Now Recruiting Starseeds, Lightworkers, Light Warriors, Shaman/s, Earth Angels, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, Crystals, Indigos
Now Recruiting Starseeds, Lightworkers, Light Warriors, Shaman/s, Earth Angels, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, Crystals, Indigos, Rainbow Warriors, and Contactees
contact janisel(((at)))
*** *** *** *** Project Eagle Triad *** *** *** ***
This Project, which is compliant with all Spiritual Paths, consists
of doing three 5-minute meditations/visualizations each day, which
are given to us from Ashtar, Sananda or others of the higher realms
who are assisting us in this endeavor. These are not full-blown
'alpha' meditations, and are designed for even those who are new to
meditation in general. These meditations may also be done at one 15-
minute sitting if that is more convenient for you. At present,
Sananda and Ashtar have everyone working on the same meditation
each week, with each meditation being done for 7 days, after which
time we are given a new one. As of now, we start each new set of
visualizations on Mondays.