unity consciousness

Experiencing the Eclipse and Beyond

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 09/29/2015 - 16:49

photo by Angie Love

The Eclipse day, for me was magnificent. I started the day meeting with a friend on Skype who lives in Scotland. Ann is a “crystal awakener” and has worked with all the waterways and mountains of Scotland to bring them to 5D. This was a huge job and too awhile. She worked with my crystals that I was bringing to the mountain for a ceremony later that day. Some big orbs including a golden one showed up on camera as I met with her, and she caught a photo of me and the orbs.

Global Heart Synchronization and Activating Light Bodies

The Magic of March 2015: Manifesting the New Dream

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 03/22/2015 - 10:24

by April Bender via Higher Self


Welcome to the March Equinox Gateway!


Perhaps the most wondrous of all mystical creatures, the Unicorn
is a symbol of magic, miracles, dream manifestation, purity, innocence, and enchantment. 


Unicorn - Acrylic

Created by Karry T. Hesla

Whereas previously, the December solstice brought with it a new strata of high-vibrational foundational energies for the masters to impress upon that in which they would see manifest as part of the new dream and/or experience of New Earth – the recent powerful March equinox gateway energies (eclipse and new moon) are now bringing all, the opportunity and the energies conducive to manifesting that new world dream or "imprint" into reality. This is happening through the act of co-creation and cooperation along and within the (5-7D) Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, which in many ways is still in its infancy but evolving rapidly.


Quantum Excitement: A Detailed Update on the Energies

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 01/25/2015 - 13:52
by April Bender (via Higher Self)
As the Solstice Fires of Ascension (crystalline energies) continue to pervade every dimensional level of existence connected to and throughout your world, much of the foundational quanta or energy particles that make up these fields of existence have over these last few weeks, become more and more excited. As a result, these quantum particles are popping, morphing and/or reconfiguring themselves into yet a new field of heightened potential and expression.
This quantum “excitement” is occurring due to the following reasons / catalysts: the rapid influx of crystalline energies now entering your world, the imprinting work of the Master's on / in this energy, ongoing individual shifts into higher or unity consciousness, the collective's overall slow but steady shift in awareness, consciousness shifts taking place in other worlds connected to yours, and the inherent programming / activations stemming from the Galactic Central Sun.


IN-Lightenment: The Magic Moringa Tree ~ A Future Nesara Project

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 08/24/2013 - 17:12












Image from http://www.ilovemoringa.com

Much to my delight I have been enlightened with the existence of this tree through a special friend who received her enlightenment through Archangel Zadkiel, her guide. I immediately asked my guide, Archangel Michael, “What is this tree?” and received the answer with his smile “It’s magic!” All of this happened about a week ago and since then I have found much information on the internet to support its magical qualities. I saw the potential that this magical tree is offering humanity now to help eradicate malnutrition and hunger and I have indicated to my guides that I wish to be a part of what they are calling “The Moringa Project”.

I will not go into the detail of what this magical tree offers nutritionally, since there is enough of this information readily available on the net, but do I wish to tell you more about what my guides have been telling me about the Moringa Project.

Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ It Is Time ~ 12.10.12

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 12/10/2012 - 20:47

Yeshua ~ It Is Time ~As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 12.10.12




Hello dear ones, I come before you today, on this auspicious day, one of many to come. I beseech you to Be with and gather all you can of Creator’s Divine Love, to absorb it and sift it and spread it through your Heart and out to all your fellow Beings and the Earth Mother.

Oh, these are glorious days, where you have such an opportunity to lift your spirits to untold heights, dear ones. The energies are building and showering you. Stop and be still many times in the day and welcome it, for this is your opportunity for complete transformation. Yes, you have heard this, but we want to be sure that the next eleven days have your complete attention.

In your preparations for 12-12-12, be sure and pay attention to any thoughts of unity and connection to your fellow Beings and Earth. Wrap it all in a ball of Light and hold it in your Heart and expand with it. Feel the Abundance and Joy and Love that all are beginning to experience and make a prayer for all to experience it to the “nth” degree. Go bigger. Go larger. Go lighter. Go brighter. You bring everyone along with you that way.

Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ We Are One ~ December 8, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Sat, 12/08/2012 - 20:07

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ We Are One ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ December 8, 2012

weareone.2Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:



Dear friends and beloveds, soon to be of the Celestial and Galactic Realm. We come to you today to impart information about your awakening progress, which is so magnificent and expansive.


Many of you are already connecting with the Higher Realms on a regular basis and others are getting glimpses. We are so enamored of you and so tickled and overjoyed by your advancement that words cannot express it adequately.


By now you are all preparing for even more upliftment and advancement in your Light Bodies and with your connection with Unity Consciousness, and all is progressing according to Divine Plan. You are just beginning to fathom the vastness of the scope of your reach into the higher dimensions. The more you let go and allow for the downloads and alignments, the more you will experience. And letting go is the key.


My dear friends, absorb the immense Light minute by minute which will deliver you to heights you could never have imagined but are beginning to remember. The sheaths and veils are being removed from your inner knowing and it is as if you have just entered an immense room that you didn’t know you had, full of treasures and knowledge and even realms of immense possibilities.


Begin to explore these inner reaches of your being, this Divine Being, this Spark of Creator that is so full of treasures and wonders you will be like a child in a candy store not knowing where to begin to savor all the delights awaiting you.


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