Full Moon Clearing & Healing Workshop with the Goddess of Mercy & Compassion - Lady Kuan Yin & The Dragon Realm on 29th May 2018
Become The Master of Your Own Energy & Be Your Best Self!
“Greetings Beloveds. It is with great honor and respect for you that I come forth to assist those of you who are awakening in your healing and clearing work, which is much needed now. As you are reaching higher states of awareness in your evolution, there is much clearing that is needing to take place. For eons of time humanity has been unaware of the sacrifice of the elemental realm in their service work on the physical Earth plane. What is needed now is for humanity to open their hearts to their compassionate nature so that they can embrace one another in love and respect, and also be awakened to the roles played by the elementals in their service to humanity. Until humanity understand the full impact their dissonant energy has on all sentient life, constant healing and clearing work is necessary. It befalls those of you who are awakening to do this healing and clearing work in order to lift the huge amounts of discord unknowlingly created on a daily basis. I come forth to assist you, with much love and gratitude, and I bestow upon you my Essence of Compassion & Mercy for the roles that you have chosen to play, to act as Beacons of Light for all humanity, and thus create a pathway of Light out of the shadows of darkness for our dear Earth.”