
Contending world viewers

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 03/31/2015 - 14:33

March 30th 2015

Contending world viewers

Contending world viewers are acquiring, within deviated constructs, attributes conformal to the adaptations brought on down from inner actualizations on introverted concepts. Potentialities within these choices in how we will manifest greater coherency in the near future portends to fabrics which are set on out in fractals reminiscing in grids (intellectual fields *Information) of individuals while contending, portending to inertia of momentum.

Advances within our singularity will contend to irregular synapsis which should augment "chance" for Hyper Velocity Factors while we are in querying attributes... Independent formations which evolve co-dependently as fractals acquiescing in memorable accounts have predisposed fabrics for us to contend in/to/within from actual thought transcriptions which had us wondering how the new venues which are carried on within the next perpetuated messages, fractals acquiescing bonds of numerical knowledge for contenders to postulate with or without the general agreement which flows at probability factors while we are interchanging transgress.

More so life individualities which corresponds to star matter in alignments to the generated cores, fractals in acquiescence’s to symmetrical alignments conformal to the falling and rising currents implemented as we acquisition the flows in virtues playing out on worldwide phenomena’s.



Interdimensional Portals

Submitted by Mario on Sun, 03/01/2015 - 12:16

Interdimensional Portals

In acquisition to interdimensional beings we should allow time for us to ascend or re-ascend individually or as groups for fabrics of the (Higher Nature) to abide or allow us to give out intel which is given to us from other beings sub selective within as without for without contemptions are pronunciations (Citations) which abounds infinite knowledge for us to bring about within mesmerizing feats... Some individualistic states for sub groups of humanity within manifestation of coherent nodes which abides deep within stasis or our states of being while we are in "turn around" functions.

Momentarily the formations gathered from the nexus is contemporizing the individualistic state which fabricates the knowledge in advance for us to attend or "Get" as is from pertaining matters while we abide in lower formations or sub selective nodes/venues for interactions with other beings of other dimensions or planes. While we choose groups for this to actualize or have as effects (Master effect) what some would term synaptic modules interactive in notations of the intellectual drive...? Manifestations which are coherent in modules excelling in conjunction to star systems while having bursts of enlightenment to individually gather/augment in consciousness if/while we choose to accept the formations which are given or ingrained within us while we advance momentarily within constructs which help us see how or what as why these may be happening in the first place... More so this allows for future events or manifestations to become about from the expansion which is carried on out by our choice in manifestations which are interactive or giving about modulations as these (Pause) for us to attend to new measures in choosing within the pause what is constructed as new measures.

Pruning the Non-Resonant Energetic Branches of Life

Submitted by nerdalicious on Sun, 01/26/2014 - 14:47

Look at he well deveoloped ego mind, certain of its correctness!

Greetings Dear ones,

Higher self here, maybe someone else. <grin> What is it that steers you away from your purpose? What is it that you are constantly trying to do but always get pulled away from? Why is that? What are the possible or likely culprits? What are you struggling with all the time or just frequently that you can’t quite get yourself to conquer? This body in its current incarnation is a troubleshooter and technical by nature and has a decent ability to eventually get things right. Perhaps there is a divine plan at work that your ego is battling against. Perhaps your ego really wants to do items A, B and C but can’t quite get there for some reason and this happens all the time? The rest of the alphabet keeps wanting in on the action.

Maybe there are divine influences at work in your subconscious that you are either fighting or denying.  Your ego or behavioral programmed mind keep trying to do certain things but you never quite get there in the timeframe or manner that you originally intended. Maybe you are actually operating in a divine-influenced timeframe that is not linear at all. We all have a menu of life paths to choose from. Some people have more choices than others for varying reasons. We consciously or unconsciously choose  from these on a minute by minute basis. We are after all in a free-will world and this law constantly applies. So what is it that you choose to do now? Is it in your best interest to pursue this path right now? Perhaps you are on a wild goose chase yet again? Maybe you have been on wild goose chases your whole life for more reasons that are not entirely of your own making?

Anyone seen the movie Epic?

Submitted by nerdalicious on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 06:26

Last night was family night in my house. All my closest nerdlings were snuggling with me and my wife on the couch. We watched Epic on demand. It was pretty good. I won't give a dissertation on how great it was. There were a bunch of themes to compare and contrast for the analytical hearts and minds. The last song as the closing credits started!!! I truely recognize heart space resonance when I come across it now. At first it caught my discerning ears, then my heart lit up like a christmas tree. Tears of joy almost welled up by the end. So being the lightworker I am (heh heh) I got the whole soundtrack. We're supposeed to pursue our passions, right? I love Danny Elfman btw.....all way back to his Oingo Boingo days. Anyhow, the soundtrack has about 18 songs on it, all by him except this last one. Beyonce sings it. It's called Rise up and is on youtube. Next time I'm vjing in TC I prmise to play it. Wow wow wow...... ~Nerdalicious

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