

Submitted by dASaLLeINE on Mon, 09/14/2015 - 05:43





Interactions at/in core venues

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 03/12/2015 - 22:37

(Written around March 4th 5th)

Interactions at/in core venues

What transcripts in these moments are measures which allows us to transcend momentarily, what conducts at our disposal, some interactive venues which by allowing some pre-texted events, postulate in acquisitions to pertaining matters. Sub selectively the formations are growing in dispersions on whereabouts of the predisposed informational flux abiding in deeper actuality/reality/formations which condones on impasses associated within the fields…

Interactive postulations in synaptic modules.

Compelling behaviors excel in what becomes/is predisposed, and in actuality some of the information which comes in can be gathered from events, eventually, as interactions or so at adaptability programs (in depth) processes* which allows some factions to utilize core dispersions of the anomalies, which where concurrent in nodes adjacent to infinity. What transports the intellectual fields in moments of achieving a greater flux, pertains to matters conditioned by the minds interactions on actuality driven forces/factors, from the predisposed (accensus’s) which may become abrupt if we leave the matters unattended*.

Sub Set Deviated Fabrics

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 03/10/2015 - 20:48

Sub Set Deviated Fabrics

Some perpetual forms of awareness's... Trough galactic inheritances, what seems to abide from lower (TRIPs) Transitional Realms In Postulation's, seems to be giving us hints in how this totality (Formation) Planetary, Galactic... Comes to its own perpetuated fabrication.

What seems to "de-crystallize" flows which are adaptive trough us, abundant in this universe...? While corresponding matters evolve on truthful accounts...

What seems to postulate at greater ends... Seems, look's, as a being, interacting in what we termed the (core genesis)... Individually this being would be entrained by many factions across this galaxy... And more so evolving at a temporal fluctuation... What resembles actual glitches in the "matrix" could be what we speak of when we are in creation, the particle wave effect... Which is abundant throughout multiple realms in which the postulation would be a carry on from the inner realms...

So it would go from the outer to inner and then postulate within, concurrent to the outer (actualizing the outer) in a form of transcription. What's amazing in this "conspiracy" or simply intellectual drive/flow which is abundant while utilizing in excess what we can "surmount" on occasions...?

Temporarily the constructs abide in lower forms of transmutation... But on the other hand... When we evolve beyond the ordinary, which is conceptualized for us to gather within, postulate, augment in dispositions and much more, has concurrent nodes adjacent to infinity as its main transcription/Transmitting point (nexus)...

Advance Civilisations

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 03/03/2015 - 13:58

Advance Civilisations

Connected by advance forces (Universal forces) which abides in the All, pertaining functions of this civilization has purpose on this Earth for gatherings which will/has took/taken place accordingly for accountants missions or progress in doubtful areas where we had not achieve the necessary light quotient on this Earth. More so eventual reaps in postulations created from gathering in the nexus some codes attending for us to utilize in our greater mappings, helped us evolve to term what these civilisations may be doing in times where they became active in our societies (Earth).

Advance civilisations are all around us in space, coherently dependant on things which alleviate from their own agenda things which helps us in returning to our former selves in actualizing thoughts, (Thought forms) to utilize some concepts which can help alleviate the fabrics of all that we have gained from life going on day to day and having ingrained some more negative concepts or ways of being.

By having clearings, or transmutations, simply by allowing the timeline of the Earth to enter into a new age, what corresponds to gathering and accelerating the consciousness by expanding and helping us achieve moments of greater clarity and (knowing) all together.

Interdependence is key in some humans for/to actualize their daily gifts on occasions giving about a surplus or a map to help them align or gather what is necessary (adjustments) making them… To allow the next stage of evolution or simply help the populace or themselves (Each) together as one advance in times which allows things to manifest coherently and with patience and about understandings which allows and transforms bits and pieces of our general way of being or understanding in the first place.

Co-extensional loops

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 01/15/2015 - 12:28

Co-extensional loops

Adapting to new measures, we are growing the nexus for reasons above the abolishment’s which contended in formal awareness’s at times where we had individually gathered within some darker constructs. More so to advance individually at higher length/aptitude we enabled new world views in predispositions within time frames where greater fluctuations where being played out for advances beyond the quarantine at quadrants set for some universal alignments*.

These alignments had been attempted (Made Globally) after successive missions were accomplished.

Now we are renewing them for advents in predispositions which will allow the greater fabrics to evolve further. Since past results where a bit “different”, not what we would of liked to attain or see… It was accsensual from what was expected and “in hopes” has helped gather enough Intel (experience) to manage better causes after we get within those points, effects/experiences again, with ratter less difficulties.

Now we will form in groups, classes which allows for telepathy, in our dream states or in light chambers, which can be interplayed, downloaded, actualized, organized, and experienced anywhere, anytime once we open up to the greater fabrics individually or as a group experience enabling us, aligning us, for those things to happen. By selecting it within choices for advancements, not as a “try out”, but individually as our (greater selves) calling us out to align to those choices in attempts to help us understand what these may be, an in actuality, experience it.

It will help us in achieving the training needed to commence new missions, which are already ongoing and have been for some while, simply never “noticed” at large because of secrecy or the type of programs we had chosen to experience.

The higher realms of Thought

Submitted by Mario on Sat, 01/10/2015 - 14:58

The higher realms of Thought

Forming gradual selection processes in the mind, what we mean by this process has as effects greater frequencies interplaying the fabrics of our thoughts/mind while independently growing at large the excessive counter parted ways of having thoughts enabled… The concept of thought is one of many things which were created for us to understand better (Set limits) to be able to explain something which we do not truly know or understand it clearly yet as the eventual means of having thoughts come up, does not necessarily mean that those are thoughts. Simply put it is what we know them as… But it is a form of energy which comes from? And which guides us or gives us ideas or concepts to help us understand… But where do they come from?

This is something which may be new to individuals with the greater fabrics at hands while keenly igniting the flow which allows us to explain what thoughts may be… To understand what they are for and what we may want to have them for or as, if pertaining in, when you smoke marijuana the effects brings about new thoughts or altered thoughts in effects to explain certain things.

That is if you are having visuals within, the visuals may be coming from the pineal gland, (The inner eye) which composes many different things if we enable it to grow. The concepts achieved here as exempts in the fabrications which has brought up new measures for us to understand what higher realms of thought may be… Simply put, having visuals and creating environments within for us to have messages conceptualized within and be explained in differing causes, has as effects higher realms within thoughts which composes the general understandings in what you want to have as abilities to explain or gather information for some questions or concepts which you may want to learn.

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