transcendence and ascension help

2016 ~ The Year of Transcendence

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 12/31/2015 - 09:39

Looking back over the past 12 months it may feel almost as if nothing much has occurred physically for you, but what has occurred is huge energetic downloads and alignments that will begin to pay off their long awaited dividends in the coming year of 2016! Why did you have to wait so long? Well let’s just say we were saving the best till last!

You’ve already had a taste now of how it feels to move into your Light form and how it feels to be as Light as a feather and doesn’t that feel great?! Yes it does! But we wish you to know that you will be having many more of these wonderous and joyful experiences.

You could say that 2015 has been the year of facing your biggest fears and of moving beyond the last vestiges of your human consciousness that has kept you bound in the illusions you created in order to experience the realm of duality and all that has had to offer you.

The time for role playing is over, unless of course you choose to continue. But then why would you? You have accomplished it all, done it all, and got the T-shirt to prove it! Why prolong your suffering?

Don’t you think it’s time to join once more with Perfect Love and all It has to offer you?

Let 2016 BE the year you transcend (rise up) to the state of Perfect Love! This year, 2016, offers you the opportunity to do just that. You have all the ‘tools’ now at your disposal. You’ve done all the hard grafting (work). Now it’s time to enjoy the harvest!

We are entering a period for enormous growth potential!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 01:06

We made it! The new moon is here! Phew!!! I can’t speak for others but my Spiritual growth seems to be governed by the waning and waxing of the moon. During the waning stage I’m releasing, and during the waxing stage I’m expanding in Soul consciousness and therefore growing. It is perfectly normal to go through periods of intense growth and other periods when you feel you are going nowhere, so don’t allow anyone to tell you different.

There are those out there who give the impression they are cruising along without experiencing any bumps in the road. Let me tell you it is impossible to grow spiritually in this way. These people are deluding themselves.  If you are truly on a path of spiritual enlightenment, and this is what ascension is all about ~ transcendence of the human consciousness ~ you will experience periods of pure bliss followed by periods of self loathing. The self loathing happens when you have the courage to look at yourself and see ALL THAT IS NOT LOVE within you.

During the periods of self loathing you will find it more difficult to stay in touch with your Divine Consciousness which will cause you further distress. When this happens you will need to make a real effort to sit in silence and meditate to find your inner equilibrium again. For me this is achieved in nature.  Spending an hour or two down by the lagoon helps me enormously. I am blessed to be able to do this. There is a reason why we’ve been guided to move closer to nature because the higher vibrational frequencies of nature are invaluable to us during our spiritual growth.

It’s important to remember during your periods of releasing (all that is not love) not to get caught up in the emotional turmoil and further blame yourself for whatever comes up.

You have everything you need!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 12/06/2015 - 04:35

I once asked Jesus to help me overcome the difficulties I was experiencing at that time and He said to me “I have given you everything you need.” I was then guided to reading The Christ Letters but my human consciousness prevented me from studying them and absorbing their invaluable meaning into my life at that time. I took the proverbial ‘long road’ unfortunately and caused myself further suffering which I may have  been able to avoid had I just read His letters!

Recently I was reminded to read His Letters, and indeed, we have been given everything we need!

Why do we allow our human consciousness to keep us in our shadows? Is it because we’re afraid to take responsibility for ourselves? Is it because we’re afraid of knowing what else is out there that we cannot see or comprehend? Perhaps it’s a little of both. Perhaps, if we will allow ourselves to just sit with an open mind and let ourselves just BE in a place of serenity, the answers will become clear. It is all simple really. It is our human consciousness that complicates our lives for sure and causes us untold pain and suffering.

The fact is we are ALWAYS connected to our DIVINE SOURCE – THE LIGHT within us is EVER PRESENT. IT does not come and go, IT stays with us through thick and thin. Why not just believe? Why not just have faith and trust that we are connected to this INFINITE SOURCE OF PERFECT LOVE that is our supply of ALL THINGS – whether it BE health, wealth, joy, happiness? As Jesus says, it is all our thoughts and feelings which are CONTRARY to this DIVINE and PERFECT LOVE that prevents THE LIGHT from working within us and which causes our lack and our sickness.

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