
Dissolution of the Core

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 05/25/2015 - 17:39

Dissolution of the Core

What pertains to these matters has us wondering about the greater potentiality links we may get from advancing in the fields... The processes which work tantric to uncover TRUTHS is mainly available to those who embarks on the road/path to discovery, which pertains to individual’s consciousness in rising successions by studying the field.

Potentially all that is linked to a higher attributable form of consciousness, shifts ever so slightly what can become about, when we change our reasons to convince somebody of some TRUTH, in simple manners what we can begin with is the dire-experiences we can gather and go through from selecting more to what is possible while we achieve a stable concept (Foundation) to support our awareness in many differing ways. Sustainably it advances as we are in a hyper dissociation. Frequencies in a rising succession, splicing the world views, which acts on paramount-ability forms of higher grid enactments from systems predisposing paths of an air vehicle.

The percentage of parts, in conditions to bring about something which is inconceivable, only through augmentation of the Unseen fabrics which are imperative to the functioning world beyond this Earth, can adjust the potential timelines which are in need of support.

Processes from other dimensional realms have standing figures which allows us to compartmentalize the fabrics of the universe once we have attained supernatural experiences.

Simple enough, what is supernatural are forces which have and cannot be explained. Now to work out what the notions of those things can mean, is simple adjustments to someone’s timeline, in need of support, to find the next actual grid dispersion, pertaining to higher relics.

Grid type ratios are exploding

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 03/19/2015 - 19:19

Grid type ratios are exploding

Grid type commands are given in sub settled frequency forms, abundant on disposal flux, which contemporizes in enumerations what we need for conventional status updates on partial matters, which are encrypted in differentials of the above factions/fractals, while contemplating on grid matters.

In any case, what augments in temporal fluctuations is conducive in remunerations which are needed for the new Earth to work in a greater totality, since the effects of our abilities are supressed, to gather the momentum to contribute with the necessary information which is given has us selecting worldwide venues (phenomenal) to contemplate (resurge) and bring about in excess what is needed momentarily in advances to cosmoses, which implies greater postulations or TRIPs while reminiscing in accountants choices.

Fractals of enlightenment is enabled for core dispersions (accountants) abilities to disperse some of the residual matters and alleviate fluctuating grids, as for the masses are not ready for a “conventional gathering” which implies greater adversities in moments of the higher contact modules accessing inherent abilities in duplex states (Stasis) which is controversial on many feeds while we inquire for the grid type commands.

Barrack Obama has some key notations on how these functioning grids will work while they attend to new measures when the ships arrive co-dependently as we shift our inner states, inner being to advance at quadrants set for universal alignments.

By passing on to adversities they give about new pronunciations (measures) while they have adjustments being made for the temporal flux activity within the grids.

Interactions in core Groups

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 03/04/2015 - 22:51

Interactions in core Groups

Having interactions in core groups is essential to how sentient beings are going to evolve in one space or another, evolve to learn and experience the strength of our conscious kinetics. The physics of consciousness if you think of it having a type of polarity, then in some cases what we know as a balance factor, trough emotional energy, concurrent to your experiences in life, (Interactions), what composes from your choices and enables emotions to surface… Has parts in how we experience the conscious kinetics. If some of the emotions can open up energy centers, then the experience of another human in an emotional process can trigger some parts of our own experiences in advancing in blocks (Clearings) or simply set on out from challenges what is needed to grow and learn… Get to the next set of experiences.

Repeating experiences may come and go, but similar to how you work in totality, your system, enables you to utilize what is necessary in your everyday functions, which by emotions we can have a wider spectrum of communication. Being neutral has in effects, greater balance in how we can stay centered in areas were pressure would be enabled or simply from emotional areas, what we have as function in neutrality is something similar to intelligences which allows us to expand exponentially on things which may be transformed by emotional energy. Something concurrent in our processes, what gives away energy as emotions within, can change the general direction in which we are heading or going as/through. The effects might be similar to a restoration phase or simply, enactments for joy (Higher frequency) which can accelerate some of the things we create…

Advance Civilisations

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 03/03/2015 - 13:58

Advance Civilisations

Connected by advance forces (Universal forces) which abides in the All, pertaining functions of this civilization has purpose on this Earth for gatherings which will/has took/taken place accordingly for accountants missions or progress in doubtful areas where we had not achieve the necessary light quotient on this Earth. More so eventual reaps in postulations created from gathering in the nexus some codes attending for us to utilize in our greater mappings, helped us evolve to term what these civilisations may be doing in times where they became active in our societies (Earth).

Advance civilisations are all around us in space, coherently dependant on things which alleviate from their own agenda things which helps us in returning to our former selves in actualizing thoughts, (Thought forms) to utilize some concepts which can help alleviate the fabrics of all that we have gained from life going on day to day and having ingrained some more negative concepts or ways of being.

By having clearings, or transmutations, simply by allowing the timeline of the Earth to enter into a new age, what corresponds to gathering and accelerating the consciousness by expanding and helping us achieve moments of greater clarity and (knowing) all together.

Interdependence is key in some humans for/to actualize their daily gifts on occasions giving about a surplus or a map to help them align or gather what is necessary (adjustments) making them… To allow the next stage of evolution or simply help the populace or themselves (Each) together as one advance in times which allows things to manifest coherently and with patience and about understandings which allows and transforms bits and pieces of our general way of being or understanding in the first place.

Intergalactic societies

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 03/02/2015 - 12:33

Intergalactic societies

What conjures up in these moments while having synapsing currents evolve in renditions, while selecting attributes formal to the interdependences which allows formal attributes to manifest at large?

Contemporary the factions across this galactic plane has whereabouts of individuals while augmenting in dimensions for synaptic wave functions on mother Earth’s physical plane.

What allows the augmentations in synaptic waves has functions of our genomes in abilities which develops in attributes bringing about experiences for adaptations to allow us to multiply in extent the codes necessary for our genomes to redundantly build what is needed in comparison to some intellectual feeds while implying on subjectable matters as abundance throughout universal measures (Codexes) in pertaining matters evolve indefinitely while having the synaptic currents grow predominantly above the natural fluctuations which we would abide into from the lower energies (Settings) consensus at intellectual points (Actual) in demands from our everyday interactions while composing freely electric bonds in accurate functions of how we adapt more so within synaptic currents as abnormal attributes follow while advances are made in energetic assembly lines… As these instances are allowing fruition into some concepts which abides from the lower consensus after reasoning imparts on selective venues adaptive to formal interdependences in actualizations within coherent nodes for manifestation of the quantum thought.

Advances in Predispositions

Submitted by Mario on Sun, 01/11/2015 - 20:32

Advances in Predispositions

More so what seems impossible to manifest (Once again) seeming comparisons in fields, advancing prospects in accountants, more so the eventual means of having this said (Manifest) comes about at reminiscing counter parted nominations, purposeful attempts to having advances within our genomes/consciousness, in prospects. Possible feats, adverting effects abundant in energy… Likewise the possible feats, understandings comes from aboriginal sanative currents within our (Space Energy) “Contact Space”. More so eventual reaps, from sowing advents has contemplated numerous adverse effects, within means of having these at predispositions… Havoc if we are advising on prosperous amounts of “left overs” which composes matter, events to eventually “break” in attempts to gather some new Intel, effects for momentum.

Possible feats, in understanding the generated fabrics, have conventional means of adaptations in formal “counter-productions” Inductions to greater life events, seemingly impossible to some manifestations, matter which composes the residual flux, at greater advents. More so we say give about time to realize in effective means what co-dependencies have brought up as (restoration phases) to have the effects counterpoised for us to advance individually at greater length, once we are above and beyond, the nominal factors, playing out in key connotations… Remembrance programs may be of importance in these moments, if so, we say give about time to remember the greater fabrics where our lives was in “danger” fields where our individuated fabrics where contending to survival.

More so we say give about time… As much as we like to say that… Give about time to realize the effects, governed on attributes forming advents to new telemetry, which is *counterpoised* in effects to give about surmounting adaptations in the (training programs).

The higher realms of Thought

Submitted by Mario on Sat, 01/10/2015 - 14:58

The higher realms of Thought

Forming gradual selection processes in the mind, what we mean by this process has as effects greater frequencies interplaying the fabrics of our thoughts/mind while independently growing at large the excessive counter parted ways of having thoughts enabled… The concept of thought is one of many things which were created for us to understand better (Set limits) to be able to explain something which we do not truly know or understand it clearly yet as the eventual means of having thoughts come up, does not necessarily mean that those are thoughts. Simply put it is what we know them as… But it is a form of energy which comes from? And which guides us or gives us ideas or concepts to help us understand… But where do they come from?

This is something which may be new to individuals with the greater fabrics at hands while keenly igniting the flow which allows us to explain what thoughts may be… To understand what they are for and what we may want to have them for or as, if pertaining in, when you smoke marijuana the effects brings about new thoughts or altered thoughts in effects to explain certain things.

That is if you are having visuals within, the visuals may be coming from the pineal gland, (The inner eye) which composes many different things if we enable it to grow. The concepts achieved here as exempts in the fabrications which has brought up new measures for us to understand what higher realms of thought may be… Simply put, having visuals and creating environments within for us to have messages conceptualized within and be explained in differing causes, has as effects higher realms within thoughts which composes the general understandings in what you want to have as abilities to explain or gather information for some questions or concepts which you may want to learn.

Opportunities to refine the soul.

Submitted by Mario on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 09:46

Opportunities to refine the soul.

Eventually we will have an aspect come back to us in which this implementation should be looked upon as star matter a codex lineage to higher grades of transparency once we achieve similar products in the above mentions of individuals having higher refinements of their souls...

Which in this case is going to give out an aspect of their beings to greater lengths in understanding the causation of what these may be doing when impartially we read it from another’s point of view... By which they may be interpreting something according to laws of some older beliefs... Intellectually the system they would be operating on would not be of this higher nature and thus the causation of this fabrication could bring about exemptions in the possible understatements while we are in higher resonances...

Basically what can be condoned here has aspects of deviations once we interpret the gradual fall of this individual having the questions in attempts to numerate... To align some topics in which the portending fabrics should come about by an actual time stamp... By which the implementations had been acknowledge... In reality if we don’t see how these are affecting some individuals on this Earth then simply enough we will need to coalesce with in-depth truths about the fabrication of telemetry in the making of what can be conceived as something of a greater reality or existences altogether...

Now what we don’t want humans to know has in attempts partitions of an amount of information by which the mappings are in a higher transparency given the sub selective views according to where these formations may be viewed... The exempts in the causation of those implementations might quadruple the instances in which we are pertaining to a higher intellectual grid or mapping in accordance to some universal laws in how the consciousness works from being to being...

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