august 25th

The Grand Sextile – August 25th – The Solomon ’s seal – Theme – TRANSFORMATION – Pleiades

Submitted by annamerkaba on Thu, 08/22/2013 - 09:12

The Grand Sextile – August 25th – The Solomon ’s seal – Theme – TRANSFORMATION – Pleiades (Edit)

grandsextileaugust252013In the next few days of your earthly time, there will once again occur a grand celestial event in your skies as major celestial bodies move into place to form a six pointed star. Another portal will once again open and bring with it a strong infusion of light onto this planet. This is the time that all of you will be able to fully, consciously and collectively connect yet again to the divine. Coupled with the energies that all of you have collected and have hibernated within your vessels for the last few weeks, the energy that will be unleashed onto GAIA will have tremendous power to break down the old systems and to transform all that stands in its way.

And so we ask that all of you, with all of you might and desire for change, connect to the divine and allow your bodies to become light anchors, pillars of light, through which the pure cosmic energies of love, peace, serenity, tranquility and understanding can pass through and into the very depths of your planet.

We ask that as this energy passes through you, for you to completely merge with the energies and to monitor your thoughts continuously for 3 days. One day prior to the portal, during the portal and the next day after the closing of the gates.

The Hathors – Lion’s Gate Portal August 8th & 25th – THEME MAGIC – EXPANSION OF CONSCIESNESS

Submitted by annamerkaba on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 18:16

The Hathors – Lion’s Gate Portal August 8th & 25th – THEME MAGIC – EXPANSION OF CONSCIESNESS

thehathorslionsgateWe are the Hathors, and we come to bring you a message. A message that a new MAGICAL wave of light is about to sweep your planet and YOU are NEEDED yet again. For the theme of the portal that is about to sweep your planet is MAGIC.

On August 8th of your earthly time, many will experience the incoming energies, for the Lions Gate will indeed open and allow the energy to come through to all the light workers. As this occurs many of you will experience the expansion of your energy body, your physical body and your consciousness. Many of you will experience yourself becoming denser and heavier, and yet larger than life, at moments you will feel as if you are about to burst, worry NOT, for what you will be experiencing is a collection of energies that you are then to anchor into GAIA on August 25th.

We the Hathors from the ancient order of light, are asking you to get ready and open your hearts wide, dear children of light and love, open your hearts for the beauty for the creation of your own selves awaits!

For the theme of the portal that is about to sweep your planet is MAGIC – as you truly open to the divinity within your hearts and soar up into the sky like the eagle free at last, free at last!!!!!! YES indeed it is true, for you have freed yourselves from all the agony of the past!

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