Archangel Michael Channeling

Sunday Musings ~ Spreading Your Wings and New Beginnings!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 09/18/2016 - 02:28

“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”

~ Guillaume Apollinaire

This isn’t my usual ‘musings’ because it is very serious… very serious indeed because it involves me having the courage to move forward, through fear, into the unknown. This is something we are all having to do, at some level.

So this morning I am having an on and off conversation with my Higher Self, which is how it usually goes, more on (in my High Heart) than off (in my ego) since He always gets His way in the end, and I always end up listening because there is no other way around it… He can make Himself heard, trust me! And YES!!! Divine Will reigns supreme and always will, thank Goodness!

Don’t misunderstand me. Spirit is mostly silent, and will only speak when necessary and even then it’s not always in words. Words, they say, are their least favorite form of communication because words are so limiting. Thus the saying “Words don’t come easy”, which I hear often and I must say, I agree. I am less inclined nowadays to even put pen to paper because communication in the old way of writing and speaking out loud is laborious, not to mention exhausting because it often doesn’t even begin to contain the true meaning of what is being said or written. So I cannot wait for a time when we will ALL communicate through telepathic feeling and/or imaging.

2016 ~ The Year of Transcendence

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 12/31/2015 - 09:39

Looking back over the past 12 months it may feel almost as if nothing much has occurred physically for you, but what has occurred is huge energetic downloads and alignments that will begin to pay off their long awaited dividends in the coming year of 2016! Why did you have to wait so long? Well let’s just say we were saving the best till last!

You’ve already had a taste now of how it feels to move into your Light form and how it feels to be as Light as a feather and doesn’t that feel great?! Yes it does! But we wish you to know that you will be having many more of these wonderous and joyful experiences.

You could say that 2015 has been the year of facing your biggest fears and of moving beyond the last vestiges of your human consciousness that has kept you bound in the illusions you created in order to experience the realm of duality and all that has had to offer you.

The time for role playing is over, unless of course you choose to continue. But then why would you? You have accomplished it all, done it all, and got the T-shirt to prove it! Why prolong your suffering?

Don’t you think it’s time to join once more with Perfect Love and all It has to offer you?

Let 2016 BE the year you transcend (rise up) to the state of Perfect Love! This year, 2016, offers you the opportunity to do just that. You have all the ‘tools’ now at your disposal. You’ve done all the hard grafting (work). Now it’s time to enjoy the harvest!

Love and Compassion

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/02/2015 - 05:13

I received the most perfect message in the early hours of this morning but I was too tired to write it down. So I’m asking Michael now to please help me recall the message.

It has to do with Love and Compassion and how ALL change – EVERYTHING – starts with YOU. We’ve spoken about this many times, but it is still not fully understood by many.

When something terrible happens, like the recent murder of Cecil the magnificent Lion, people become enraged and push against it, signing petitions and sending hate energy to the person/s responsible.

We are ALL ONE! We are ALL an embodiment, an expression, of Divine Love – the Universal Life Energy that is the CREATIVE FORCE in all of the Cosmos and Creation.

We are ALL interconnected, and actually WE ARE ALL SOUL MATES!

There is nothing – NO THING – that we are not connected to in this way. ALL LIVING THINGS fall into the matrix of Divine Love that exists within us – THIS IS WHO WE ARE!

Therefore when we push against something outside of us, we are pushing against ourselves! Can you get that?? And when we push against ourselves, we are pushing against love.

LOVE IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE! It is the most powerful force in all of Creation.

Don’t underestimate the power of love and also – do not underestimate the power of your negative energy!

Love will always win, and love will always reign supreme, but when you push against something, you’re only delaying the healing process!!

Love heals and love changes everything. EVERYTHING!!

Let me ask you this? Can you love the person who shot Cecil? Can you love him unconditionally? If not, then you do not love yourself.

Standing on the Precipice of Great Change

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 07/26/2015 - 08:45

The 600m-high granite shelf, Preikestolen in Norway. Photograph: Celia Topping (

One thing I know for sure now is that change is the only constant. Our lives are constantly changing, and this is as it should be. Why would we wish to stay in the same place and space day after day, month after month and year after year? Actually it’s impossible to ever stay the same. Energy is in a constant state of flux, ever moving and changing, expanding and expressing itself.

Change offers you new opportunities, new possibilities to grow and expand your consciousness. Just lately though, it feels as though we are standing on the precipice of the greatest change of all time!

We are merging more deeply each day with our Soul Self and standing in our power as magnificent spiritual beings. What does this mean though?

It means that your whole world is about to change. It means that you are now getting a tiny glimpse of what is possible! And literally ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!

If you ever wanted to BE the Magician, the Wizard or the Alchemist, then NOW is the time!

The only thing stopping you is fear, but remember fear is something you will most likely always encounter with great change, so don’t let that fear stop you! Your higher consciousness is right there with you now, helping you along this new pathway of great change.

If you stay in your hearts, you will have no problem navigating the great change that is now about to take place. Remember that you are no longer on this journey alone. You never have been. You are in PARTNERSHIP with your Soul Self NOW! Use this God given power.

Stay in the NOW – get out of your minds and into your HEARTS!

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