Karuna Reiki

Time and its Quirkiness-A Reiki Perspective

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Mon, 10/15/2012 - 06:53

Many Light Workers are losing hope over delays on the Ascension process. I smile inwardly when I see people write flaming comments about 'same old same old' and basically, 'where is the BEEF?' concerns, threating 'not to believe until more EVIDENCE shows up'. Yada yada yada.

Let us have a little talk on the concept of Time...

Time is 'stretchy'
Ever hear of the concept of 'flow'? Well my surgeons work in it all the time. Unless they do a procedure often enough to make a factory for it, their time estimates until completion of the surgery are always off. Also their time estimates of 'how long it will take' when they book their procedures.  "You can quick squeeze it in, t's only a fifteen minute case!" they cry.

Right. These people work in flow all the time. Their mind is so engaged with what is happening that they lose track of the passing of time. This happens every day. So I smile, in my head, double their time estimate, and make plans with the rest of the O.R.

Anesthesiologists, on the other hand, are acutely aware of the passing of time. Spend several decades listening to the blip of the heart, and waiting three to five minutes for the blood pressure cuff to measure, and charting it. I have a little clock in my head, and often times, time goes slower for me on those exact same procedures! Sometimes I even select the music with a tempo to 'speed things up' without the surgeon knowing it!

At the Karuna level of Reiki, time starts to warp and the perception of time is altered temporarily as the new energies come in. It settles back to 3D after a couple of days. But in Reiki classes, people often think it's on the wrong day, and miss the class they planned to attend, because of this.

Incredible Progress for the Light in the O.R. 10/1/12

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Tue, 10/02/2012 - 05:04

I set before you a series of baby steps for Awakening that indicate enormous momentum of change for Medicine are taking place:

Miracle 1: The Awakened Scrub Tech
My favorite female surgical technician has been someone I was not sure was 'okay' to let know about the work in this blog. Although stated herself, 'I am really into UFO's', I held back. Others in the O.R. were learning about me, and keeping it to themselves. I just sensed that it would be 'too much' and 'too early' at the time to let this one 'in' on 'what is going on right under her nose' with this work. Well, yesterday she sent a message, with a link to what was yesterdays' blog. The time was right. I responded with full links to Disclosure As We Know It Today. She was okay with it.
When she walked into my O.R. briefly  to do something for work, I felt her aura--it is waking up, coming online, and confident in the Light.  This one will do big things,  I thought, and big things are good.

Miracle 2: The Request Case 'Reunion', part 1
In Pre-Op Holding I was treated to a wonderful 'reunion' of sorts: the aunt of one of my neurosurgical patients was herself to undergo neurological surgery, and had requested my services for the case.
This is huge for my career stability, to be requested and in demand for my care. Her niece had undergone staged procedures on both sides, with my side being the right. I was not available to her for the left side, and she had been disapppointed. She pointed me to both scars, and the 'Reiki' side was noticeably better healed than the 'un-Reiki' side. She was like a walking commercial for Intraoperative Reiki! Everything went well with the case, and I delivered the patient safely to PACU.

Reiki in the Doctor's Dining Room

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Fri, 09/28/2012 - 13:20

I just used the distance symbol to place Reiki in the Doctors' Dining Room while the Keurig Machine was making my cup of coffee. I bring my own mug and k-cups, as it is pleasant to do after call on OB. It is next to the suite of call rooms.

I gave Reiki to open the heart center. And Karuna Reiki, too. It was soaked up like a sponge. I got a sense this reiki was to awaken those healers to their call, their Purpose from the Pre-birth plan agreement. My hands burned hot with reiki, and my body coursed with its flow of energy.

As I was finishing, I sensed the presence of angels. They agreed to maintain the vortex of Light that inadvertently opened up in there.

Use your reiki to claim the Light. Wherever you are. Wherever you go. Be like dogs marking their territory. Lift that leg and make your presence known! For the Light that is!

You can do it, Light Workers! Whether by formal distance reiki like me (forward and backward in time...that is Reiki II), or salt like Kau'ila , or whatever else you know, go for it! Make some Light today!


To see the cute picture with the blog post, click here:http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-vortex-in-doctors-dining-room.html


Love is the Solution For Everything! One Lightworker, to one task, at a time...

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