

Submitted by luckyvn on Sat, 12/07/2013 - 04:26


In the first time of humanity’s history , there is a mystical practicing discipline of straight talk about God realizing itself , teaching the stated principles coming to the upper world, go into exactly Universal Center, enter original nature; furthermore really high up , exactly and clearly, not confused about ways and concepts ; empirically out of body experiences. It states that coming to the exactly original home, then back again into the earthly world with sacred living, becoming Living Masters, Living Enlightened Being, Living Saints in the world

In the first time, there’s North Star imagination to guardian body and demonstration that physical body is the induction part which is small cosmos exist in the big cosmos, with 7 divine power centers in high world and physical body. Therefore we can explain and convert our karma, bodies, destinies, simultaneously smash primitive superstition occults, open scientifically ways to conduct spiritual revolution, spiritual and beliefs culture; remove old backward mystics, even reactionary demon and wizard types for human steps into a new evolutionary ladder .

Release of 49 Veils of Illusion for All!!! was unable to post server was down.

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Fri, 10/11/2013 - 13:35

Release of 49 Veils of Illusion for Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Planetary, Gaia, Animal Kingdom, Angelic Realm All of Gods creations, As above, As Below. Has been done through all Crystalline Grids - Humans must choose it.




Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

Portal Opened - Adamantime Particle of 100% Love

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sat, 10/05/2013 - 05:03

Portal Opened - Adamantine Particle of 100% Love – Fully Awakened and Activated for: Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Angelic Realm, Animal Kingdom, Elemental's, Elementaries, and Mammals, All of God’s Creations, As Above As Below.

This will allow you to Create from the point of Infinite Love. This will bring all into the sacred geometry of Love structure on a cellar level of the Original Divine Blue Print of all listed above.  It also opens up unlimited potential, Infinite Supply, everything that comes to us in Divine Order- this resource is unbound, it is our Divine Birth Rights and Inheritances.  It will restructure everything back into it's Divine blue Print.  You must choose to Create Everything from Love, I AM Choosing this Now!



Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com


Part 2 of 2 Portal Opened and Anchoring of New 144 Harmonic Universe tones, Frequency’s Vibrations & 144 Color spectrum tones, Frequency’s Vibrations , 144 Sacred Geometry. .

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 16:24

Part 2 of 2  Portal Opened and Anchoring of New 144 Harmonic Universe tones, Frequency’s Vibrations & 144 Color spectrum tones, Frequency’s Vibrations , 144 Sacred Geometry. .

Anchoring in the I AM of the Supreme Mother Father Creator of all that is. Bring in New Harmonics, color, Frequency's of this Love.

Assistants of the masters of the 7 Rays to bring in the violet flame to transmute discordant energy, dense energy, low frequency and vibrations of the 4 bodies of Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, humanity, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations:  Mental, physical, spiritual, emotional bodies.

Clearing of the 4 bodies of Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, humanity, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations:  Mental, physical, spiritual, emotional bodies with Platinum Rays, Diamond Rays, Crystal Rays, - These Rays will purify cell memory banks, as well as purify all impurities from all 4 bodies

Activations of all energy wheels, and 330 energy chakras systems in Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, humanity, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations:

New connection established with these 4 bodies as listed above bring in higher spectrums of light, sound, color frequency's and vibrations of 144, this will start to bring things back into the original state of perfection.

All the work was done today at the Patricia Cota- Robles event in MN was connected also anchored in today for humanity, Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations through all Crystalline grids, meridians, lay lines as above as below. Assistances by Mother Mary and Jesus holding space and sending this work for all to receive.


Blessings and Love to all with Gratitude for all help today.




Portal Opened for Release and Transmutation and Recycle of Dark energy to be converted into Love and Light.

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 09:53

Portal Opened for Release and Transmutation and Recycle of Dark energy to be converted into Love and Light.

Use of White Cubes to transmute old past, dark energy, healing for Cosmos, Galaxy,  Universe, solar system, planetary system, Sacred sites,  Humanity,  All have received a white cube to transmute this energy. Time in white cubes all is on its own time line. These White cubes created to help process and clean up what’s left of Dark Energy.  The time inside the white cube all depends on how much dark energy needs to be transmuted from the past so it can be healed.

Enjoy the Healing

Love and Light


Portal Opened and Activated & Anchored Cosmos,Universal,Galaxy,Solar Planetary,Gaia Creation Minds Unified as One!

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sat, 03/09/2013 - 18:26

Portal Opened and Activated  & Anchored Cosmos,Universal,Galaxy,Solar Planetary,Gaia Creation Minds Unified as One!


Connected to everything as above as below, all Crystalline Grids, Lay lines, all sacred sites, master crystals, pyramids, planets Ect.


Enjoy the New Energy!





Contract Agreements signed by Star Gates 13-70 of Cosmos, universal, galaxy, Solar system, planetary, to work in Unity, Peace, H

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Fri, 03/01/2013 - 08:52

Contract Agreements signed by Star Gates 13-70 of Cosmos, universal, galaxy, Solar system, planetary, to work in Unity, Peace, Harmony. 

They are honored to work with us and send unconditional love to all and will be helping collect up the Reptilians and bringing them Directly to Source.


Star Gates 1-12 were signed months ago. I was unable to disclose at that time it transpired.







Plasma being's and further aknowledgement, hope this helps (level of duality and neutrality)

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 12/31/2012 - 22:12



All creation is from source, awakened or not, unconsciously we are working beyond dark and light, to achieve this awareness to higher consciousness and awareness within sense's upbeat differential of other race's capability's. Unity from biological body's capability's of emotion's manipulated by our unawakened unaware state's of unity self to cyclical beingness, cyclical beyond to cyclical eternal and cyclical neverless.

Breaking the cycle the brick wall

Neutrality is only a plaine for state's to build gather information and create without the need's of manipulation from any state's emotion's joy to fear, panic to peace able to attain knowledge beyond and become whom we are without letting our guard down meaning as primal state as frozen or hardened by cold, not to be affected by dark entity's not humans, but one's working unparallel over this earth's electromagnetic capability's that have risen out of distorted mechanic's from time space, we do not see them they see us, as angel's do can neutralize our awakening sense's manipulate from light or dark but none of neutrality, they are LIVING OR DEAD meaning within human body's or the other realm's dormant or manipulating.


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