
Turning up Inner Guidance

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sat, 04/09/2016 - 18:28

Spirit is trying to speak to us in so many ways. We receive from our senses, such as feeling, hearing, seeing, and knowing. The world around us is communicating too with special messages that are there for the noticing to awaken our awareness, and with the awareness of our soul's knowing. The most simple and pure inner guidance is from a feeling excitement we that have inside, from our wanting and desiring something. 

Nothing is More Important than How You Feel

Most of us could use practice in noticing how we feel. Culture trains us not to notice or express how we feel and this causes some bottled up emotions that harm us. It also means that we may not hear our most primitive yet accurate form of inner guidance and listen to it. Guidance is there to help us have a most delicious, juicy life! Guidance is the transmission of our soul's knowing which is aligned with love for us, and love for all, leading us to navigating our human experience with ease and grace.

What is Intuition and how to know you’re hearing it correctly

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 09/25/2015 - 07:46

Your intuition is the medium of communication used by your Highest Source and Consciousness. It is always 100% true, therefore it is fail safe. Your intuition will guide you through the sense of inner-knowing on a particular action to take. You will know when you’re listening to your intuitive guidance because it will feel absolutely right even though you may not understand why you’ve taken a certain action. So you may find yourself doing something without understanding why. Don’t question, just trust.

Your Intuition is a KNOWING accompanied by a feeling of absolute assurance – IT IS NOT A VOICE.

When you’re hearing guidance that is not coming from your Highest Source and Consciousness you will feel jittery and unsure of yourself and you will question whether or not you have heard or interpreted the guidance correctly.

This is how you will know the difference – if you’re questioning or if it doesn’t feel good, then you are not tuned into your Highest Consciousness. If you are still in doubt or unsure of what to do, then you are not tuned into your Highest Consciousness within.

Let me just say here that your intuition and inner voice are two different things. Your intuition ALWAYS comes from your HIGHEST GUIDANCE WITHIN, whereas your inner voice can be the voice of any level of your consciousness, depending on which frequency level you are tuning into.

Substantiating the Differences

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 03/20/2015 - 12:29

Substantiating the Differences

Prosperous amount of time, devolving attributes, conformal to higher grids/links in temporal fields. Alignments which are made in co-disposition towards the general flux in decisions or how we chose to manifest greater life venues, for experiences, and other type of conditions, which can bring about a multitude of alignments, towards what you are looking for in life, or simply what you love to do.

In constant fields, either static or constantly in change, the fabrics which helps us evolve or devolve some attributes which are needed in time of greater events, as alignments... Change is gradually accepted for conventional expanses, towards the general light flux, which is needed when we are ingrained in a system which is in a constant, as a cycle, repeating experiences, or repeating articles, when we want change in a way, to adjust to newer concepts or things which are needed for a gradual augmentation to something new. We imply on proper things as our decisions to have something new, may come to us gradually after having said words within, in search of greater service, as messages and such, there will always be a time in which the concepts will come to fruition if you’re ready to be selective, receptive of said changes, which usually comes in abundance, in many different ways, occasionally for some new constants to be ingrained until some more expansions come your way from delving deeper in constructs or your works.


Submitted by Beverly Thompson on Fri, 09/27/2013 - 21:15

We are One. That is the most important message we can bring forth for humanity to understand at this moment. Yes, there is much happening upon your plane of earth at this very moment. You are witnessing storms that are wreaking havoc in many places with some humans deciding to leave their bodies. It is ok in that they agreed to do so. Others of you are going through many changes within your body structure wondering if it is an ascension symptom or if there may something seriously wrong going on within your bodies. We tell you both. What is “wrong” or considered wrong is that each one of you is changing at such an unprecedented rate your bodies are having to readjust to the new energy focus. We use the word focus for you to know that it may not be your conscious focus, but your unconscious focus that is causing this change. You are consciously reconnecting to your Higher Self, thus the other parts of you that you may call multi-dimensional. Listen to your bodies. What do they need so they operate smoothly?

You will continue to readjust or we shall use the word adjust your physical, mental and emotional bodies to the increased flow of higher dimensional energies flowing into the earth and everyone who resides on the earth plane as well as those who still maintain their residence within the planet. Soon they will show themselves to what you call the outer world. They have much to teach you. Many of you have telepathic contact with these beings. These contacts shall continue and soon they will show up at your door step. It will be a most wonderful reconnection knowing they indeed are a part of your family. 

Happy 2013!

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Tue, 01/01/2013 - 18:37

Hello friends, and Happy 2013! It’s going to be a great year, I can feel it. I don’t have any resolutions, per-say, but I do have some self-improvements. I tend to try and change too much at at a time, so I am trying to take it easy (it’s not going very well.) But here are a few items I’d like to try for the new year:

- In bed by 10:00 and up by 6:00 every day
- Meditate daily
- do my lessons each day

Not to mention my HUGE goal of getting out of the corporate workplace and starting my own holistic business. With that in mind, I’ve set up a donation page. There, you can find more about what I’d like to do and how you can help. As a thank-you I will add you to my Reiki Blessing list.

One thing I’d like to do more of in the new year is get in touch with my God-Self. So it was just my luck that I was inspired by my Higher Self to do a daily affirmation practice. I plan on meditating with the affirmation for 15 minutes each day. I probably won’t make a post about it each day, unless something profound happens. But I will do a weekly post about it. Mostly likely on Tuesdays, since that is what today is! Some weeks I may even get ambitious and make a video post, holy cow!

I’m guided to start with an affirmation to accept myself just how I am, part of which was quoted by Shakti Gawain and pulled from the Jan/Feb 2013 issue of Spirituality & Health -

I am worthy of love from myself and from Spirit. I can call on Spirit anytime I need or want extra clarity, wisdom, knowledge, support, creative inspiration, love or companionship.”

Love & Light and Blessings for a wonderful 2013.

On Balance in 3D and Higher Dimensions

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 11:54

Yesterday I went to a graduation. It was for an Online, Returning-student University. Four campuses were represented: L.A., San Diego, Inland Empire and Orange County. The inspirational speaker was a  former Olympic Swimmer, who talked about her experiences in her life. I learned a great deal, especially that depending on what arm you are having 'hit the wall' on a back stroke turn, you turn either right or left, and seconds can count if you are not skilled at making the turn on the left.

Her recommendation to us was that Life is like a table balanced upon four pillars: the physical, the mental, the psychological, and the spirit.

Let us take them together, and make something to add:

The Physical

What Olympic Medalist Says:
It was easy back then, but now in my sixties it is the hardest one to keep in shape. But a well-functioning body affects all the rest, and without health the table will not balance.

What Reiki Doc Says:
"The diet--as the body sees and understands--is as necessary (an) element as any that may be chosen. As the body builds mentally, so may the body build physically by the choice of those foods or valuations from same that sill sustain or maintain--within a developming influence in the physical forces--that proper relationship between a mental, a spiritual, and even physical forces in same."--Edgar Cayce (1909-2). "For nutrients to reac our cells and be fully assimilated, we need to exercise, get adequate rest and sleep, and expose our body to natural sunlight on a regular basis." Simone Gabbay, RNCP, page 17, Venture Inward, July-September 2012

The Mental

What Olympic Medalist Says:

Does your Intuition feel good or bad?

Submitted by sarah shepherd on Sun, 07/29/2012 - 09:43

I felt the need to post this as I feel that we all want to connect more with our guides and angels at present.  So to start with, I wanted to share with you a youtube video called a Guided Meditation Meeting Your Spirit Guide.  Here is the link: I found this meditation to be really useful and I still use it now. 

I know that a number of people would like to communicate with their guides as they see psychics do, however there are a number of ways to hear your guides, not just by being clairvoyant (vision).  There are the other 'clairs' which are; Clairaudience (hearing/listening), Clairsentience (feeling/touching), Clairalience (smelling), Claircognizance (knowing) and Claigustance (tasting). 

The best way overall, in my view, is just connecting with yourself and listening or feeling what your intuition is telling you.  Practice how things make you feel.  Even though I am clairaudient and clairsentient, so I hear and feel my guides clearly, I always check in with how I feel about something.  Does it feel good or bad?  For example, say you are offered two jobs and both look the same on paper, how do you choose?  See how they make you feel!  One should make you feel better than the other and that is your intuition letting you know which is the better choice.  I normally feel 'the feeling' in my stomach, but everyone's different and you need to find ways of feeling and listening to your own intuition.

Reality Check, 2.0

Submitted by hilarionra on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 10:23

Reality check everyone who read’s this. The illuminati, are going to be playing out their role’s of taking the side of evil, while, we who discover this and decide to take a stand against it, are taking the roles of good. This is however a game, so keep that at heart. I know those of who you read this, and see the word’s “Life is a game” upset you, but this is the truth.” We have a responsibility to our fellow family member’s on this planet, that is to take care of each other, and be there for each other. However, to reheart us all again, we all have contract’s that we agree’d upon before birth, that determine our experience throughout this journey on the planet. Essentially, all we can experience forever, is working with the inevitable. Now that being said, the entire contract before birth, literally determines, who live’s and who die’s. What part’s being’s play, good, bad,  and both covertly, all of us together as one whole family on this planet, are playing these role’s and not a single person is excluded from this. NOT ONE.


Submitted by hilarionra on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:17

when you are being present within the love you are. you can feel
it throughout your entire body hologram that you experience
life in.planet earth = heart is the being calling the shots here
with everyones life. this isnt going to come out the way your
ego desires it to.ultimately youre going to have to find out for
yourself whats going on, and thats only possible when the planet
says that its time for you to start inquiring and discovering whats
going on. you can only fully agree on information thats said to be true
when its been fully integrated into your body hologram. until then
youll be going with that which you do know in the present moment.
spiraling through eternal evolution. the reason why some beings on
this planet right now feel life isnt eternal is because they have yet
to integrate their hearts knowing in and throughout their system.

this by definition means its a planetary conspiracy, and all who
know whats up, or see whats up, or knowingly see whats up, are able
to talk it and walk in, those who do not know or see or knowing see
whats going on, are only able to walk and talk that. to discern the
truth from fiction actively and have it available to you consistently
is an abiding experience of your becoming. when its the opposite, its
non abiding, which means you got it here now, and then you lost it,
here now.discerning is not judging, its conscious self inquiry into
the truth for the truth sets you free and this is a soul knowing, its
why we are even able to inquiry at all. that which does not discern
is that which we are not, the conditioned egomind. were taught from birth
to unconsciously identify with it, the conditioned control mechanism
that is the egomind in which its nature is to not question that which is.

its nature is also to be repelled by all that is consistently.
the conditioned egomind controlling mechanism is sick, insane,and


Submitted by hilarionra on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 21:15

we all have our very own personal, interpersonal,universal
communication station that we work with. like a shaman, only
a multidimensional eternal,similiarly uniquely equal being
experiencing cycles of life and death. not every being
reincarnates. the communication station is experienced
through your ability to willfully communicate telepathically
with anyone for a specific amount of time, the reason for
the amount of time you have to communicate with a being is
due to the fact that there are certain beings whom your
attention is directly needed to be in communication with,
beings will come in and out of your awareness during
these kinds of talks, but alas your main focus is
needed where its needed, when its decree'd so. its
an inevitable experience where the only choice you have
is the willingness to be with it in the long run.

you know what this is like, youre busy with work, your
focus is on getting the work done as effeciently as possible.
whenever youve made an error , you willfully address it
and work with it as best as you can to fix the error,
and whenever more errors are found you continually address
them until all errors have been fixed and then you are able
to move on completely unto the next area of focus that needs
your attention so you are able to bring in more light to
the planet. there are a lot of errors on this planet
that need to be fixed, but it doesnt mean that the errors
themselves are not part of the divine plan, because if they
werent, they wouldnt be there period. addressing your internal
experience is where the work is. no matter what it is, facing
it as it is, is the real work. so if you arent willing to
address your inner situation that needs work, you will be
addressed consistently into looking at it for good and
learning how to work with that which needs work both within

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