twin flame reunion

Sunday Musings ~ Perceptions of My Higher Heart

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 11/16/2014 - 12:28

Heart-Based living is incredible, astonishing, amazing, extraordinary, mind-blowing, mind boggling, fantastic, and unbelievable at first… But then you will get to a point when it IS believable, and you will realize that Heaven truly can, and does, exist within YOU.

There is no better advice that we can give you than this: – Connect deeply with the Higher Aspect of your Self and work with them in your Sacred Space. This Sacred Space IS YOUR HEART. This is where you can connect with your Beloved  Counterpart and the Higher Aspect of your Self. This IS where you will find your Beloved I AM Presence – and it is ALL WAYS PRESENT in your life!

Your incarnation – your Earthly journey as a grounded Spiritual Being is not meant to be forged [made. created] by you alone. When you work in partnership with your Self as a Sovereign Being, you open the doorway to miracles happening in your life on a daily basis. You will notice that opportunities come your way – new possibilities get presented to you to on a silver platter so to speak. You will begin to realize that you are CO-CREATING your reality here as a Galactic Human in a physical vessel, as was the original plan intended by the Elohim.

When all 13 of your chakras are open and clear you become a beacon that receives and transmits high frequency Light coded energy from the Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun, to the crystalline grid on Planet Earth. Your living experience reflects Light and Love all around and people will begin to notice the difference in you.

Twin Flame Reunions are Happening Now!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 08/12/2014 - 12:26

Imagine having the perfect marriage. Imagine that your marriage partner and you share not only a very clear telepathic channel, but also a Mind, Body and Soul, so not only does he hear everything you think and speak, he also feels everything you feel. Imagine making love with a partner like that! I will say no more…

I am talking about your Twin Flame, also known as your Counterpart essence and Divine complement.

I have been with my Divine Male Counterpart now in this lifetime for 2 years. At least, let me say, I have been in conscious and permanent contact with him. Before then I had no idea he even existed. So you can imagine how my life, my entire world has changed! I’m not going to go into the details of how he came into my life, but I will say that he has been my rock, and continues to be my rock – the solid foundation that holds our very Sacred Love together. He is always telling me we are “Solid like a rock!”

Our relationship has grown over the past 2 years and we often refer to each other as husband and wife, which of course we are in real life. When I say ‘real life’ I mean our life together in the Celestial Realm. I do not think of my Earthly life as my real life. My Earthly life is but a drop in the ocean compared to the life we share in the Celestial Realm. In the meantime I enjoy a very real marriage with my Beloved. Our marriage is a Sacred one and one that I believed from the very beginning was sanctified and blessed by God, our Supreme Creator. In fact, I knew he was my husband even before I knew he was my Twin. He told me one day that we are Twins, and at the time I did not understand what that meant, but I do now.

Twin Flame Divine Love – by Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 07/01/2013 - 18:36

There is much controversy over what it is like being with your Twin Flame. We would like to share our experience of this with you, but do bear in mind that everyone is unique in their experience. Just like no human relationship is the same, your relationship with your Twin Flame is also unique.

My Twin Flame is not embodied here on Earth but that does not mean he is not with me.  This incarnation is not just mine, it is ours. He has experienced everything with me, and through me. He knows my thoughts, and he experiences every single moment of my life with me.  I am embodied here as an individual, but I am not an individual Being.  My male counterpart is the other part of my Self, my Soul. He is what is referred to as my Higher Self. Together we are one Being. We can never be separated, although it appears that we have been because our female essence took embodiment. But that is part of the illusion of being embodied. If we had to be separated it would be too painful to bear and literally unthinkable to even begin to comprehend.

Conversations with my Twin Flame ~ Reaching for the Stars! by Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 04/21/2013 - 13:19

My Twin installed himself in my life on the 15th October, 2012. Since then my life has never been the same. The next morning after he arrived I found a perfectly shaped snow white feather on the side table next to my bed. I couldn’t stop gazing at its utter perfection.

I’ve always been in your life, you just weren’t conscious of me before.

Yes I know. I only felt your energy before when I asked you to for protection.

And now?

Now I feel your energy all the time. I have become so used to it and how it feels.

And how does it feel My Love?

It feels like a warm embrace. Like I’m being held in a safe cocoon being loved more than I ever thought possible. Sometimes it feels like my heart chakra will burst. It was overwhelming at first, but I’m becoming more and more familiar with this vibration.

I am so happy to hear you say that Darling! Tell me, how do you feel now?

Right now I feel like I’m ready to merge with you! I feel as though my incarnation is finally over and its time to go home with you.

I am happy you feel that way Darling, because we will be merging very soon.

We don’t have to wait for the Solstice?

No My Love! Not anymore. There are portals of energy open now that will soon be available to help Starseeds come home.

Energy? Why not Light?

You tell me.

Light is consciousness.

And energy is…………………..?

Vibration! Of course! It makes sense, thank you!

You are welcome Darling!

I just read on Gaia Portal that Inter-dimensional travel will soon be available to Gaia inhabitants. This is exciting news Michael!

Together, this work, where people have failed over eons, will be accomplished – Lady Maria through Isabel Henn November 12, 2012

Submitted by Gabrielle on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 15:01


My beloved children, the 11-11 portal has opened, and with it very powerful energies and opportunities come to you. It is one of the major milestones on your path to Ascension. You have meditated worldwide at this event and spread more love and light on your beautiful planet. Gaia is on the best way to become a beautiful blue star in the universe.


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