walking terra christa

New Earth Frequency Update ~ The Timelessness Effect

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Thu, 08/08/2013 - 08:09


There is no mistake about it – the Lion’s Gate energies this year have taken us into a whole new dimensional self. That is the purpose of this Star Gate in 2013. Challenges are resulting within all aspects of a Lightworker’s four-body system to bring forth the alignment of our Divine Self.

August 8th we will be entering the Apex of the Lion’s Gate. If you think that you are feeling the energies now, it will climax within each of us for a 24-hour period. Then it will be downgraded into our physicality by grounding it fully into GAIA.

Lion's Gate 2013 ~ A New Doorway of Opportunity

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Thu, 07/25/2013 - 22:17

Period of Activation:  July 26th through August 12, 2013


We, at Walking Terra Christa, want to acknowledge the energies of the Lion’s Gate so we and others can have a clearer definition of what these upgraded frequencies represent within the 4th dimensional world we live in.  This information resonates with the messages that Lord Adama and the Team of Light have shared in the past few weeks that we are about to be hit with some very intense vibrational changes.  The following transmission is being guided by the Elohim Councils of God and the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace that represent the 12 Rays of God.  We thank them for their message of love.



Greetings My Beloveds,

We thank you for taking the time to receive these energies of understanding.  We have come together with the Elohim and the Elders in group consciousness to assist the divination of light in order to have an understanding of what we are expressing in these moments.  It is important that we have a general knowledge of the changes that are already happening within the planet in order to fully grasp the conditions that you will be receiving in the next couple of weeks.

Each of you is at a time when changes will occur within you and you will go into a deeper part of your essence.  It is all part of the plan that has been set since December of last year.  It is important to realize that the energies that are existing upon the planet are in need of great assistance but it must come in stages of growth.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ Planning In Action

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Thu, 07/04/2013 - 09:05


This month is going to set a huge opening of many events to change upon the world.  Many are writing about it and I share it from the information that as been provided through our teachings from the Ascended Masters.

Wesak in May truly set the stage as the enfoldment of the Three-fold flame of the Will, Love and Power was actualized within the essence of Gaia.  We then experienced an amazing Solstice in which a doorway opened for every human on earth to blend their three minds of the Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, into the Super-consciousness of our Higher Self.  This is a pretty tall acceleration which will continue through eons of time.

So now we are in adjustment phases of allowing all of these energies to blend into our physical existence.   In addition the veil between the worlds of Spirit and Matter are now closer than they ever have been before.  This means that the availability of connecting with the Light Beings is so close within our consciousness.  It also means that the gap of the opposing forces is getting smaller but not without trying to create challenges for each of us.

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