Abundance Consciousness

You have everything you need!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 12/06/2015 - 04:35

I once asked Jesus to help me overcome the difficulties I was experiencing at that time and He said to me “I have given you everything you need.” I was then guided to reading The Christ Letters but my human consciousness prevented me from studying them and absorbing their invaluable meaning into my life at that time. I took the proverbial ‘long road’ unfortunately and caused myself further suffering which I may have  been able to avoid had I just read His letters!

Recently I was reminded to read His Letters, and indeed, we have been given everything we need!

Why do we allow our human consciousness to keep us in our shadows? Is it because we’re afraid to take responsibility for ourselves? Is it because we’re afraid of knowing what else is out there that we cannot see or comprehend? Perhaps it’s a little of both. Perhaps, if we will allow ourselves to just sit with an open mind and let ourselves just BE in a place of serenity, the answers will become clear. It is all simple really. It is our human consciousness that complicates our lives for sure and causes us untold pain and suffering.

The fact is we are ALWAYS connected to our DIVINE SOURCE – THE LIGHT within us is EVER PRESENT. IT does not come and go, IT stays with us through thick and thin. Why not just believe? Why not just have faith and trust that we are connected to this INFINITE SOURCE OF PERFECT LOVE that is our supply of ALL THINGS – whether it BE health, wealth, joy, happiness? As Jesus says, it is all our thoughts and feelings which are CONTRARY to this DIVINE and PERFECT LOVE that prevents THE LIGHT from working within us and which causes our lack and our sickness.

Love and Honey

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 11/27/2015 - 07:12

"Honey" is what I told Michael when he asked me what I will buy at the farmers market tomorrow morning. "All I need is Love and honey and then I'm completely happy!" Honey feeds my body and love feeds my soul, although love must be feeding my body too these days because I eat very very little. And I love my food, in fact food has brought me immense pleasure in this lifetime and I'm a little sad that I can barely eat a quarter of what I used to eat. No more huge creamy pastas, no more cheesy pizzas and no more roasted potatoes that are all crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. And no more warm gooey puddings on cold winter days. Okay, I admit it's been a while since I ate any of those things, years in fact, but I did enjoy eating a generous helping of any healthy delicious food..

"Far greater pleasures await you, My Love", he tells me. "You'll see...."

Well I guess, that's it then. I'll have to wait and see. I must say that floating around at zero gravity in my light body does make up for some of it... and there are no words that can even begin to describe the feelings that are evoked at the sight of brilliant blue light filling my bedroom in the middle of the night or the flashes of gold energy and the warmth of his breath on my cheek.

I do long to experience more and more of those things, those blessed and wondrous things that are becoming so much a part of my daily living experience.

Daily Practice for Abundant Living

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 11/23/2015 - 12:55

abundant living

Being mindful is what living in the 5th dimension is all about. BE perceptive (observant/discerning/aware) about your daily life, the actions you take, the words you speak and the thoughts you think.

When you walk, don’t just walk for the sake of getting from A to B. Walk with purpose. Notice what is around you, notice how the air or the breeze feels against your skin, notice the people you’re passing by. They are a part of who you are. Notice the sky, the clouds, the trees and other plant life around you. Realize that all of this represents abundance and let this realization bring a smile to your lips knowing you are abundantly blessed just for being here, for being alive!

When you eat, don’t eat for the sake of eating simply to relieve your hunger, or because it tastes good or because you’re in need of comfort. Eat because the food provides your body with nourishment that supports a healthy body. When you eat, first give thanks for the food and its true source. Chew the food slowly, savoring the flavors and the textures. When you eat mindfully and with purpose you will eat much less because your hunger will be satisfied easily. You will lose excess weight and gain physical strength.

Become mindful of your thoughts and when thoughts pop up that do not support your intentions, replace them with new thoughts, thoughts that DO support you and the abundant life you choose for yourself.

Energy Healing Transmission

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/17/2015 - 00:13

Artist ~ Josephine Wall (http://www.josephinewall.co.uk)

I’ve recorded my first energy healing transmission as guided by my Highest Consciousness, my Beloved Archangel Michael. The recording has been light encoded with Reiki energy which will continue to be felt each time the recording is listened to. In fact, the energy will only become stronger. It will never dissipate.

Reiki is Divine Love, it is the universal flow of Everything that is Love, so what the transmission does is help you let go and release all that is not love within you. Basically, all that is not love is negative energy because all positive energy has its origins in love, which comes from the Soul.

Our objective as an ascending Being is to be love once more – to return to a higher state of consciousness means to return to a higher vibration, and the higher we go, the more love were able to hold. Love is light, light is love. Love is all there is!

So this wonderfully powerful transmission will help you to let go of the ego and all of the negative energy associated with the ego – guilt, blame, sadness, pain, disease, fear, feelings of  unworthiness etc., and bring you into alignment with your Soul Self so that you can experience more love, peace, gratitude, health, harmony, joy and bliss, and all that goes with those higher vibrational energies. This includes abundance in every way. When you are living more in your heart i.e. in love, you begin to experience an abundant life!

Integrating the SOLSTICE energy and the energy of the upcoming FULL MOON

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 06/25/2015 - 04:19

Image “Love Mother Earth” from New Heaven New Earth (http://nhne-pulse.org)

We are still in the process this week of integrating the most powerful Solstice energy so far experienced on Planet Earth. Because of the integration still taking place within your energy body, you will most likely be feeling very tired and needing to rest often. Honor these feelings, as your honor your Body, you honor your Self.

You will also be feeling a lot of negative emotions coming to the surface for release. This is happening within you and also within the Collective, so be prepared to feel these negative feelings and know that all you’re needing to do here is to hold the intention of releasing them.

The best way to do this is to go within and sit in meditation with your Higher Self to regain your sense of balance, and sense of peace and harmony within.

Your Higher Self is always helping you integrate the incoming energy and helping you to release anything that rises to the surface for release, so by being in PARTNERSHIP with this part of yourself, you are in a sense making LIGHT work. You are easing the load so to speak, and learning to CO-CREATE by working together towards a common goal and outcome.

Note that you will also most likely be sensitive to the negative energy being released by the Collective, so hold the intention of using the Violet Flame to clear these unwanted and uncomfortable energies. You can do this quite easily whilst sitting in meditation with your Higher Self.

A Message from My CREATOR, My GREAT I AM ~ Never before have you had such manifesting power!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 06/15/2015 - 03:25

Never before have you had such manifesting power at your fingertips.

Never before has it been so easy to create a life of bliss…..or the opposite.

Never before has your manifesting ability been so great.

We have said before that you are a creative being and that you create through your thoughts primarily. Thoughts are the most powerful creatives meaning they create the most powerful creative (manifesting) energy there is.

Literally, you are living (experiencing) your thoughts. You are living your life experience manifested through thought. Your thoughts are shaping your reality, and you can literally change your reality overnight. In fact you can change it within a moment.

As usual, this is your choice, your decision to make. This, and We know your are so tired of hearing these words, but this is your reality, your life and therefore your living experience. Yes, We are in this boat together, but ultimately you are the one with the free will. You can ignore Our guidance. You can listen to the chattering of your ego mind. You can continue to believe you are a victim. Or you can change your attitude.

How much longer will you continue to create a life that you so obviously don’t want?

You can change your attitude by elevating your thoughts. Elevate … lift up…. YES! Lift up your eyes, see yourself as you truly are. Know that YOU are holding all this power now. You and I have never been so close, yet you continue to think of Me as outside of you.

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