new world

5th Dimensional Beings in a 4th Dimensional World

Submitted by Shaman Goddess on Sun, 08/25/2013 - 04:20

If you have felt your whole life as though you don't fit in; if you have spent your life feeling like a failure because you can't be 'successful' according to what the world calls 'success'; but if you KNOW that you are here to change the world, the make the world a better place, then this one is for you.


Transitional Awareness - Manifesting as we Migrate!

Submitted by Shaman Goddess on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 18:09

We are not where we were, not where we'd been stuck for thousands of years. All of that has changed. Instead we are transitioning, from density and unconsciousness into brilliant high light consciousness - 100% sovereignty. We are in migration and as we move, everything changes, changes at a pace we are not used to. In this video I talk about manifesting in this transitional state. <3 Daniella Breen

Fran Zepeda - Lady Master Nada: You Are Love Incarnate - February 18, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 02/19/2013 - 02:03


LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:


Hello dear ones, I am Nada, greeting you from a deep place of Love and Compassion for all you who venture on this path of Ascension.

You are the bearers of Love and the forerunners in laying the foundation of Love, Compassion and Service for all mankind. Your very breath holds the element of Service as you draw in the substance of Divine Essence. Just by letting go and acknowledging your existence in the realm of Source brings your essence to a place of Truth within yourself. From there you are able to tap all the Love and deep knowing that is available to you. Just by knowing this, you can swell in Love and offer it up to others.

You have reached a point in your ascension where it is imperative to constantly live within that knowing, within that deep knowing that all that is required of you is to feel deep Unconditional Love for yourself and others. Make no mistake that this is your purpose and your birthright. Nothing else really matters. It is the entirety of your being, my precious bearers of Love.

Consider yourselves whole and complete, able to hold all the Love you desire, all the Love that is available, all the Love that you are deserving and worthy of. And that is key, my dear ones, for you are worthy and deserving of receiving massive, unlimited amounts of Love, increasing each minute.

I am pleased to see how everything unfolds – Lady Maria through Isabel Henn December 12, 2012

Submitted by Gabrielle on Thu, 12/13/2012 - 10:03

Maria 2



My beloved children, on this all-important day – with the meditations in which your intention and love found expression – you all have helped your beloved Gaia with her final Ascension into the 5th Dimension.


The vibrations on Earth have increased enormously and could then accomplish this. All negative and low energies will leave the earth now for good in the next few days up to your Ascension climax on 21.12. You’re going to feel lighter and more loving now. The portal for the ascent also of man has been opened and now stays open for a while. Some people have ascended into the higher dimensions today, many will follow and after the 21.12. the chance for late bookers will remain. Do not worry so. You have all the options open, even after this so long awaited day.


Remain in your love and send your light furthermore into the grids of the world to enhance the desired effect yet. You help so many people who have not decided yet. You arise their desire for more, for love and oneness in them, and give them so the opportunity for a life in peace and love. So many of you Lightworkers and Wayshowers could feel the Oneness with All-That-Is during the global meditations. You received my essences of the Divine Mother that unfold slowly now in you. Still rest a lot and also drink much clear water so that the energies can flow through your bodies.


Ascension A La Carte

Submitted by Mon Esprit on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 15:00

In this final stretch from August to December, or even prior for some, It's time to rethink your own Ascension in terms of what you WANT to experience vs what you are waiting to on the link to read more.

Fran Zepeda ~ Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Open Your New-Born Eyes ~ July 24, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 01:10

Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda: Open Your New-Born Eyes ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 24, 2012




Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda:



Greetings, Lightworkers and all Beings of Light. We come before you today, together as a team again to bring you more assistance in your Ascension process.


By now you are feeling and sensing many changes and many new feelings that can only be described as a lightness, as a knowing and as an expansion. You may feel tingling and sensations in your chakras around your head. They may still be giving you headaches or feelings of pressure, but knowing this is part of your ascension process will help you tolerate it more.


Your DNA has received a lot of work over these past days and weeks. The old connections that were once dormant are being re-connected and activated. Memories are also surfacing. Your inner vision is expanded and re-vitalized. You are becoming Galactic Beings in the sense that you are realizing that you are One with us. The Foggy feeling of our connection is diminishing.


Fran Zepeda - Sananda - On Your Way Home - May 16, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 05/16/2012 - 23:57

Sananda ~ On Your Way Home ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 16, 2012

Dear beloveds, Ascension is becoming a much more palpable reality. It is becoming clearer that you are in the throes of it whether you realize it fully or not. Whether you understand it or not, it is something that is becoming more and more real to you.


However, of course, you must still be aware that it is your choice, but once you have made that choice, there is no turning back and the changes will become more and more apparent as time goes on.


You Lightworkers are more aware of all this, of course, and as you sift through the changes, you are better able to help others who haven’t a clue what is happening to them, regardless of the fact that they made the choice long ago to embark on this journey and now it is upon them to get on the train or not.


It is the subject of those who are not aware of their mission that I would like to address today, and I speak to those who are aware enough to help them. This is what you have prepared for. As you encounter all the changes that you are undergoing, this puts you in a much better position to help others awaken. You can speak from experience and knowledge that is intrinsic and therefore believable to them. They trust you and so they can relate your experiences to their own and bring light to what they may not be aware of but is just below the surface.


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