earth. And in this image you are now miniaturized to fit on a crystal, a crystal that represents your soul.It contains the Akashic Records of your lives and experiences on earth. The end of the soul crystal is a pyramid shape, the point for you to sit on and with this it is like you are seated upon a crystalline pyramid. It is the activation of all lifetimes as one lifetime representing wholeness with all that you are, and also connected to all that is. Within this place, you access your whole souls knowing and also the earth's knowing and the galaxy's knowing. The higher knowing comes in on crystalline codes of light, through your human self now and transfers to your inner earth self, all deriving from the Great Central Sun and beyond and traveling through the earth's sun, yourself on earth, and this you that is within the crystalline core of Mother Earth, as a part of here. Receive all that is being gifted to you on the etheric level for a place of openness and worthiness of the transforming and transcendence energy to take you to a higher place.

CLEARLY SEEN: Earth Energy Report-September 2014

Submitted by starbaby999 on Fri, 08/29/2014 - 11:45

EARTH ENERGY REPORT - September 2014: A Pleiadian Collective Message

So here we are again, paused at another precipice in your personal evolutionary journey. You have accomplished much in over your short periods of time, namely the last several months especially. Humanity has grown by leaps and bounds – your conscious shall we has exploded of sorts, much like pulling a lever and allowing the pinball to move in all different directions. This describes not only the impetus that you as a race have had to illicit change within yourselves, but now the rewards that you are experiencing at this time – the acceleration of awareness, the desire to clean up and clear out anything that has held you back and stood in your way. Now is the time once again, to clear out more of the garbage – true – but in a different way than before.

Diamond Heart Essence Training ~ March 11th, 2014

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Thu, 03/06/2014 - 19:14

Walking Terra Christa New Earth Academy of Mastery is offering this amazing modality which assists individuals in accessing their I AM Presence and activating their higher essence on a daily basis.  This modality was previously given in a private session with a Chakra Balancing Alignment.  We found in 2013 that we could form a group class to assist individuals to receive this amazing attunement at a much lower price than before.  Not only that, we elevated the essence of the Diamond Heart Essence with Divine Light Language Codes that activate the diamonds within each person.

To make the DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm process easier, what we have now chosen to do is hold a group healing training session to begin the process of clearing the chakra system of anyone attending. We will bring forth the assistance of multiple shamanic and intergalactic healers to act in concert with us. This will set the foundation for the clearing that may need to be done on the individual basis as the Light Diamonds are installed.

The format of the new DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm TRAINING course will therefore consist of a combined Group Tele-Conference Session (approximately 1 hour in duration) to be followed by a scheduled Individual Session (approximately 25 minutes in duration) to finalize the clearing and install the Light Diamonds.

Planetary Awakening of Lemurian Seed Crystals Fully Activated!

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Fri, 01/11/2013 - 10:14

Planetary Awakening of Lemurian Seed Crystals Fully Activated!


Lemurian Seed Crystals fully activated, connected to Red, Blue,Emerald,Platinum, gold, All crystals pyramids, sacred sites, Egyptian pyramids, Mayan pyramids, as above as below, with golden ratio, sacred geometry. City of Schamballah.


Codes were full Awakened, Activated and Connected and sent out to though who are cleared to work with this. There Karma must be cleared to work with these coded crystals and are 100% of the light, for the light, with the light before Ancient codes,text,teachings will be revealed.


Yeshua ~ Take Your First Steps Into Your New Life ~ December 14, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 18:41

Yeshua ~ Take Your First Steps Into Your New Life ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ December 14, 2012

baby's firststeps6Yeshua:

Hello dear ones. I come again with more thoughts and assistance for your ascension process.

Each day is a marker for your growth, and decisions based on Love and clear intentions are key in these waning days of duality. Much has been said and touted about the “end times”, but it all comes down to this: Are you ready to change your life into one that is free and abiding with all that is Compassion, Joy, Love and Harmony? If the answer is yes to that, you are almost there; you are ready to slide into the Reality that only encompasses that, dear ones.

I don’t have to tell you how beautiful and full of Love and promise you are. Well, I will say it again, anyway. And you are so loved. It is apparent right now that you are at a crossroads. You can surrender yourself completely to this new World or you can let fear or attachment hold you back. It just takes constant examination to see what is there in your hearts still to release. And my dear friends, so much has been released. It will not go on forever, but you are well advised to dig and root for anything remaining that tethers you from freely flying, from freely accepting your new life and orientation into the 5th dimension.

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