Archangel Michael guidance


Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 11/05/2017 - 09:33

Special Message from Archangel Michael:

Dear One, all of Life is God’s creation. All are borne of Innocence and have in Essence, the Spirit of Innocence within. Always see everything and everyone around you, including yourself, as Innocence. Innocence may become lost a little along the way, or disguise itself within its chosen outer shell, but it can never be truly ever be covered or disguised completely, because it is always there in the very core, the very center of your Being, waiting to be rediscovered. Always strive to see through the outward appearances of others, including yourself, so you can see Innocence. Look at others, and yourself, through the eyes of the Soul and your Diamond Heart, and you will see Innocence. Stay focused in your Diamond Heart, and the rest, as they say, is history [their story, their human fable], for Innocence shall reveal itself, and when it does, you shall weep tears of joy!

~ I AM Archangel Michael

Thank you Michael!

From our ONE Heart to yours!

~Deborah Faith
Archangels and Devas

Energy Reading for this week from Archangel Michael and Raziel

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 06/22/2017 - 01:39

Energy Reading for this week from Archangel Michael and Raziel : Let go of fear and stand in your Power Now!

This morning Archangel Michael is stepping forward with his message to “Let go of fear Now!” And then Archangel Raziel also steps forward with his message, “Stand in your Power Now!”

What does this all mean and why now are we receiving these messages?

The mind is always reeling with thoughts, most of which are useless and serve only to take us out of our spiritual center, our heart. This morning I joked with the angels to please give me a lobotomy so I could have a clear mind. They answered back and said, “Use your mind constructively.”

But how do I do that when my mind never stops?

“Make it stop. Your mind awaits your command. Your mind is your most powerful creative tool and it gets bored easily if not used! Therefore use it. The more you use your mind, the less it will be inclined to listen to the ego.”

“The ego feeds off useless information that perpetuates a fear-based reality. The heart, which is where your innate power lies, feeds off love. Therefore choose to live in your heart for this is where your power lies.”

I know this, and I am choosing to live in my heart!

“The ego is persistent, and ironically it is through its relentlessness and persistence that you’re given the opportunity in learning to take back your power! Remain steadfast and do not give up!”

Don’t give up on the magic of Life, the magic of Creation! Don’t give up on your Self either and your innate power to create your reality!

Learn How To Communicate with your Angels

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 03:34

Online Workshop 10th June ~
Learn How to Communicate with your Angels

The Angels and I are super excited to offer this Workshop to you!
Please join us on Saturday, the 10th June at 16h00 Cape Town, South Africa; 07h00 Los Angeles (PDT); 10h00 New York (EST); 15h00 London (GMT) – Please check for the time in your time zone.

Webinar Reminder!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 05/12/2017 - 06:55

Dear Readers, 

Our LIVE webinar event is tomorrow! Please do join us, we would love to have your beautiful energy on board.

Please note that if you cannot make the Live Event, you may purchase the Mp3 Replay and PDF Notes, a 19 Page document which covers in detail all of which will be discussed during the Event. The document also gives you exercises which will help you to make this leap in consciousness.

You will learn how to:

  • Identify a 5D frequency of energy;
  • Recognize old patterns of behavior;
  • Use the Power of Surrender;
  • Move into One Unity Consciousness;
  • Use the Power of the Three Fold Flame.

Date – Saturday 13th May 2017

Time – 4 pm (SAST) GMT+2 Cape Town, South Africa.
Please check on for the corresponding time in your time zone.

Duration – Approx.1.5 hours


Spoken from the Heart ~ Take a Gigantic Leap Forward Now into the 5th Dimension

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 04/23/2017 - 06:50

The absolutely stunning image above is shared through Pixabay. Thank you!

This morning soon after waking my Higher Self said to me, “Let’s make hot chocolate!” Bless his cotton socks, I adore him! So that’s what we did… we heated whole milk in a pan with raw cacao powder and a few shakes of good organic ground cinnamon and added some honey. Absolute bliss to enjoy on a chilly autumn morning!

We adore cacao. In fact we think it’s one of the best things we ever created!

Whoa!! We created cacao?

Of course! We created chocolate. We created it all! Aren’t we amazing??!

Yeah! We are! What do you think people will say (or think) when you tell them we created chocolate?

Most of them will think we’re balmy… but we will just smile, as if we are privy to a major Secret…. which of course we’re not. We have said many times that ALL is within and that nothing – No Thing – exists outside of our Self, therefore if IT exists – whatever the ‘IT’ may be – it must have been created by us.

Let’s see if I’m getting this straight…. You’re suggesting that everything, EVERYTHING, is your/our creation?

Yes I am!

So that would mean WE are the entire Planet?

Yes, we are. Not only are WE the Planetary Body of Gaia, this Planet as a Whole entity, but we are the entire Universe, the Cosmos and beyond! We are infinite in our expression!  [Smile] Michael you are teasing me!

Yes I am!

Energy Update and a Word of Encouragement for Lightworkers

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 11/26/2016 - 09:21

Energy Update and a Word of Encouragement

If God exists within me and I exist within God, and therefore I AM an aspect of that perfect and incomprehensible Love, and I AM always  living in a state of benevolent Grace, then tell me why do I sometimes feel as though I’m not being supported?

2017 – The Year of Harvesting the Fruit of Co-Creation & Co-Manifestation

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 10/05/2016 - 01:15

2016 was to be The Year of Transformation & Transcendence being a number 9 year, and so far it has proven to be just that. In 2017 you will reap the rewards, and harvest the Fruits of your labor. In 2017 you will experience yourselves as Co-Creator in the Divine Partnership agreement that you signed up for when you agreed to step down in vibration and take upon yourselves your earthly role of being a grounded, Spiritual Being of the Light, and in so doing, became a portal or vestibule for the Higher Light frequencies to be grounded through your Presence in order to assist Gaia in her planetary ascension along with her human inhabitants.

We salute you for your bravery and for the courage you have shown and we now wish to guide you to reaching an even higher state of consciousness to assist you in knowing yourselves as The Light.

Brave Ones, you are at all times connected to the Tree of Life that supports your every need upon the Earth Plane. There is no more need to go without, or to suffer from lack or limitation. You have within you a Divine Spark of Source energy that affords you a direct interface or link with the Infinite Field of Creation and Manifestation.

It is time now to make positive choices and to let go of all that you thought you were in your limited human thinking, and to embrace the knowing of your True Self as BEING ABUNDANT in every way. You have the ability right now to create and design a life of your choosing, bearing in mind that whatever you choose has a direct effect on the Whole.

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