dr moe

Fugget About It

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 11/15/2014 - 15:39

Let go your sorrows. Let go your judgments. Let go your regrets. Let go your need to control. "Cause all you need is Love, All you need is Love, All you need is Love, All You need is Love, All you need is L o o o v v v e e e . So Fugget About It!!!"

In Anticipation of The Event

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 02/23/2014 - 06:25

Bring It On!


Are you ready for The Event?  I am. Bring it on. Once in a while I need to vent. Maybe you do too.  I can safely say it has a powerful cleansing effect while it releases a lot of internal stress having to do with how slow things appear to be moving. The following is a re-post from last year. With the nonsense and harm the cabal continues to try and propagate on this planet and her inhabitants it is time to let loose once again. This is how I feel and at times like these it feels good to say so. Back in my practice days, as a psychotherapist, I would support abuse victims in their desire to confront their abusers, once they were ready to do so. It was a very powerful moment for them and every client who took this brave step reported the same result - An end to feeling like a Victim. We are no longer victims when we stand up to those who would try and control us. Let us do so as often as necessary until the job is done.  Badda Bing, Badda Boom!



"I Apologize Therefore I'm Cured" - Really???


I am feeling angry and upset with the current state of world affairs, with the miscreants, the cheaters, the predators in suits, the military abusers of mankind. These sycophants can now readily be identified and found among our world leaders, the people who allegedly run things for the rest of us. Let them all be evacuated from Earth as far as I’m concerned, ship them off to a prison planet of their own making where they can be held to account for their oftentimes murderous abuses of mankind.


The Voice - Free Preview on Goodreads

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 01/11/2014 - 07:59

The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension

Now available for Free Preview on Goodreads through the month of January 2014:


Lightworkers everywhere are meeting online and gathering in groups to share the latest on their emerging life purpose and personal development efforts. You need not be a lightworker to enjoy the full benefits of The Voice. Personal growth enthusiasts of all types will appreciate the exploits of these characters whose sci-fi adventure requires them to deal with psychological and spiritual issues as part of their training for service on Earth in this new millennium. For lightworkers, this story relates to their promise to actualize their life mission at this point in mankind's evolution and help us all return to the Sacred. For those who identify with this mythical story, they will find a tale of personal development that reveals how being true to one's inner nature is necessary to actualize one's full potential. The Voice is both a guidebook and training manual for lightworkers and personal growth enthusiasts of all stripes. Ascension Earth is what's at stake in mankind's next evolutionary step, and The Voice teaches that the path to true inner freedom is engaged through Conscious Evolution.

The message of The Voice is here echoed in Mike Quinsey's latest post from Salusa:


Slow Train to heaven

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 08/31/2013 - 19:53

More from the Conscious Music Movement that's sweeping the globe and which I now feel part of. Take the Slow Train to Heaven by connecting with your Heart Center and Source. What you feel right now is more important than what you think. What you "feel" comes directly from Source. What you "think" has been programmed in. Trust your Heart.  Follow your Bliss. And take the Slow Train to Heaven.  Meet you at the Station and we'll share our stories of adventure.

Dr Moe Rants Again . . .

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 08/25/2013 - 10:10

This rant was inspired by a recent post from Will Harader who gave us the real story behind Lucifer and Michael and the myth of the Prodigal Son/Daughter which I have always understood to be A Return to God's Arms after venturing around the Earth in search of experiences and learnings related to a more comprehensive understanding of God's Oneness which includes us All.


RE: Will Harader Post - THE TRUE STORY ABOUT Michael & Lucifer

This piece resonates well with what I feel intuitively and what I've come to believe and understand through my explorations of Mythology, Psychology and Spirituality. We've been telling each other these stories for eons. Religion and other special interests co-opted these stories, and re-fabricated them to meet their own ends of controlling others and manipulating mankind so they could enslave them and feed their own insecurities with the illusion of power and addiction to greed. Mind control! Still goes on today. Hollywood is the West's mind control machine and the actors there all know it. The head of this worldwide snake is the Vatican; we all know that now. And this “head” is about to be lobbed off by the rising truth in our emerging individual consciousnesses.

The back door of our rising consciousness is the Heart. We've learned about that particular key now and we’re using it as Heaven originally intended. We look to our Hearts where "Home" truly is (Heaven if you prefer) and we can see for ourselves the absurdity of the present mess mankind is in - all the artificially induced false flag events and their support through lies, lies, and yes, more lies as the official story is desperately promulgated through the lame-stream media.

Happenin Time

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 06/11/2013 - 16:30

Now is the Time! It's Happening Now! We're hearing it everywhere. From Cobra, from Poof, from David Wilcock, from David Icke, from many contributors at GFP. The world is in an Uproar. We are in an Uproar. Enough already with these corporate elites and their misguided idea that they run things. Look at the images in this video. This is just a sampling of who is running things.  We Are Running Things!  We are Standing Up for Ourselves and Humanity as a Whole. I can feel it. Can You?  Good - Then Say Something! This is my 2 cents - Show me Yours!



Fly Butterfly

Submitted by drmoe on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 16:03


In anticipation of "The Event" which I sincerely feel will be upon us shortly, a view shared by many in the Lightworker, Starseed communities - e.g. Cobra, David Wilcock and many contributors to The Galactic Free Press, I am releasing this new music video. This is my story as much as it is the story of many of us Lightworkers, given what we've been going through to get our "houses" in order. Well it's here. I can feel it in my bones and we're gonna hang on for the ride of our lives. Enjoy!





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