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Energy Reading for This Week ~ Where Are We In This Now??

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 06/30/2017 - 06:02

Energy Reading For This Week ~ Where Are We In This Now?

The first card that came up is the Perception card, and this is its message: “This marker requires you to contemplate how you look at the world. Through what eyes do you see? Do you peer through those of prejudice or judgment? Are you viewing your present circumstances by projecting your past? This is the time to slow down to observe from all angles. This calls for objectivity and a willingness to examine your life and others’ through a neutral pair of eyes. Within you, awareness is transcending your ego’s separated sense of self. Rise above it—see through your soul and know that things aren’t always what they appear to be. This marker brings clarity and asks you to look and to wait. Perhaps all you need to do is to relax and put on another pair of glasses; then what is in front of you might be magically transformed. Perception is everything. Take no further action until you see how this message applies to your current situation. Then once you’ve shifted your perception, you may find that this was all that you needed to do!”

Attention Energy Workers! Who does this energy you are feeling belong to?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 06/27/2017 - 09:09

Attention Energy Workers! Who does this energy you are feeling belong to?

Taking care of your energy is one of the daily responsibilities of energy workers ie Light Workers. Everyone is empathetic and some more so than others. Your sense of empathy is linked to your willingness at an unconscious level to take on the burdens of others. Some people are unaware of how much they are dong for others, even to their own detriment. If you are feeling very tired or very heavy ask yourself, “Who does this belong to? Is this my energy?” And most likely the answer will be No. Then all you have to do is call in the Light of your Higher Self and Source energy to fill your energy field and High Heart, and then transmit the Light to whomever this energy belongs to. You may want to say something like, “I bless whomever this energy belongs to and send them unconditional love and blessings in return.”

If you suddenly feel pain in your body, do not be shy to ask your body who it belongs to. The body is very willing to oblige you with an answer right away. Most likely again the answer will be that it is not yours. Again, send the Light of Love into the area that is experiencing pain and ask that the energy be released back to the person it belongs to.

Happy Solstice Everyone!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 06/20/2017 - 08:09

Happy Solstice Everyone!

Here in the Southern Hemisphere in Cape Town, South Africa, we celebrate the Winter Solstice tomorrow morning at 06.24. In the Northern Hemisphere it is the Summer Solstice and it officially arrives at 12:24 a.m. Wednesday in New York City. (On the west coast of the United States, the solstice officially arrives at 9:24 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20, and in Chicago it arrives at 11:24 p.m. on Tuesday.)

This happy event is celebrated by Light beings all over the Cosmos, especially those who have their eye on Planet Earth. And who doesn’t these days! There are wonderful things happening on the Earth Plane at present. For one, the energy has been amped up quite nicely and people who are geared into receiving this energy are experiencing all its wonderful benefits.

One of the greatest gifts of any energetic alignment is how close we become to our Source energy during the actual event itself. Therefore the so called veil of separation becomes thinnest during these times giving us greater access to our innate power and wisdom. So do take advantage of this precious time!

This is a great time to be focusing on manifesting your glorious future! So remember to stay in your Sacred Heart and focus on all that it is you wish to create at this time. Remember that need is an illusion, and just the vibration of the word ‘need’ will tip you off to this fact. Rather use the word CHOOSE when holding the intention to create something.

Will we be seeing anything different in the near future following this Solstice?

Archangel Michael presents a Tele-Web Class on Manifesting Wealth in the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 09/28/2016 - 23:06

Please join Archangel Michael and myself as he shares his Wisdom, Power, and love with us on Saturday, the 8th October, to assist us in moving forward into a more productive and abundant life in the higher frequencies of the New Earth.

Archangel Michael speaks:

Archangel Michael Speaks:

Greetings Beloveds! It gives me great pleasure to be with you All. I am always available to guide those who are willing students and participants in the Great Planetary Shift in Consciousness now occurring on your Planet.

You are, as co-habitants of Planet Earth, in the process of moving towards a whole new way of BEing and this means that whatever may have worked for you before, no longer works anymore. This is due to the energetic shifts that are occurring on your Planet.

Presently Earth is receiving the highest incoming Light frequencies ever experienced. This precious energy is building what can be likened to a quantum field of energy from which all manifestation occurs. This Quantum Field is the Creative Energy of your New Earth!

Energy Update ~ We are just a few days away from the most powerful Solar eclipse ever!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/28/2016 - 07:45

Beloveds, we are just a few days away from the most powerful Solar Eclipse ever experienced yet by Humankind. What makes this eclipse so powerful is the alignment in which it occurs – both seen and unseen by the Earthly human realm. May we remind you that you exist in but a tiny portion of the vast Universe which you know as your Solar System and Milky Way Galaxy.

We wish to reiterate the importance of being in alignment with your Soul Self at this time so that these powerful energies can be easily integrated with as little physical side effect as possible. Some of you may still be experiencing cranial discomfort at the base of the skull and mild headaches as well as a mild aching in the ears. Muscular discomfort in the neck and shoulders may also be experienced due to stress being released from the physical body and possible discomfort and/or tension between the shoulder blades as the heart chakra continues its expansion.

Your physical vessel is under extreme pressure at times like these, so we urge you to take greater care of your body Rest often and engage in a form of stretching exercise to keep the body supple and assist with the flow of energy. Drink lots of fresh clean water to assist with the elimination of toxins.

Grounding is especially important because by keeping yourself grounded you are anchoring the energies into Mother Earth and strengthening your connection both above and below.

2016 ~ The Year of Transcendence

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 12/31/2015 - 09:39

Looking back over the past 12 months it may feel almost as if nothing much has occurred physically for you, but what has occurred is huge energetic downloads and alignments that will begin to pay off their long awaited dividends in the coming year of 2016! Why did you have to wait so long? Well let’s just say we were saving the best till last!

You’ve already had a taste now of how it feels to move into your Light form and how it feels to be as Light as a feather and doesn’t that feel great?! Yes it does! But we wish you to know that you will be having many more of these wonderous and joyful experiences.

You could say that 2015 has been the year of facing your biggest fears and of moving beyond the last vestiges of your human consciousness that has kept you bound in the illusions you created in order to experience the realm of duality and all that has had to offer you.

The time for role playing is over, unless of course you choose to continue. But then why would you? You have accomplished it all, done it all, and got the T-shirt to prove it! Why prolong your suffering?

Don’t you think it’s time to join once more with Perfect Love and all It has to offer you?

Let 2016 BE the year you transcend (rise up) to the state of Perfect Love! This year, 2016, offers you the opportunity to do just that. You have all the ‘tools’ now at your disposal. You’ve done all the hard grafting (work). Now it’s time to enjoy the harvest!

Standing on the Precipice of Great Change

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 07/26/2015 - 08:45

The 600m-high granite shelf, Preikestolen in Norway. Photograph: Celia Topping (

One thing I know for sure now is that change is the only constant. Our lives are constantly changing, and this is as it should be. Why would we wish to stay in the same place and space day after day, month after month and year after year? Actually it’s impossible to ever stay the same. Energy is in a constant state of flux, ever moving and changing, expanding and expressing itself.

Change offers you new opportunities, new possibilities to grow and expand your consciousness. Just lately though, it feels as though we are standing on the precipice of the greatest change of all time!

We are merging more deeply each day with our Soul Self and standing in our power as magnificent spiritual beings. What does this mean though?

It means that your whole world is about to change. It means that you are now getting a tiny glimpse of what is possible! And literally ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!

If you ever wanted to BE the Magician, the Wizard or the Alchemist, then NOW is the time!

The only thing stopping you is fear, but remember fear is something you will most likely always encounter with great change, so don’t let that fear stop you! Your higher consciousness is right there with you now, helping you along this new pathway of great change.

If you stay in your hearts, you will have no problem navigating the great change that is now about to take place. Remember that you are no longer on this journey alone. You never have been. You are in PARTNERSHIP with your Soul Self NOW! Use this God given power.

Stay in the NOW – get out of your minds and into your HEARTS!

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