You're Rewriting Earth History
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Saviors of Ourselves
We are the sun
We are rays of light
We are one with the universe
We are the ones we were waiting for,
We remember when we wanted them to save us.
We now know we are the saviors of ourselves.
We know we are infinitely powerful.
We know we are stepping out of every program and limitation right now.
We are moving forward, sometimes striding proudly, and sometimes on all fours, crawling..
and knowing we got through those things that made us stronger.
We are strength, we are power.
We are allies in transformation.
We are informants to one another of the truth,
the truth of our own liberation and freedom, empowerment through being ourselves
passing it like a 'frequency gift' which some take and run with, and others don't even see.
Yet others give it back and keep on keeping on because it seems to scary to open
the reminder that they are free, the gift of liberation.
Perhaps you need to rest where you are for a bit, before the radical transformation comes?
You can shift your reality.
You can live your own dreamtime.
SPIRIT has no judgement.
The UNIVERSE has no judgement.
The experience and energy of judgment comes
from an old fear based paradigm existing only on this planet.
Most of us grew up with some form of judgement.
Whether it was about aspects of our physicality, our intelligence,
our abilities at school or our social skills,
the judgement beliefs take hold and eventually become
embedded into our cellular makeup.
I've been so very emotional lately. Yet, there has been no real explanation for my tears, my sorrow, my joy, my pain... I honestly thought I was going slightly bonkers, but I still embraced the stage of life. I understand that much of my emotion comes from being a deep Empath. I used to always say that I didn't have too many friends, because each new person I let into my life was soul tied to my heart, and I could feel their emotions. DAMN, I did not know how true that was! And now, here I am... openly inviting all of you into my life and my world with complete honesty, transparency and love... and this sh^t is no joke! The funny thing is I wouldn't have it any other way and I even sometimes wish I could advance this journey just so I could reach out to so many more of you. Yet, I call out my ego for having those thoughts and check myself back into the current moment because I am exactly where I am supposed to be in this moment.
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