
November Energy Forecast & Special Offer

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 11/01/2018 - 10:53

Beloved Readers,

Our Full Moon Workshop last week was without a doubt one of the most powerful so far. And as most often occurs when a huge step forward is taken in positive action, we experience afterwards “the can of worms” such positive action opens for us in the form of doubts and fears, bouts of deep sadness, and feelings of abandonment. powerlessness, anger and resentment that comes with feeling separated from Source. These feelings have been stored over eons of time within the very depths of our sub-conscious and it is normal for them to rise to the surface during these clearing workshops. Remain in the space of acceptance and forgiveness and be willing that your I AM and Higher Self, who is waiting in the wings so to speak, remove them from your energy field, now and forevermore. Remember you are pure Love and Light! This is the ultimate Truth.

You may well be asking yourself by now, “Will we ever reach a point when we have cleared enough?”, and the answer is a resounding YES!! And this tipping point is not so very far in your future Beloved! You may say it is just beyond your horizon or scope of vision at this point, but each day we are getting closer!

Collective Pulse Report: The Three Waves of Global Transformation

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 07/15/2018 - 16:16

by April Bender via Integrated Overself

It's been awhile since our last channeled forecast (Embracing Shadow: The Rise of the Collective Unconscious) but today I wish to update you on the current energetics and primary forces at play upon your world in the hopes that this information generates deeper understanding and insight within those consciously participating with the ongoing ascension and/or re-enchantment process here on Earth.

The Presence of Stillness

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sat, 02/24/2018 - 14:35
by April Bender

Since the passing of my beloved grandmother this past fall, I've had many opportunities to re-explore the vast nature of Stillness. Subtle and mysterious, unfolding and enfolding, centering and spacious, encircling and spiraling away. . .choosing to dance with the presence of Stillness offers us passage through the many gates of inner and outer awareness.


Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Wed, 08/16/2017 - 18:57
by April Bender via integrated Overself

I wish to speak with you today, regarding the increasing sense of darkness currently pervading your world. Many light-workers and way-showers, especially those who are empaths, are struggling to remain centered during this energetically intense time. I understand that by outward appearances the world seems to be falling apart . . .degrading into chaos, violence, hatred, and hopelessness. However, what you are witnessing are merely the symptoms of a larger movement happening deep down below the surface, . . .the rise of the collective unconscious.

The Alchemy of Ascension

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sat, 08/12/2017 - 04:30
by April Bender via integrated Overself

I wish to clarify today, the concepts of ascension and ascended mastership. There are many illusions and misconceptions concerning these ideas floating around your world and this bears many subtle shades of influence on the actualization of individual and planetary ascension and therefore, needs to be properly clarified. So let us dive right in.


What is the definition of ascension?

Eclipse Energetics: A Profound Time of Healing

Submitted by Anne Rice on Wed, 08/09/2017 - 13:50

Many of us are aware that a highly conscious harmonic light is merging with the lower dimensional planes. To me, it appears as sacred geometrical light forms that can be felt vibrating through my system. It feels as though a restructuring is taking place personally and collectively. Those who have been deeply purifying their perceptions and wounds are receptive to this light and are influenced by it, even if not fully aware of the origin of the feelings or visions it stirs up. It is this intelligent, merciful light that fully illuminates the field of life through our souls once we have cleaned our emotional defenses and perceptions that would have habitually held this light at bay.

This is not to say those on a purification path are the only ones to have light coming through them. The light enters into the field through the conscious openings within everyone, holding all of humanity within it’s visceral energy and information. It feels like Divine Love without limits.

As this new light permeates daily reality, the dark recesses of suppressed information come into the awareness of the masses, which often results in shock, revolts and fear. As disturbing as the realization of the depth of malevolent forces is, new information works to free the tension of unconscious trauma, which is ready to be held in our burgeoning awareness with compassion, and be resolved. We can now individually and collectively bring the hidden fractures within our humanity to this deeply healing light.

What is it inside of you that is longing to be held and healed? 

Recovering the Soul

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Fri, 08/04/2017 - 12:50
by April Bender via integrated Overself

The soul is deep, watery, soothing, mysterious and unsettling. It is the deepest parts of the ocean, reflecting back the deepest part of self. At times calm and serene, sometimes terrifyingly tumultuous, and still other times wavy and playful. Mystical and alluring in its beauty and depth, and yet unsettling when experienced as a darkened void. The souls speaks to one through restless nights as well as blissful days, through one's deepest joys as well as their pain. It reflects one's earthy humanness, in the most exquisite shades and hues, reminding one of what it means to be truly alive.


Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Tue, 08/01/2017 - 14:30
by April Bender via integrated Overself

Many times the things I speak of may seem complex, layered, paradoxical and perhaps even daunting in nature. For instance, I know our last exchange on the Re-unification of Worlds was full of this sort of multi-faceted, layered complexity. Many of you may have felt that it was a very tall order to fill and wondered where to even begin. Connect with my three aspects of self and align and integrate them, walk the three worlds, and learn to commune with all forms of life seen and unseen? 

Is Life but a Dream?

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 07/31/2017 - 05:32

Upon waking yesterday morning, I grabbed myself a cup of coffee and my trusted dream dictionary. I wanted to get to the bottom of a very disturbing dream I'd had the previous night, and was eager to begin analyzing the symbolism found therein.

I looked up several symbols (basic objects, places/spaces, colors/numbers, and any creatures) that had appeared within this dream, while also checking in with my intuition on them, knowing that all dream symbols are in the main deeper aspects of Self. Just as I was beginning to formulate an interpretation of what the dream had meant and was reflecting back to me, I was struck by a most curious question.

Looking up from my journal, I looked at my bookcase and thought, "What if life or my external reality is also but a dream? What if I were to analyze the objects and people in my physical reality in the same way in which I approach the interpretation of my dreams? So out of sheer curiosity, I began to do just that.

Suddenly, the bookcase in front of me was no longer just a bookcase - symbolically it reflected back to me my love of being surrounded by wisdom and the value I feel in continuously striving to accumulate it. Our shelf of video games in turn, became a symbolic reflection of my need to incorporate play and honor my child-like nature. My laptop became a symbol of deep communication, friendship, social/global awareness, and wisdom.

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