ST.GERMAIN ~ Comments on the Comments

Submitted by Madelaine on Tue, 03/22/2011 - 07:07
Comments on the Comments
Posted: 21 Mar 2011 07:00 AM PDT
My dear ones. As I've given the message many times, channeling can happen to anyone. It is not necessary to condone my channel about her call to love or my asking that a growth course be taken. My words are not her words. My call for the course has the intention to give an extremely clear message to all who do not channel and deliver an option to do so. It is not a demand.
Channeling can be attained by numerous alternative means. Purchasing the course I am connected to is not the point here, it is being committed to learning the art of channeling. Can you learn on your own? Yes, my channel had no course.
An attitude about anothers method of creating money cancels your ability to attract it. An attitude against anything attracts that thing to you. My dear ones, anything that comes to you is a gift, not a right. When the gift comes without a price tag, can you be grateful? When it comes with a price tag, can you be grateful?
Channeling gives the message to all that another realm can assist them. Nothing contracted anywhere claims that all channeled material must be without cost. Many channels ask a lot of money for their channeling. Condemning this has more to do with the one casting stones than the channel.
Casting stones against anything casts one against yourself. Be clear, my channel gives tirelessly to this blog without any compensation at all demanded of those who are benefiting from it. No donations have been received from most of those accepting these gifts..

ST.GERMAIN ~ Days of Darkness - Part 2

Submitted by Madelaine on Sun, 03/20/2011 - 05:02
Days of Darkness Part II
Posted: 19 Mar 2011 05:07 AM PDT
When the days of darkness begin there will be no light from the sun. Nor will there be any days and nights to live through, only nights. Being able to light candles or have lamps that need no electric power can aid this condition. Without any candles there will be no light unless electricity is available. In many areas this will continue to act as artificial light. In other areas there will be only night.. I'm not asking that these days be given any other attention than gathering light sources.
Clear the mind of disasters. No disasters are being predicted with this call to get yourself some answers for these days. No oil lamps around? Get other things that can be used if no electricity is working. If you have solar electric there will be no option but to have a back up solution. Many days without sun means the darkness can cause depression and anger. Instead, get calm and act like another day of darkness is no big deal. Wealth will be of no benefit, only acts of courage will matter. About one month of this will come to all of the continents. Can this be a time for deep inner attention?
Chaos may add an act of need for many. Are you able to remain calm? No additional call for this time beside getting lights in the homes and businesses that will need them. Grocery stores need light. Most have back-up generators. Are they the only businesses that do? If so, more need to get them. When will this occur? In one year and a bit more, not next week.

ST.GERMAIN ~ Fukushima, Chemtrails and the Days of Darkness

Submitted by Madelaine on Thu, 03/17/2011 - 18:08
Fukushima, Chem Trails and the Days of Darkness
Posted: 17 Mar 2011 06:14 AM PDT
My dear ones. Fukushima will not destroy the atmosphere as many are claiming. There is minor leakage being disbursed and workers will contain the damage to the immediate area. No common disease will be attached to these contaminated, disturbed containers. When the days of darkness descend on the entire planet, no nuclear conditions will be enjoyed, as complete darkness on all continents will delete their abiity to contribute their cancer causing energy to anyone. No drama will ensue, as these reactiors are not going to contribute toward the controllers game.
Make this descent into complete darkness an adventure. Keep candles and oil lamps available. Create dark moment activities (other than watching TV or playing computer games). Spend your daytime hours doing things to make the night a convenient time to rest.
Am I giving this information now because this can occur at any time? Yes, we want this message about getting prepared to be a call to all who will listen. Buy candles, dried and canned edibes, and flashlights for the next change. Dense attitudes do nothing to alter circumstances and can make life very miserable.. Why not be ready to have a nice time instead? Can candles be made a household commodity? Can children have their own flashlights? Not much to ask for a major challenge. Keep extra batteries for the flashlights, as most stores will be out of stock. Get a good can opener and food that can be opened and consumed without cooking.

ST.GERMAIN ~ Awaken From the Dream

Submitted by Madelaine on Wed, 03/16/2011 - 06:11
Awaken From the Dream
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:15 PM PDT
Chelas of the Great White Brotherhood, we are going to tell you the next answer to your contamination concerns: When the movement of awareness occurs in an Awakening, a body gains in health. No more will the loss of defense attributes  occur, as there will be no dependance on the world for inner strength. Self-care is about becoming detached.
Awareness can operate without negative emotions effecting a human body. As more days are spend in complete calm, the light that has been activated will eliminate density by clearing the meridians of dross. Twenty days of calm can completely re-energize a body. Are you willing to focus on being detached and calm? Are these required? Only if the body's condition needs aid.
My answer to health is calm. My answer to strengthening your inner defense system is calm. My answer to being helpful to others is, be calm. All these answers are the same, as this is the truth for each question.
Mandates for change come from an unhappy condition. If all was great, why alter anything? Calls for money are always coming to us by needy chelas. Are they creating money as they ask? Absolutely not. Can they create money? Yes, with happy thoughts, courageous decisions, and giving out thoughts of abundance instead of "not enough". My dream is that all can accept what comes as adequate, and be grateful it is in their lives.


Submitted by Madelaine on Mon, 03/14/2011 - 19:01
Nuclear Reactors Must Go
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 07:35 PM PDT
Many lessons about human decision making are about to be learned. When the decision was made to generate nuclear devices for electricity, many assumptions were made, and decisions to build many devices throughout humanity's living areas were made without discussing these decisions with the more aware consciousness within man's heart. Now, many changes like the recent earthquake in Japan are to let the men who made these decisions know how wrong they were to conclude nothing could destroy these magnificent collectors and their housing. No war or change by man's hand can destroy these war proof tactical machines, but man neglected to check on nature's continued evolution to get more accurate information.
Two nuclear reactors are now about to close at nature's hand. How to close them completely will need to be decided next. Are the countries that have them aware that all of them need to close? Can they deduce from this current climate of fear what can occur once more changes are demanded of man by nature?
After this calamity, the good news will be less radiation contamination than either Chernoble or Three Mile Island. Can this be a message to look at other possible nuclear attempts to lead man to death's door? Many contacts about this subject were made when cancellation of these structures could have occurred. Now, closing them all down will be demanded by one or more of the more conscious countries, and this will be considered completely unacceptable by those that just created theirs.


Submitted by Madelaine on Thu, 03/10/2011 - 07:16
The Gift of Presence
Posted: 09 Mar 2011 09:11 AM PST
Chelas are being asked to deliver their delight for living to humanity. Are you able to do this? Acting like you are a gift to all is the life you are meant to live. Can this be the detail no one bothered to tell you? Are you giving a gift with your presence?
Today's message is for those who are mentally thinking one negative thought after another and pretending they are happy - big smiles, cheerful demeanor, and all outward depictions of happiness. But deep down, this covers up a great deception. It is not deceiving the mass consciousness, only those who are not adequately able to know the difference between a dense negative charge and a bright positive charge. Negative thinking carries a dark charge. You can talk about light and give positive mental attention to others, but negative attitudes are dense, and they carry more weight in mass consciousness than a non-aware choice does.
Carrying on a contrast between dark negative attitudes and a caring presentation doesn't get anyone out of darkness. I am telling you now that a false conveyance of personal development does nothing for your choice to ascend. The light is not there.
Please notice one thing: are you really happy? Are you the happines the heart craves? Are the thoughts you think completely aligned with the things you do and say?

ST.GERMAIN ~ Courageous Communication

Submitted by Madelaine on Tue, 03/08/2011 - 05:15
Courageous Communication
Posted: 07 Mar 2011 04:42 AM PST
Channeling these messages is leading healing to many. Brave souls will do things that are not approved by the general consensus, and these messages do create concern. Making a difference is the most important consideration for a channel. Are messages that tell you nothing doing this?
Courage must grow to become one who dissents. Not to dissent, when mental differences can do damage to a relationship, is actually being negative towards the one lacking courage. Negative thoughts arise to defend the lack of courage, and nothing gets done that can turn things around. All that is needed to save the relationship is to change the communication so that it does not offend. Pointing to differences does not attack anyone. Giving an example of how a disturbance was created (and how it is maintained) calls attention to what needs to be attended to.. All differences do not disturb. When a disturbance has been noticed, it can be nicely dealt with, as long as no negative energy accompany's that communcation.
Please notice the energy in your communication. No message needs to offend. Disagreeing with an article or an attitude can be done without negative energy. Acting as though an opinion is a fact is what makes people take offense. Can the difference be talked about as merely an opinion? When this preceeds the delivery of a message, there is no cause for negativity to be returned as a reaction.

ST.GERMAIN ~ The Awareness You Want

Submitted by Madelaine on Sat, 03/05/2011 - 15:51
Channeler: Aruna Byers

Channeling comes to those who are more open to the call than others. This does not mean they are more divine, more dedicated, or more clear. This only means they can accept what comes to them from other dimensions. When a new channel gets a direct contact, they can demand a degree of management on a number of things:
1. Are the messages of God's light or not.
2. Can the teacher go to another channel also, or will this be an exclusive arrangement.
3. How many days can go by between messages?
4. Are the messages non-concerning to the channel, or does the channel have to give an explanation.
These minor details need to be agreed upon the moment the welcome is given.

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