144th dimension

Feeling the Power of Oneness with Lord Sananda

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 16:51

On April 15th the world will have experienced the Festival of the Christ energies within a powerful full moon and lunar eclipse.  This event is spoken about to be the most intensified frequency of light to come into the planet this year.  Many individuals are sharing information about this frequency of light that will be occurring.  In fact, we are already in the midst of these energies and are experiencing great changes through our full body system.

Walking Terra Christa held a special open call for this event on April 14th with Lord Sananda as the guest speaker along with Lord Maitreya and Master Kuthumi.  The specifics of the Festival of the Christ represent Love, Resurrection, and Contact with others.  Lord Sananda share such an eloquent message of love with powerful Light Codes through Rev. Meleriessee.  We gathered together in the Temple of Oneness within the Ballroom of Crystalline Light to walk through another doorway of beauty unto a deeper part of ourselves.  Master Kuthumi is now working more fully with Lord Maitreya in the office of the Christ and shared his essence of experience to help lightworkers move through these next phases of ascension.  Each of these magnificent beings shared their hearts unto each of our hearts to help us through our initiations that will require great strength and courage.

In addition, this full moon represents the sign of Aries with Libra which is a perfect relationship between our physical self (Aries) and our spiritual self (Libra).  This moon will assist in the connection between both essences to become one.  The Lunar Eclipse also represents relationships of changing circumstances by accessing our “inner wisdom”.  This is a perfect time for each individual to fully access their higher self within the physical body for the Divine Union of the Self.

Becoming the Beacon of Light That You Are - New Earth Frequency Update

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 16:47

It is our pleasure to be with each of you once again through this venue of light.  We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein along with the entire God Force of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

The frequencies of light that are coming into the planet are beyond what you can truly understand within your physical consciousness.  It is so important to continually work through your higher essence in your physical mind and heart.  We know that this can be a challenge but the more that you do it, the easier it will become.

The Lunar Eclipse on April 15th will represent the first of a succession of energy patterns that are going to be intertwining within GAIA.  Those of you that know astrology are aware of the Cardinal Grand Cross and the Solar Eclipse on the 29th of April which will herald the frequencies of light for Wesak on May 14th, 2014.  These energies are all part of the design plan of 2014.

We know the magnificence of these energies represent the Unification of Oneness and grounding these energies into the planet and into each of you.  We can look to the science of astrology for detailed information but in truth what does it mean for each of you, individually?

That is the big question to ponder but travel no further.

Expect the Unexpected ~ 12:12 Energies

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Thu, 12/12/2013 - 20:02

A Special Edition of New Earth Frequency Update ~ Unified Whole Command of Oneness reflects on the energies of 12:12 ~

Due to the changes that we are experiencing in December 2012, we would like to share some vibrational energies to help create an understanding within the physical mind.  We are the Unified Whole representing the Source of Creation from the 144th dimension.

We come today as a group consciousness so to speak as we want each of you to sit and breathe deeply by allowing your Higher Essence to come into your physical being.  Do not read the words without perceiving the energies.  We do this for one reason:  12:12 is not about understanding the process but going through the doorway without an expectations.

Due to the advancement of your world there is so much information available for each individual soul.  It is for this reason that we want you to feel our essence which in truth is your essence as We are One.  If you can have that experience, then the resulting moment will be acceptance, because you will not receive all of this information we share.  You will bring into yourself the aspects of your Self that are awaiting to be acknowledged.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ A New Paradigm of Light

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 11/26/2013 - 17:47

PLANETARY AS SHARED BY MELERIESSEE ~ This last month in 2013 is going to prove to be the lightning being shown by many levels of creation.  We have gone through so many planetary accelerations through this year that the changes each of us is going through is representative of the changes it has brought into our lives.

We are now in the midst of the Comet Ison spinning its essence through the hemisphere into the Sun approximately on November 28th, 2013 and then hopefully, it will survive and move into the Earth’s skies.  What does this mean for us?

It all started with the Portal of Light with Uranus Pluto Square that allowed for the integration of the Galactic forces of light merging into the Solar level and within the planet’s surface.  This alignment represents all that we have experienced in 2013 with the changes, the purification that we needed to do, to allow for the intermingling of energies from the 24th dimensional level to spin into the 4th of Earth’s current status.  All of this could not be possible without the previous activations that we experienced of each moon cycle, eclipse, with the Solstice and Equinox experiences to be felt by the human race into the core of GAIA.  We are definitely experiencing energies that have never been before accepted into GAIA’s field, but yet it is happening.

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