
Riding the Waves of Ascension with Faith

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 11/14/2016 - 02:29


Faith is believing in that which remains unknown and unseen and it takes faith to step onto a surf board if you're not an experienced surfer! It would be like catching a train not knowing where you will end up. So there may be a little fear lurking in the hidden recesses of your human psyche holding you back from fully embracing this Divine Gift of Ascension.

So you may be experiencing some resistance along the way, like putting off your meditation and daily grounding practice, or you may even decide to read a few romance novels to take your mind off things. Some like me, may indulge in a little comfort food and trust me, there is nothing wrong with that! You are human and it is a wonderful gift being human! So go on, enjoy a pizza and a good romance novel!
There is no rush!! Time is NOT of the essence here. In all reality, your ascension has already happened. It's just taking T I M E to manifest in the dimensions where time has relevance.

Know that Gaia understands this and so do all your Brothers and Sisters of the Light. Don't let yourself be led into the thinking that Gaia is in a hurry to ascend and if you don't make the grade on time she will ascend without you and you'll be left behind somewhere or moved to another 3rd-dimensional Planet in another galaxy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Let me ask you this: Would the Father/Mother abandon their one 'lost' sheep to find its own way home? I'm not going to answer that question for you. Go within your Divine Presence and let God answer it for you. In my experience, Divine Love is indescribable, absolute to say the very least.

Sunday Musings ~ Transcending Fear in the Game of Illusion

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 08/05/2016 - 23:51

Image ~ “My Rocky Mountain” by Deborah Faith

What if your whole life purpose was to transcend fear.  Nothing more, nothing less. What if your fears were all yours and no one else’s? What if your DNA doesn’t contain the fear imprints of your ancestors and what if the ONLY single most purposeful thing every single one of us is doing here is learning to rise above fear?

Nothing brings your vibration down faster than fear. Nothing takes you out of Presence faster than fear.

Everything that is not love has its roots in fear. Everything. Fear is born out of separation consciousness – the thinking of ourselves separate from our Source which is ALL That is Love. Perfect, Pure, Absolute, Unconditional Love.

This separation consciousness causes us to believe we are vulnerable.

Fear is illusion and therefore not real. You can transcend fear by looking at it and erasing it similar to erasing a blackboard in a classroom. The classroom in this instance is the holographic experience of Life itself, as we are projecting it into being or into form, from within our own consciousness based upon our thoughts and beliefs and actions. What if every thought had a life of its own and what if when we give it our energy, it becomes more life-like? What if we could actually bring something into form through our very thought? Are we that powerful?

The answer is yes, we are. The question is do you believe it? Can you comprehend having such power? What if I told you your power is Infinite? Can you even begin to comprehend the meaning of the word “Infinite”?

Energy update – It is imperative now that you begin to see yourself in a Whole New Light.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 05:28

Image Source:

Dear One, it is imperative that you begin to see yourself in a whole New Light. A good mantra for you at this time would be:

Shhhhh…..Be still and know that I AM God.

Say this silently to yourself to calm your busy mind. There is much happening within you, many physical changes of which you are not aware.

The Solar Eclipse brought in a lot of energy and your body is still in the process of integrating this energy. The energy is being felt even stronger now in the wake of the first eclipse, and as you prepare yourself for the Equinox on the 19/20th and the Lunar eclipse on the 23rd, the energy is beginning to have an even stronger effect on your physical body. Know that the integration of this energy will take at least 2 to 3 months.

It is vitally important that you keep your space clear of low frequency energy and pollutants/contaminants (poisons/chemicals/toxins/impurities). By “your space” we mean not just the environment in which you live, but also your physical body. Pollutants are low frequency toxic energy. Your body is always responding to energy and detoxing itself of low frequency energy. Remember also that your body is a metaphor for the Body of the Whole Planet. What you do to yourself, you do to and for the Planet, therefore be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions. Everything has an energetic imprint and effect. Ensure that your thoughts/words/actions are in alignment.

Monday Musings ~ Letting Go and Letting God

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 09/07/2015 - 07:59

5 years ago I sat in my living room in front of my desktop PC and I said to God “That’s it, I’ve had enough! I cannot do this anymore, my life is a mess! I’m giving it all over to You. It’s Your turn now. I’m letting go and letting You take over the reins of my life. I’ll be your instrument and I’m giving you carte blanche (free rein) from now on. Your Will is my will. And so it is.”

I didn’t know who God was back then, but I believed in the Higher Power that was pumping the blood in my veins and giving me the air that I breathe. I knew from Conversations with God that God was in Everything, the Source of All, and that there was nothing that was not God.

I knew also that He had heard me.

That turned out to be the best decision I had ever made.

Earlier today I crossed a national highway on my daily walk and coming down the road towards me was a huge 18 wheeler truck. I said to Michael, “If needed you could stop that truck from hitting me right?” He replied “Of course, but you are already know that. Why do you ask?” I said “You are that powerful?” He replied “I am even more powerful than that. My power is infinite.”

I don’t know why I asked him such a silly question. When I lived in Mexico I used to ask him to move really bad looking thunderstorms for me and he did. So a little 18 wheeler truck is no biggie for him! In case you didn’t know, the thunderstorms in Mexico can get a little crazy. They used to scare me!

Guidance From The Angels ~ Let Go of Your Fears

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 04:44

Your Guidance from the Angelic Realm for today:

Let us help you let go of your fears. When you have fear energy within you, you’re attracting to yourself more fear energy which only serves to make the situation worse. Let us help you overcome your fears. It is natural to feel fear, it is your ego’s way of keeping you safe. But we want to guide you today that you have nothing to fear! You are safe! You will see that when you place your trust and your faith in the Divine, you become strong enough to let go of the fears and then you will know that the strength and courage to do anything lies within you.

Stay in your Heart Beloved and connect with the Divine part of You that wishes your life to be abundant in every way. Remember you are always loved and supported Dear One, but never as much as you are now. Never before have you held within you so much Light!

You are literally being held in the arms of Divine Love.

~ Guidance From The Angelic Realm No. 42

Have an awesome day Earth Angels!

We Love You!


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Energy Healing Transmission

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/17/2015 - 00:13

Artist ~ Josephine Wall (

I’ve recorded my first energy healing transmission as guided by my Highest Consciousness, my Beloved Archangel Michael. The recording has been light encoded with Reiki energy which will continue to be felt each time the recording is listened to. In fact, the energy will only become stronger. It will never dissipate.

Reiki is Divine Love, it is the universal flow of Everything that is Love, so what the transmission does is help you let go and release all that is not love within you. Basically, all that is not love is negative energy because all positive energy has its origins in love, which comes from the Soul.

Our objective as an ascending Being is to be love once more – to return to a higher state of consciousness means to return to a higher vibration, and the higher we go, the more love were able to hold. Love is light, light is love. Love is all there is!

So this wonderfully powerful transmission will help you to let go of the ego and all of the negative energy associated with the ego – guilt, blame, sadness, pain, disease, fear, feelings of  unworthiness etc., and bring you into alignment with your Soul Self so that you can experience more love, peace, gratitude, health, harmony, joy and bliss, and all that goes with those higher vibrational energies. This includes abundance in every way. When you are living more in your heart i.e. in love, you begin to experience an abundant life!

Sunday Musings ~ Oh Ye of little Faith…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 05/03/2015 - 08:31

Thank Goodness, a little faith is all you need. Only a teeny weeny mustard seed of faith, said Jeshua, would move mountains for you. So true. But how different is faith from trust? Faith is the cornerstone to trust. Faith is the foundation that paths the way to knowing, and therefore fully trusting, that all you have faith in, will come to pass.

Faith lives in your Heart, alongside Trust. When you live a Heart-based reality, you will begin to FEEL the magic of your Heart Genie busy working for you. Imagine that! You have your very own magical Genie living inside of you!

By having faith and trust you’re automatically moving away from an ego/mind based reality to a Heart based reality. And that is the place inside of you where miracles and magic resides!

So few people realize this though.

I was listening to my Mother on the telephone yesterday. In the space of 10 minutes she said the word ‘hell’ at least 5 times. It is no wonder then that her reality (life experience) is much like that word. Every morning at 8am she watches the ‘Faith’ channel on TV and she tries to write down everything they’re saying in her little notepad. Sometimes during the day she would get out her notepad and go over her notes by reading them out loud to herself. When I asked why she reads the words out loud, she answered “I need to get this into my nut!!” She refers to her head as her nut…. Ironic that a nut often has a hard shell and is difficult, sometimes impossible, to open. The Heart, however, is easily opened. All it takes is love.

It is in your Heart that YOUR Truth lies and never anywhere else. Not on TV or in a book, or even in this blog you’re reading.


Sunday Musings ~ “Spirit Lead Me Where My Trust is Without Borders”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 08/24/2014 - 09:30

What a week! We’re experiencing intense energy as we approach the culmination of Lions Gate and the New Moon tomorrow. We continue to be challenged, but also there have been lots of miracles! My computer shutdown by itself and refused to reboot. It said it had a ‘Fatal Error’. Spirit told me to just let it rest for a while, so I did. When I returned to it just over an hour later, it rebooted with no problem. During a Reiki session which followed shortly after I was asked by Spirit if I would like them to ‘clean my computer for me’. I responded with a definite YES!

Also earlier this week I received a wonderful gift from a friend in California. She was prompted by Spirit to send me her Emerald Green Andara who wanted desperately to work with me! It is not surprising because Michael told me more than a year ago that I would work with this crystal and that it would be the only crystal I would ever need. And now he has arrived to work with me. He is my ‘little helper’ and he has been helping me throughout this past week. He assists me on ground level and is helping to raise my consciousness and awareness of Self. He is also assisting me with my Reiki work. I know there will come a time when he will ask to go back to his rightful owner, and so it shall be that he is no longer needed by me when that time arrives. In the meantime, I am eternally grateful for his presence.

Why the ascension process could not be started – Message from God ~ 28. Mai 2013 from Marc Gamma

Submitted by Gabrielle on Tue, 05/28/2013 - 21:42

God(Translated through Isabel Henn,

Many readers of my blog were like me disappointed from the weekend and I had to do great efforts to recover and to not too lose faith in the whole thing. Proposed by my mentor I asked God why it didn’t work on the weekend, after so many reports in the internet had pointed on that and the message of Archangel Raphael from May 24. [click at the link] made a clear statement that it would happen now. I will provide you with an extract of the personal message to Isabel and me.

Message from God through M. Gamma – May 26, 2013

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