
Momentary Flux March 23rd 2015

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 03/23/2015 - 20:21

Momentary Flux March 23rd 2015

Advances made in cosmoses, what pertains to new matters individually while having sub selected fields, on disposable venues, carries on codes in synaptic currents. Probabilities in manifesting core attributes, once the higher guidance is enabled, adjusted from temporal fields, while denying facts about what contends to within postulations, as these, we say congratulations, temporal flux has been alleviated, some constructs which were evolving on their own shifted co-dependently at venues in which we were having some problems. In depth probabilities conjunct to synapsis, while simplifying the intellectual flows, carries on codes for the reuptake which kindly gives about an abundance on occasional flux, which is core dispersions as it main transcription point.

Left out intellectually the advances are made for co-extensions, which are probable future timelines, and grid networks, as the higher dimensional grids acts out as a dispositional codex while contending to irregular synapse, momentarily giving into abundance from thoughtful venues, what has parts of our contributions in making some adjustments to core fields, while having synaptic flows/currents carry on codes for us to contend to irregular synapse which is bypassed for subliminal context which carries on codes in constructs which evolve at some co-dependency, codependent forms of irregular synapse.

Probable future timelines are adjusted, temporal flux is alleviated, some concepts from core genesis, is contemporarily giving out some accensus to individuals carrying the light codes, for resurgence.

About the Concepts

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 01/16/2015 - 10:49

About the Concepts

What is emitted here has high frequency active auroral research program in some matters, since the concepts, from before... In 2013 had shown what they could do and utilize those machines for, while eventually they have them around the world in many places... And some are constructed differently, and have extreme advancements being made, things which we may not believe is possible, or think of, until they come out with the possibilities, of those machines, and what they usually attempt to do, in some areas of the world where, frequencies may be adjusted, post for another word, adjusted for eventual effects, either as, a totality or, to give about, make experiments... Simply having eventual humans on Earth experience what they could term god. But given the formations of the effects carried on out individually with all the other concepts and possibilities, as higher dimensional beings and other existences, have as effects while they adjust frequencies, temporary means to connect to those realms, which can allow us to get to, or view, experience many things which can be complex, and perpetual in fabrics which can get us to eventual death or, simply a "brick" as our states of mind are being programmed or worked with, simply while those technologies may be in effects to either do good, or maybe they might call it anomalies or mistakes, if individually the information within a being is not renewed with the concepts which exist in the "new age" they might have a hard time understanding that it’s not much of a big deal, when we are under the effects of said machines, whichever ones may be utilized or worked with.

Disassociated fields interplaying the fabrics of the cosmic/universal mind

Submitted by Mario on Sun, 01/11/2015 - 15:32

Disassociated fields interplaying the fabrics of the cosmic/universal mind

Prospects deemed within moments inherently advancing forms of energy in synapse. The frequent merges in aspects pertaining to the individuated fields playing out aspects of the universal mind, it is at contempt within frequencies, numerated at advents while interplaying residual effects from "nerve endings" resonance in systems, biological in natural compartments/exempts frequently abolishing the flows gathered above and beyond the consents, which predisposes the greater fabrics.

We are within moments of gathering prospects in the chemical make-up, implying adverse effects having looped frequencies to advance our soul constructs further.

Generalized awareness becomes expanded if we give about new measures for us to attend to, experience, in an open mind. Freely individuals having experiences in advancing concepts which can accumulate deviated fabrics for us to contend to in the near future... These advances may be within our inherent "design" in programs (concepts) which we have realized or gathered/created for advancing in our nexus.

Contemporary, we say... The most conventional ways of adapting some former knowledge within experiences to have as effects "a gathering" reaping of events, manifesting at moments which the integrated reaps have constructed within our "subconscious" a system, which links advents to eventual, experiences of what has been ingrained within the subconscious in those downloads, manifestations.

Fabrications, at residual effects can bring about new measures if we are tuning in, sub selective frequencies. More so the advances are being formed while we interplay the links, at the residual flows, which can compose flux that alleviate symptoms of the fabrics in experiences.




The higher realms of Thought

Submitted by Mario on Sat, 01/10/2015 - 14:58

The higher realms of Thought

Forming gradual selection processes in the mind, what we mean by this process has as effects greater frequencies interplaying the fabrics of our thoughts/mind while independently growing at large the excessive counter parted ways of having thoughts enabled… The concept of thought is one of many things which were created for us to understand better (Set limits) to be able to explain something which we do not truly know or understand it clearly yet as the eventual means of having thoughts come up, does not necessarily mean that those are thoughts. Simply put it is what we know them as… But it is a form of energy which comes from? And which guides us or gives us ideas or concepts to help us understand… But where do they come from?

This is something which may be new to individuals with the greater fabrics at hands while keenly igniting the flow which allows us to explain what thoughts may be… To understand what they are for and what we may want to have them for or as, if pertaining in, when you smoke marijuana the effects brings about new thoughts or altered thoughts in effects to explain certain things.

That is if you are having visuals within, the visuals may be coming from the pineal gland, (The inner eye) which composes many different things if we enable it to grow. The concepts achieved here as exempts in the fabrications which has brought up new measures for us to understand what higher realms of thought may be… Simply put, having visuals and creating environments within for us to have messages conceptualized within and be explained in differing causes, has as effects higher realms within thoughts which composes the general understandings in what you want to have as abilities to explain or gather information for some questions or concepts which you may want to learn.

Building Time

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 01/09/2015 - 10:15

Building Time

What can be conceived here as building time has as aspects greater nominal factors playing out key components in world ideologies where time is a reminiscing factor, to abolish some previous flows on governing factors in the actual realities which merges in constructs (following trough) the formal grounds, (understandings) which partakes in the individuated fabrics in more so, less than, what we can conceive/perceive after a generalized fall in accents/accountants deeming the prospects purposeful in attempts to fixate on the probability factors which composes the numerals (standards) above all else when we fail to give out this information…

But sub selectively they have governed world affaires quite well in excellences meaning the prospects are keen in eventual remakes, the concepts which can abolish the greater flows, in what fluctuations could be reasserted for individuals gradually augmenting in the predispositions towards that generated flux…

By contents those would be enable after a general event which composes the unity grids for commands given in reminiscing accountants for advances within their genomes/constructs/manifestations for individual missions which counterpoises the after effects/aftershock of events while keenly igniting the governmental flow in distributions across this galaxy.

Fabricating Excellence

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 01/07/2015 - 12:14

Fabricating Excellence

Excelling within prospections, advents to new telemetry while keenly igniting the flows in virtues which contemporizes the “new” velocity factors, which have as effects keen compartments comporting new eventual means to having predispositions towards events occurring while independently having/seeing it as a contact a continuous contact for advancements within our genomes and human functionality for evolution which partaking in the subliminal waves has as effects a gathering of souls which we needed to exempt from for the casual attempts to reallocate the eventual fabrics which where deemed impossible to understand while having the momentum in gathering the prospections which could enable new world views while attempting the new functions of our genomes to have excessive counterpartyed ways to develop former attributes in reminiscences…

Having said that we wish you a good… New contact space gathered here for this moment, we seem to have abnormal attributes developing while having sub selective fields gather proportionate intel for the “sub selective fields” which are corresponding to new world matters while having the concepts emerge from nothingness… Which implies new constructs to explain what some of the “abnormal attributes” might have been while seeing these manifestations come to fruition.

We now imply on giving out our new consent on the energies which are facilitating something which we thought could not be possible for means of a better word, deviate, the fabrics of our “channeling”.

Contemporary these have a sub selective field in prospects, quadrupling the core EXTENTS, what we mean by this is simple atrophy giving about means to understand the fabrics or laws which may or may not have as effects any means of our former understandings (Levels) which contemporizes the effects (What we go in) while gathering some momentum in our {Works}.

Probability Factors

Submitted by Mario on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 16:51

Probability Factors

Given rules to contemplate advents... New avenues in which the important aspects of our renown "world" comes to a close after abolishing said flows in superstitious accounts... What seems impossible to manifest in moments of greater clarity or so challenge can be causation of the better "gradual" (gradation) point which comes from avenues in depth... "Deep avenues" what causations has as effects pertaining to the higher flows while we are in gradation has aspects of this feed coming to fruition...

We see aspects where folks are abundant in their life paths... Meaning they are adjusted to the new frequencies "fabrics" which help them evolve if the pertaining choices within said accountants, get assumptions, to partake in greater length, "wave", which contemporizes the avenues which we can pick by choice after gradual selection points are achieved for higher manifestations (reality’s) all together for a "round up" of events while interplaying the fabrics of a cosmic mind/alliance in perpetual fabrics... Fabrications which evolve if said accountants partake within the flows... The waves pertaining to fabrics above the cosmic dispositional fields... Which accountants deem it important in these moments to manifest truthful advents/avenues which can contemporize the renown constructs which may be getting out to, or, out of hands, in these moments, to humans on Earth?

The simplified views of what could be said after gradation points, which come in superstitious accounts, and or deviated means, rather than factual avenues, which contemporizing, has as an accounted measure, to deviate the fabrics of the universal mind... The contemporary fields may be in causation of greater chained reactions throughout individual fields, while partaking in the subliminal contents/contact if keen crystallites evolve the genomes, which has contents of dematerialized focuses within beings partaking in the subliminal accounts...


Submitted by Mario on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 16:49

Demeliem’etric, conversions.

Aspect’s deemed within moments of this (feed’s) coming to fruition, (flowing) at “large capacity”, for a gradual “remake” in the adaptations’ of higher (possibilities), while condoning the greater residual effect’s* gathered at a balance point.

The fabrication of those (point’s) in interest’s* “can contest” to higher attributes’ if one is on a possible margin, timeline fracturing advent’s to new implementation’s, in the future, which has bypassed scopes of opportunities’ for being’s to manifest in gradual moment’s, what it is, we are conceiving gradually at these (points) “in time”. The fabrication’s are at large (consensus) around the world* globally**, entraining higher intellect’s, at query.

The simple aspects pertaining to given matters, will shift “the known consensus” while condoning the greater ASPECTs at large*.

WE* are above** the known consensus of impasses’ while gradually, growing at LARGE.

The possibilities confining the general knowledge’ in location’s (avenue’s) of gradual* Higher** “path’s”, give about a materialized focus in the “unimpeded” being’s (*) while indefinitely governing the attributes which are confining the general knowledge after these intake’s. For the higher aptitudes, we will give about consensus in a gradual remap:{“}| after acquiring the abnormal (FLOW’s) in the matter at hand’s, implementing gradual exemption’s across the “world in a ide” renown, possibilities’ in the fabrication of what we could term as (*”telemetry)”* while independently we are giving (consensus) about the “gradual” Implementation’s** which should change about the fabric of our understanding’s to greater height’s’ in moments of achieving correspondence to higher intellect’s in the (fabrication’s, point of interest*) … This was acquired after a gradual implementation, which was renowned as a command? Question mark. J


Submitted by Mario on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 16:46


This content is acquired when we develop the fundamental parts of our being's, to greater aspect's, within moments, of higher opportunities, while the governing factors are driven by eventual exempts, in the fabrications, which allow velocity to flow at better causes...

These may have in effects greater residual matters at hands, but the responsibility factors, conforming the gradual bonds in which we can explain these… The opportunities^ (manifestations) can be gathered for a select few individuals, in momentum arriving independently for greater use in synchronizing flows, at causation points for {integrations}, while adapting within the responsibility factors*.

While synchronizing with the higher flows, the contemplations, or so abilities, to drive the factors of our lives to greater extents, is govern within attributes conformal to the natural flows within our genomes, while expansive to the nature of life itself.

Having the higher implementations, can renew “open” our senses, which are deemed conformal in events carrying the “ebb & flow” which can be causation of the vortexes coming to fruition within moments of the higher aspects [abilities] developed at greater lengths to advance in evolution, from moments of assimilation and construct (Creations) … To co-create by tapping into the flow, {concepts} for download and implementations, while dependences, are at, temporal factors for velocity in said accounts, which causes general/gradual mappings in extents to the evolving flows, which independently gives higher attributes, within moments of greater residual flux, in accountants.

Intellectual development, {advancements} are quadrupling in extents the general fabrics of the “consensus”, understanding for velocity, momentum, within creation’s…

Hyper Dimensional Thought

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 12:46

Hyper Dimensional Thought

Degradations throughout the planetary grids… Composing crystal fields… Matter which abolishes the flows…. Conceptualizing the remaining parts, header, and choices within developments.

Formal attributes are composing crystal fields.

Implementations acquired once devotions rise in the sub selective avenues/fields, within mappings (Generated from Quantum Thought).

The Hyper Dimensional aspects, within those fields, (creations/manifestations) has attributes of what we may term advance or higher technology in dispositions, within the fields, manifested, developed within, from moments of generalized contact… Which composes/counteracts the devious programs while having the higher adaptations within moments of truthful matters (Sub selected), formed in groups, deviated from factions where the key matter (Composition) is in need of balance factors.

Contributing to new advents, implementations which constructs/contemporizes the eventual (factious) denominations, which interlinks by interchanging information (Light) at greater avenues, disrespected if one allows the nominal factors to co-create within moments of intellectual stamps. (Generated concepts) for “Mappings” to begin and cause sub selective fields/avenues to augment in dispositions, towards the higher actualizations, which in key notations has developed the greater attributes within moments of simple deviations towards the generated flux.

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