Welcome IN Your NEW Upgraded Power! You are BEcoming responsible Co-Creators!

The above image courtesy of Time and Date is more or less how we experienced the Solar Eclipse yesterday in the Southern tip of Africa. It was non-the-less an exciting moment for us and we are grateful for the shared experience and the energy it created for our evolution upon this Sacred Earth.
Our Message:
With the latest influx of the powerful Light codes now in the process of being integrated, courtesy of the Solar Eclipse and New Moon energies felt recently, we are presently BEing upgraded to an even greater (and more powerful) level, where we are consciously aware of, and feeling, our ever expanding Lightbody and Kundalini energy growing stronger and stronger within our field of energy.
We are now BEcoming responsible Co-Creators as we learn (or rather remember) how to use our energy more wisely and responsibly.
We are becoming aware that the attributes of Love, Trust, Faith, Compassion, Grace and Gratitude held within ourselves require conscious expression in order to create powerful change. What use is love if held within the walls of a closed heart? How can the energy of gratitude best be expressed if not through heartfelt expression and purposeful thanksgiving at every opportune moment?
These attributes are not requiring to be expressed in order to please anyone, or to please our Creator. These are powerful energies and they create a huge cosmic flow of positive energy that reverberates throughout this entire Universe.
These energies have the power to create powerful positive change within our own lives and the world we see around us.