Isabel Henn

Your news consumption – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn August 03, 2013

Submitted by Gabrielle on Sun, 08/04/2013 - 03:12



(Translated from original language german)

My child, don’t believe all that you can so hear or see in your television. Much is pretended to create fear and terror in you. When you believe you can’t live without news, so give exact attention to what your body and your heart tell you to them. Reduce your consumption of news in your television or newspapers. They hold you in a spiral of fear. It is easier for your Higher Self or your spiritual guide to connect with you and to guide you when you are lesser hooked on your television and your mass media. All addiction damages you. A happy medium is also here important. Like in all, my child. ~

Your Divine Mother

The Golden Middle – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 29, 2013

Submitted by MomT on Tue, 07/30/2013 - 05:25

Thanks to one of our blog posters for this article.  When promoting it to front page lost the original poster.  Thank you so much



(Translated from original language german)

My child, find the balance and stay in it. Your emotions will still for a while deflect like a pendulum, but will find more and more in the middle. You will see that the deflection will become smaller and smaller and then come to rest in the middle. Stay there. It is the “Golden Middle” like you say so often. But don’t quarrel with yourself if it doesn’t go smoothly immediately. Look at your emotions and let go what you don’t like. Just simple; don’t think anymore about them. Give them to me, I will transmute them with my silverplatinum flame into love and give them back to you in this form. My love will fill your heart and let it come to rest. I love you so much, my child. ~

Your Divine Mother

I am the I AM – Ehyeh asher Ehyeh – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 06, 2013

Submitted by Gabrielle on Sun, 07/07/2013 - 03:03


(Translated from original language german)

My child, you ask who I am, what my name is. I have many names but am but nameless. I am the I AM, Ehyeh asher Ehyeh as the Hebrews say, for the old Egypts I am Isis, and for the Hindus Shakti, the Great Mother, some natives of North America call me Buffalo Calf Woman and I have still some more names. I am incarnated in many Dimensions as a Goddess, but my true home is in the – at this time – 350th Dimension. Very high, isn’t it? And with each evolution of my universes and omniverses and all of their beings who live there, my beloved Twin Flame and I, we ascend then again. There are no limits put upstairs. We are many creation cycles old like our children, the Archangels, and many Angels. But above all I am your Prime Mother, the Mother of all Prime Souls who have ever been born and who will be born yet. I am the Great Creator, the Childbearer, Creator of All-That-Is. I love all that I have ever created and born. I love you infinitely and in all eternity, my child. ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Sin – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 5, 2013

Submitted by Gabrielle on Sun, 05/05/2013 - 11:50

Note: Unfortunately Facebook seems to block me again, they don’t like what I post and share. I don’t know if I can share this message on my personal site or in any of my groups. If not, I ask you to please share the message on your sites and in your groups if you like the message. The Divine Mother and I, we say thank you very much.

It is impossible for me to share in any of my groups or on my own wall, not even in the GFP group. :(




You cannot sin, my child. Why? It is so easy, because sins don’t exist. They are a fabrication of your religions to take away your power from you. To create fear in you and to make a lot of money out of that. You are in the illusion to make experiences and to learn lessons for the further evolution of your soul. Nothing more. But that doesn’t mean that you could now jauntily steal, lie or murder. This would without any doubts have only nasty Karma as a result. You are but not on earth to amass more Karma, but to remove and release it. I have created you, that YOU wonderful soul can make wonderful experiences for me through which I can experience my Self. Whatever experiences you garner, I would never punish you for them. And how could I? It would only be totally against my intention. You would only punish yourself, when you create more negative karma for yourself. So live according to the 10 proposals I once gave to you and you will make glorious experiences without any consequences for yourself. I love you so much for that, my child. ~

It is my Divine Will that you will all ascend with Gaia and you can not escape that – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn ~ Ap

Submitted by Gabrielle on Thu, 04/18/2013 - 11:59




My beloved Humans, my children, it is I, your Mother. I am the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine and the Creator of all that is. I have not only created your universe but countless uni- and omniverses. Nothing is above me, but all is in ME. You are I and you are all divine aspects of my SELF.


Today I want to speak to you through this scribe who has willingly been at my disposal.


My heart is heavy and I suffer with you. What happened a few days ago has been an act of barbarism, an act of abuse of power the dark mights have exercised to stir up fear in you. The “Mighty of the World” know exactly that they have given away their power to you and try with all that remain to them to get it back.

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