Ascension updates

You have chosen to be a part of the ascension of Planet Earth

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/19/2017 - 07:53

You have chosen to be a part of planetary ascension and this is essentially why you are here now. You may be feeling as though you are no longer a part of this world but know that you cannot completely take yourself out of this world because you being called to work with people who are still living in this world and in the illusion of the old paradigm.

You are learning how to adapt yourself to both worlds. And you will develop the level of unconditional love and compassion needed to do the work you have come here to do.

There are still many who do not understand who they are. These people have been called “the lost ones”, although in truth no one is ever lost. These people do not understand why their world is the way it is. They cannot accept their role as creators. They look outside of themselves for someone or something to blame, and they continue to believe that this has caused their reality to be what it is. Your work is to be among these people and to touch them with your light and with your love. This is all that is needed.You will do this by expressing the light and love within you. You will express your God Self by being the light, the vestibule, the channel (vessel/cup), the one who expresses unconditional love and compassion, understanding, kindness etc., whether that be with a smile, or by doing the grocery shopping for someone who is ill, or by washing the feet of an elderly person who can no longer do it for themselves, or by simply listening to their woes and being there for them in their hour of need. The world is filled with people in need of unconditional love and there is a multitude of different ways and possibilities open to you each day to make a difference in someone’s world, to light the spark or ignite the flame of Divine Love within.

Welcome IN Your NEW Upgraded Power! You are BEcoming responsible Co-Creators!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 02/27/2017 - 06:41

The above image courtesy of Time and Date is more or less how we experienced the Solar Eclipse yesterday in the Southern tip of Africa. It was non-the-less an exciting moment for us and we are grateful for the shared experience and the energy it created for our evolution upon this Sacred Earth.

Our Message:

With the latest influx of the powerful Light codes now in the process of being integrated, courtesy of the Solar Eclipse and New Moon energies felt recently, we are presently BEing upgraded to an even greater (and more powerful) level, where we are consciously aware of, and feeling, our ever expanding Lightbody and Kundalini energy growing stronger and stronger within our field of energy.

We are now BEcoming responsible Co-Creators as we learn (or rather remember) how to use our energy more wisely and responsibly.

We are becoming aware that the attributes of Love, Trust, Faith, Compassion, Grace and Gratitude held within ourselves require conscious expression in order to create powerful change. What use is love if held within the walls of a closed heart? How can the energy of gratitude best be expressed if not through heartfelt expression and purposeful thanksgiving at every opportune moment?

These attributes are not requiring to be expressed in order to please anyone, or to please our Creator. These are powerful energies and they create a huge cosmic flow of positive energy that reverberates throughout this entire Universe.

These energies have the power to create powerful positive change within our own lives and the world we see around us.

Energy Update ~ Your Ticket to Freedom is at hand!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 10:47

Don’t start out your day without checking in with the highest part of yourself, or you could find yourself having a rather bad-ish day which can end up going from bad to worse if you allow your ego any say in the matter.

Too many times we’re in a rush to get going and do whatever it is that is needing to get done and we forget what is most important in our lives. We miss the BIGGER picture, quite literally, and end up losing the plot or the sale!

At this time in your transition, you are fully aware of your multi-dimensional Self up to a certain frequency level, whether you perceive of this or not, it is true.

You are hearing the many voices of Self and you are choosing which voice you wish to listen to. Learn to block those voices that do not resonate to the highest frequency of Love and tune into those that do.

At this stage, you are learning to become the Master of your own energy field. You will need this training so that you will be able to consciously navigate the sub-planes of the 4th dimension of which there are seven, and beyond into the sub-planes of the 5th dimension.

It is in the 7th sub-plane of the 4th dimension that you are merging with your I AM Presence, the Highest Light within you.

Once you are in the clear of all the unwanted baggage you had stored within the lower, emotional and mental sub-planes of the 4th dimension, your merging will take on a higher level of Light frequency that will serve to propel you over the threshold into the lower sub-planes of the 5th dimension. This is your ‘ticket’ to freedom and it is close at hand! However, bear in mind that your dominant state of consciousness always determines your reality.

Be assured that it is your I AM Presence that is governing your transition and monitoring your progress.

Energy Update and a Word of Encouragement for Lightworkers

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 11/26/2016 - 09:21

Energy Update and a Word of Encouragement

If God exists within me and I exist within God, and therefore I AM an aspect of that perfect and incomprehensible Love, and I AM always  living in a state of benevolent Grace, then tell me why do I sometimes feel as though I’m not being supported?

Standing on the Precipice of Great Change

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 07/26/2015 - 08:45

The 600m-high granite shelf, Preikestolen in Norway. Photograph: Celia Topping (

One thing I know for sure now is that change is the only constant. Our lives are constantly changing, and this is as it should be. Why would we wish to stay in the same place and space day after day, month after month and year after year? Actually it’s impossible to ever stay the same. Energy is in a constant state of flux, ever moving and changing, expanding and expressing itself.

Change offers you new opportunities, new possibilities to grow and expand your consciousness. Just lately though, it feels as though we are standing on the precipice of the greatest change of all time!

We are merging more deeply each day with our Soul Self and standing in our power as magnificent spiritual beings. What does this mean though?

It means that your whole world is about to change. It means that you are now getting a tiny glimpse of what is possible! And literally ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!

If you ever wanted to BE the Magician, the Wizard or the Alchemist, then NOW is the time!

The only thing stopping you is fear, but remember fear is something you will most likely always encounter with great change, so don’t let that fear stop you! Your higher consciousness is right there with you now, helping you along this new pathway of great change.

If you stay in your hearts, you will have no problem navigating the great change that is now about to take place. Remember that you are no longer on this journey alone. You never have been. You are in PARTNERSHIP with your Soul Self NOW! Use this God given power.

Stay in the NOW – get out of your minds and into your HEARTS!

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