eclipse energy

Eclipse Energetics: A Profound Time of Healing

Submitted by Anne Rice on Wed, 08/09/2017 - 13:50

Many of us are aware that a highly conscious harmonic light is merging with the lower dimensional planes. To me, it appears as sacred geometrical light forms that can be felt vibrating through my system. It feels as though a restructuring is taking place personally and collectively. Those who have been deeply purifying their perceptions and wounds are receptive to this light and are influenced by it, even if not fully aware of the origin of the feelings or visions it stirs up. It is this intelligent, merciful light that fully illuminates the field of life through our souls once we have cleaned our emotional defenses and perceptions that would have habitually held this light at bay.

This is not to say those on a purification path are the only ones to have light coming through them. The light enters into the field through the conscious openings within everyone, holding all of humanity within it’s visceral energy and information. It feels like Divine Love without limits.

As this new light permeates daily reality, the dark recesses of suppressed information come into the awareness of the masses, which often results in shock, revolts and fear. As disturbing as the realization of the depth of malevolent forces is, new information works to free the tension of unconscious trauma, which is ready to be held in our burgeoning awareness with compassion, and be resolved. We can now individually and collectively bring the hidden fractures within our humanity to this deeply healing light.

What is it inside of you that is longing to be held and healed? 

Energy Update ~ You are now being prepared for the floodgates to open!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 07/10/2016 - 06:04

How are you feeling Dear One? Are you beginning to feel the new Spark of Life growing within you? Do you feel a new bubbling energy growing inside of you that springs from the very core of your Beingness? This Sparkling energy is the Joyful energy of your True Self Dear One! Things can only get better from here on out. Didn’t we say this year was the year of your Transcendence? In this magical year you will be transcending (rising above) your earthly ego bound consciousness and scaling hurdles even higher than before with very little effort on your part. Everything is happening now with ease and grace as you merge deeper with your I AM Presence in this now moment.

There is still some resistance, but do not let this get in your way. Take it in your stride. Notice it, observe it Dear One, but do not give it your energy.

You are becoming stronger and stronger Dear One, as you embody more of your Divine Self. There is no letting up now. The energy you are now capable of holding will only become more powerful as your energy field expands to hold higher frequencies of Light as this year progresses. You are now being prepared for the floodgates to open, so to speak, with the Lions Gate alignment on 8.8 and the Eclipses and Equinox alignments expected in September.

Yes, Dear One, we are beyond excited as we prepare your way Home! You have worked so hard for this and now you are finally beginning to feel and reap the rewards.

Energy Update ~ What is happening within you now is of paramount importance

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 02/08/2016 - 07:48

What is happening within you now is of paramount importance. Your body (physical, mental and emotional) is being overhauled so to speak. You could say you’re undergoing a major service as you would with your car periodically. Only in this service you are being restructured at DNA level. This re-wiring of your DNA is taking you into deeper levels of consciousness and at the same time, bringing up all the old patterns and belief systems that belong to the person you used to be before your transformation began.

You are now at a point in your transformation whereby you can consciously choose which vibration you wish to experience. When old thoughts and beliefs pop up that belong to a consciousness that is still being governed by your ego, you can immediately recognize them, and therefore be cognizant and change that patterning. This will eventually become second nature so to speak and your ego consciousness will realize that there is now a new way of thinking and behaving and will act accordingly.

With the restructuring of the old your body may begin showing signs of outward manifestation. For instance, joints may become swollen, you may experience back ache and muscle aches and pains. You may also find yourself dealing with symptoms from and old condition you thought had already dealt with and fully cleared. When this happens, do not become despondent. Do not allow yourself to think you are doing something wrong. Everyone is different, please remember that, so do not compare yourself to another.

Transition (Ascension) Update ~ Being In Light Body In The Wake of the Eclipses

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 03:41

For the first time since my transition began in earnest 3 years ago I feel the excitement and absolute appreciation of the changes that are occurring. The energies are still very strong and I have a sense that they will get stronger each day now, which is fabulous because this means that each new day brings along with it exciting new experiences. Dealing with 3D issues is still a huge challenge and can result in a lowering of my level of consciousness if I’m not mindful and careful.

There is still a little resistance about, but it has become easier to snap out of it and to lift my thoughts and focus on the higher perspective. The introduction of music is working really well for me now. I’m extremely passionate about music and I have found it brings me almost instantly back into the 6th dimension and into alignment with my Soul source energy. So, thank you to my Beloved for introducing me to Italian composer and pianist Ludovico Einaudi who, in my opinion, is a master in his art and worthy of the accolade.

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