crystal healing

My ‘Double Whammy’ Crystal and Reiki Healing Experience

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Fri, 09/05/2014 - 08:47

Yesterday I had the great pleasure of experiencing a ‘double whammy’ healing which I am going to share with you. My friend Mary Gates, a crystal healing therapist, and I, offered each other a healing. She offered to do her crystal grid healing for me and in return I offered her Reiki. So yesterday we got together on Skype, she at her home in California, and me at my home in Mexico City. We just so happened to be both feeling a little in need of a healing so the timing was perfect. I’d never had the crystal grid healing before and it has been a long time since she has experienced a Reiki healing!

Mary placed crystal cards beneath the cut-out of my body on her bed; then on top of my body she placed unpolished crystals. The cards and crystals are placed above and below you in strategic positions where the energy meridians flow, so you are being ‘sandwiched’ in between their wonderful energy!

I chose to lie down during the healing and immediately I started to feel the energy working in my lower back, and I felt warmth spreading up my spine. After about 5 minutes I realized I could call in the Reiki energy for her at the same time. I heard a YES from the Masters! So since her bed was covered in crystals she decided that she would just get comfortable in her chair. I called in the Reiki energy and the two of us were literally blown away by the energy that came in. She asked me if I’d called Jesus and I said “No, but he’s here!” It’s amazing who will join in on a healing session. Our Soul Family are so eager to help and any opportunity we give them to help us is eagerly and gratefully accepted!

The Devas and Keepers of the Crystals on Planet Earth

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 10/05/2013 - 09:06

Many years ago when I came across a book on the Crystal Devas in an esoteric bookshop in Cape Town, South Africa, I felt a great affinity for these beautiful Beings of Light. At the time it never occurred to me that I would be working with them. I had discovered crystals many years before that and always loved them, before I had any idea of their power or their purpose here on Planet Earth.

Crystals are playing an important role in maintaining balance and in assisting Gaia in her Ascension process. Crystals are able to hold high vibrational energy and as such can be used as conduits and portals for the healing energy and Light that comes from All That Is, the Creator and Source of All Consciousness. Many eons ago when Planet Earth was created, crystals were strategically placed within the Earth grid system in order to maintain balance between the forces of dark and light to ensure that Earth never fell prey to the darkness alone, and to work with humanity and other Light Beings to eventually restore Light Consciousness upon the Planet. It was with the help of these precious crystals that the Earth was saved during the destruction of Atlantis.

Crystals have extraordinary qualities also within their energy make-up, and as such can be used for healing purposes by esoteric healers across the Planet. But this is not their only purpose. Crystals are also used by the Crystal Devas to restore balance within the energy body of Gaia,  just like they are used by healers to clear and balance the energy centers or chakras, and restore balance within the emotional, mental, etheric and physical body in humans.

A Great Disturbance in the Force

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Tue, 04/16/2013 - 07:02


There’s a line from a Star Wars movie that *almost* encapsulated how I felt last night. It was a strange night.

“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”

For the past few days I’ve been feeling rather strange. My heart has been beating like a bass drum. It was a strained, fiery type of beating but I never felt like I was in any danger. This same thing happened to me last summer and I was much less accustomed to it. There were some nights I was certain I was having a heart attack. I’m a little more enlightened now, and believe that these are the effects of solar flares.

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