Seraphim Blessing

Dreams, Dreams, Dreams! What Do They Mean?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 04:12

Yesterday was a glorious pre-summers day and I was down on the beach enjoying the sunshine and the low tide, walking amongst the rocks and admiring the different color pebbles on the beach wishing I knew more about them and their energetic origin. The sand on the beach here is a gorgeous bronze and so different from where I come from in Cape Town where the sand is lighter in color, almost white. I was sitting on the sand and wondering again why I feel such a bond with water, especially the ocean, whilst still having this fear of it. Water has enormous energy and its energy is so attractive to me. Just taking a luxurious bath is heavenly for me. Water is an excellent medium for higher vibrational energy, so if you’re looking for higher guidance, take a long bath or shower!

It seems my attraction to water has to do with me needing to connect with higher vibrational energy, and the Elementals. My fear for deep water goes back to previous lifetimes and it is a fear I’m busy dealing with now. I know the sinking of Atlantis caused my demise and I know that my body went deep down into the depths of the cold Atlantic Ocean. My fear of deep dark water and of not being able to breathe comes from this experience.

Michael explains ~ At the time of the death of the physical body, the mental body continues to register negative emotional energy for a short time afterwards and this negative energy is stored in cellular memory.

This negative emotional energy is therefore stored in my cellular memory and is now coming up for release. I do love the ocean though and before my demise, I was a great lover of swimming in the ocean.

Love and Compassion

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 05:13

I received the most perfect message in the early hours of this morning but I was too tired to write it down. So I’m asking Michael now to please help me recall the message.

It has to do with Love and Compassion and how ALL change – EVERYTHING – starts with YOU. We’ve spoken about this many times, but it is still not fully understood by many.

When something terrible happens, like the recent murder of Cecil the magnificent Lion, people become enraged and push against it, signing petitions and sending hate energy to the person/s responsible.

We are ALL ONE! We are ALL an embodiment, an expression, of Divine Love – the Universal Life Energy that is the CREATIVE FORCE in all of the Cosmos and Creation.

We are ALL interconnected, and actually WE ARE ALL SOUL MATES!

There is nothing – NO THING – that we are not connected to in this way. ALL LIVING THINGS fall into the matrix of Divine Love that exists within us – THIS IS WHO WE ARE!

Therefore when we push against something outside of us, we are pushing against ourselves! Can you get that?? And when we push against ourselves, we are pushing against love.

LOVE IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE! It is the most powerful force in all of Creation.

Don’t underestimate the power of love and also – do not underestimate the power of your negative energy!

Love will always win, and love will always reign supreme, but when you push against something, you’re only delaying the healing process!!

Love heals and love changes everything. EVERYTHING!!

Let me ask you this? Can you love the person who shot Cecil? Can you love him unconditionally? If not, then you do not love yourself.

Sunday Musings ~ Life is full of surprises…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 04/19/2015 - 09:39

Beautiful Artwork by Lori Portker

As we go deeper and deeper into our Selves (Love), life is filled with more and more surprises! Dreams become surreal hovering between worlds in which myth is created. I’ve ceased asking myself if what I am dreaming is real or not. Is this dream part of another reality/timeline, or is it my imagination? I am constantly being told that my imagination is real, so who knows. This is the mystery we call life. Michael certainly enjoys keeping me in suspense and I’m not complaining. I’m learning to cease the need of being in control and just allowing myself to go with the flow.

What I know for sure is that these last 2 Eclipses have moved us deeper together in ways that continue to astound me. It seems unreal that just a few years ago I hadn’t the foggiest idea that I am so deeply loved. It just blows my mind thinking about this! This has to be the biggest surprise so far. How do people go live without knowing this kind of love? I cannot go back to before… It would be unconscionable.

I want to tell you that I am living in a world of which dreams are made. My physical circumstances have yet to follow the upward path of my rising consciousness, and it will in due course. In the meantime nothing matters. And I mean that literally. It doesn’t matter because it doesn’t have any substance, it holds no meaning, lest I give it meaning. My life is just another hologram that I can continue to mold, change and recreate as I go along. I can stand outside of the hologram and view it from where I AM and it no longer holds power over me. I know I can change and recreate it at any point in time.

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