star seed

what is a star Seed Soul

Submitted by on Wed, 02/04/2015 - 17:18

I’m sure you are probably asking yourselves, what the heck is a star seed soul? A lot of you have probably heard that we, as humans, are made up of “star dust”. However, a star seed soul is a term in which pertains to our, “inner beings”. The you, that only you know, and the voice within your mind, which only you will ever hear.......

TWIN FLAME VIRGO's: A D'Vine Journey 71-73

Submitted by WERONE on Sat, 02/15/2014 - 05:51

B. Michael September, 05th Sulfur, Louisiana

C. Marie September, 05th Phoenix, Arizona

step fathers born October 05th...10 years apart

Michael, October, 05th 1944

Jimmie October, 05th 1954

Paul Anthony 12/21/1970- 10/09/2007

Joel Gillespie 09/02/1971- 10/09/1996

1900's Great Grandparents 1900's

Noah Tomlin & Adeline Tomlin

Gracie Tabor & Bradley Tabor

And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged;

Genesis 8:1

1920's Grandparents 1920"s

Loyd Tabor 09/04/1922- 12/25/2012

Minnie Tabor 01/22/1928- 05/14/2002

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting

Receiving Your Star Glyph - Lord of the Great Bear Star System

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Mon, 04/22/2013 - 16:27

Lord of the Great Bear Star System - April 15th, 2013


Clarion Temple of Oneness Transcript, Dated April 15th, 2013.    To receive the transcription from Divine Mother and Father God see,; to purchase the MP3 Download or participate in the live calls, see  This transcript is directly related to the Meteor Show of Love that is appearing around the world on April 22nd, 2013.  There is a powerful activation occurring within our planet starting on this date.  So take a moment to reflect whether you see the meteor shower or not.  Blessings, Mel and Mike.


My Dearest Ones, what a divine pleasure to be here with each of you.  I encompass the dimensional frequencies of the higher realms of your stars of the inter-planets and all the inner galactic of the Christed universes.  We come tonight as the Divine Pleasure to be able to share with you our Light in this manner through a voice this is very exciting for each of us.  I have with me Beings from the Andromedeans, Beings from the Sirians, Beings from Arcturus and Pleiades and many others you may see.  There are many different species here that fill the stage; and we arise your energies and our friends are in the Temple amongst each of you which is the beauty of our energies.

Re-membering Our Limbs

Submitted by JoshuaZack on Wed, 10/03/2012 - 15:38


Ascension resulted when Re-membered were the limbs. Re-membered as they once were in the wholeness of presence.


Our spiritual limbs became disconnected as disorganization fell onto the floor so to speak of our once great Body. For long now we have gone without, desperately seeking what will bring us back to the ecstatic state. Thus we moved to the surface world to one day find our lost inner voice to re-engage our magic. The Surf if ripe and the board no longer needed as we have Re-membered our way back to ripeness in order to mutate into the Surf of brilliance.


We all have recalled at some point what wholeness feels like, even those who are not Star seeded can honestly admit they have a yearning for what brings them higher in emotionality.


We are in essence bringing in the Re-membering of limbs to our surface world so that at some point We as a collective can have complete clearance to the inner sanctum we came from. This is initiated by each of us and then brought together from within to without. But it shows up within first.


Bringing in the Light requires only Re-membering that you are the Light. Bring in your central force by opening your arms, speaking your peace, adjusting your microphone so that all can hear what it is that you’re perfect heart muscle has to say.


The disconnection of emotion coming together is the result of growing awareness that brings the unseen into focus showing up as presence. A sort of smoothness enters the room from which confusion then charms into elevated acceptance of what is here and now.


Goddess of Harmony daily invocation to the 13 Goddesses to be free of struggle

Submitted by mayo31311 on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 12:46


Beloved Goddess of Charity, Goddess of Peace, Goddess of Purity, Goddess of Liberty, Goddess of Harmony, Goddess of Justice, Goddess of Victory, Goddess of Hope, Goddess of Faith, Goddess of Love, Goddess of Light , Goddess of Unity (Rose) and the Goddess of Music. We open our hearts, receive and ever rejoice as the Great Goddesses pour forth Their Divine Attributes to Humanity at this time.


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