unconditional love

The God/Goddess Energy ~ Divine Masculine/Feminine Energy

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 05/08/2017 - 02:31

The God/Goddess Energy ~ Divine Masculine/Feminine Energy


A rebalancing is taking place in the energetic matrix and that is of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies – the God/Goddess archetype. As much as the Planet is in need of the Divine Feminine energy, so is she in need of her Divine Masculine energy, for the one illuminates the unique qualities of the other, and therefore both energies need to be present in order for a rebalancing to occur.

The human male energy must not be confused with the Divine Masculine energy. The human male energy can be controlling, domineering and may even resort to violence, whereas the Divine Masculine energy is unconditionally loving, nurturing, and protective.

So, in fact, the Divine aspects of both the Feminine and Masculine energies are needed on Earth in order for a successful rebalancing to occur. And this is our task here on the Earth plane – to bring into balance both aspects of this energy, to unite once more the Twin Flames of Divine Love into One Unity Consciousness, in an energy where they support each other. One cannot stand alone without the other. Both flames are needed in order to be complete and whole and in order to BE in their full creative power and Essence.

This is where we are headed here on the physical Earth plane at this time. Twin Flames are in the process of being reunited so that they can create New Earth together as One powerful energy.

The Eagle has landed! What could his message be?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 05:09

The Eagle has landed! What could his message be?

“The Eagle portends great change in the air, a twist in the tale or a bend in the River called Life”, but what surprise awaits us as we approach this great bend? Will there be more rapids, or will the river become as calm as a great lake, just as the eye of the storm promises?

Spirit loves to speak in metaphors! It makes for better understanding apparently since each of us determines what these words may or may not mean.

Seriously though, the Eagle has landed right here in my little pine forest. He arrived about the time of the Equinox, at the start of Spring time and he’s been calling out to me ever since. Some readers may remember me blogging about another bird that appeared in my reality at about the same time of the year 2014. I called this my exotic bird because his call reminded me of the Amazon, although I’ve never visited there in this timeline. I only caught sight of him a few times and although his plumage appeared to be black, when the sunlight bounced off of his feathers I noticed he was the deepest sapphire blue.

My Eagle is also elusive since I’ve only caught sight of him a couple times surfing the thermal air currents, but I have heard him calling often. He did, however, land right in front of me in my dreams this morning. The strange thing is that he appeared to be more man than bird. Can angels shape shift? Nothing surprises me anymore and I know without a shadow of doubt that anything and everything is absolutely possible!

A Message From Your Soul: “Never before have you been so loved as you are now!”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 11/07/2014 - 14:29

You are so brave, and you are so loved. Right now, right here in this moment, you are loved more than you could ever imagine yourself to BE loved. You are valued and appreciated and honored for your courage and strength.

We wish for you to know that it is safe for you to love your Self and to be loved in return. Your Higher Self and Soul longs for your love. Your body longs for your love, and is nourished by Love. Love is your Soul Food. Love heals, love changes.

There is a saying “Time heals…” It is a saying that people use to comfort themselves, but in reality time does not heal, love does. Time only dulls the ache and the pain and the sadness, but it does not heal the wound.

The message today is guiding you to let go of the judgment you have placed upon yourself. Let go of the feelings of being unworthy, and not good enough. You DO deserve to be loved, and you ARE worthy of BEing loved in return. You always have been. Your earthly sojourn has not changed that. If anything it has been magnified, because never before have you been so loved as you are now!

No matter what you have gone through in your life, no matter what experiences life has shown you, you have always deserved love. Start now, today. Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself “I love you!” Open your heart and FEEL love for yourself. Put your arms around yourself and give yourself a BIG HUG! Go on…. Don’t be shy! Do it, please!

Sunday Musings ~ So Much Love! Go on! Grab hold of it with both hands! What are you waiting for?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 09/28/2014 - 08:40

Our hearts expanding continually to hold more love than we have ever before experienced. Sometimes that may feel painful, but it is nothing to be alarmed about. In fact, it is something to be celebrated. Every time you feel tightness in your chest, know that your heart center is expanding to hold more love and light. Take several deep breaths to help the energy flow through. Pamper and nurture yourself! Take a luxurious hot bath with lavender oil and sea salt. Go for a walk in nature if you can. Listen to music. Play an instrument if you can. Dance. You have no idea what is going on inside of you or the full extent of what you are accomplishing here as a Warrior of the Light. You may feel as though you’re doing nothing, but know your Higher Self is working with you and through you non-stop! The more time you spend within your Heart /Higher Self / Soul, the easier the transition becomes.

Everyone is going through various stages of releasing right now. Don’t let your ego and your fears prevent you from facing these negative emotions. Do whatever it takes to keep your vibration high and stay positive. Watch happy movies. Watch sad movies. There is nothing wrong with crying. It releases sadness which is a positive thing. All of us have come here with our fair share of negative emotion within our karmic imprint. It doesn’t matter what you’re releasing or for who. We are all One! What matters is that you don’t hold onto it and take ownership of it. It is surfacing to be released. Nothing more. Don’t make an issue out of it and don’t try to analyze it. That is what your ego does.

The Ties that Bind...

Submitted by moonhippiemystic on Sun, 10/20/2013 - 14:45

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all barriers within yourself that you have built against it ~ Rumi

Toxic relationships come in all forms and can be detrimental in so many ways but also offer the greatest opportunity for growth and learning. It’s within the mindset of growth that we can begin to navigate and resolve relationship toxicity issues in order to release and move on. This can be a very difficult thing to accomplish since the toxicity is much like a drop of ink that spoils the entire well leaving a cellular toxicity, much like an allergic reaction, to this kind of abusive relationship. The poisoning of the well leaves us feeling “tainted” and eventually leaves behind a continuous cycle of grief in the emotions of denial, bargaining, anger, and pain that never leads to the Acceptance we seek in the form of Unconditional Love.

In the big picture, no one has “permission” to bring toxicity into our energy field unless we Allow it. However, sometimes the toxicity sets in on a cellular level when this kind of relationship is born in childhood before we have earliest memories or have even learned to communicate in some cases. It can become a challenge in learning to separate one’s own “energy” from the energy of the poisonous relationship so it’s important to have insight into how to let go and/or navigate the relationship in a different way.

The Place of "Only Love"

Submitted by ellion on Thu, 10/03/2013 - 12:17

The Foundation of The Galactic Free Press is Unconditional Love.  THAT is what drew me to joyfully be a part of those who recognize their Being as a Unique Part of the Whole.  We totallt aquiesce our wills to that of the Whole One, All that is.  We realize that mankind has crossed the meridian from the old age of power and domination into the New Age of equality, friendship, common vision and above all Unconditional Love which makes the New Age possible.

The Place of "Only Love"

Submitted by ellion on Thu, 10/03/2013 - 12:17

The Foundation of The Galactic Free Press is Unconditional Love.  THAT is what drew me to joyfully be a part of those who recognize their Being as a Unique Part of the Whole.  We totallt aquiesce our wills to that of the Whole One, All that is.  We realize that mankind has crossed the meridian from the old age of power and domination into the New Age of equality, friendship, common vision and above all Unconditional Love which makes the New Age possible.

Sananda: Feel And “See” Yourself Walking Always In The Golden Light and Consider It Your New Home ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June16, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 06/16/2013 - 16:50




Greetings all. I come to greet you again and to discuss with you more “food for thought” as you embark further on your journey of ascension and complete enlightenment.

Your return to your True Selves has been an arduous journey at times, pray tell, but my gifted ones – my lighted ones, you are thoroughly prepared and “wired” for this illustrious journey all the way to fruition.

Be prepared for more refinement of your purpose and your destiny. As you enrich yourselves with the energies building and building as we speak, you may notice a lot of quivering in your Light Bodies. They are taking on greater amounts of light and so, must adjust. More pockets and packets of information will thus be opened for your awareness, and it is important that you relax and allow them to “come to light” so to speak.

Your refinement may leave you feeling “lost” and “empty” at times, but it is merely the adjustment and the intake of greater energies. I beseech you to take it in stride and not to “try“ to figure it out too much, but just allow and surrender and BE. This is still a little foreign to many of you, as you often get the “call” back to what you think is your true reality and so you must “attend” to things which may or may not bring you into a lower vibration.

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