energy update

Equinox Message of Encouragement from our Sisters and Brothers of the Light

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/18/2018 - 21:17

Dear Readers,

I asked for a message today that will set our minds at rest over the huge changes that are currently unfolding all over the Planet. This is the message I received:

You are currently experiencing the most powerful influx of the Diamond Light codes ever. Never before Dearest One has the Earth and her people been the recipient of so much Love! It is there for you, for the taking, for your choosing. Realize that you are the co-creator in your reality and it is up to you what you choose to do with this powerful creative energy. It is through your intention and free will to create the reality of your choosing that you bring forth your New 5D Earth reality. But know that with all great change comes a great releasing also of all that which was and is still being mis-appropriated (mis-created) by those who are not yet awake, or fully awakened, to the great shift occurring on the Earth. Therefore be prepared for great changes both within and without as this great releasing takes place.

Within your own energy matrix you are already seeing how much more connected you are to Spirit, and how much clearer your inner Voice is becoming, and how much more intuitive you are becoming as you align more with the Truth held within the chambers of your Sacred Heart, as you BEcome the God/Goddess, Priest/Priestess of your choosing. You have a keener sense of the intense support and unconditional Love that flows from within you, through and around you, from the Almighty I AM Presence, the Father/Mother of your Being.

Energy Update ~ We are here to serve Gaia as Co-Creators!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 09/07/2017 - 09:56


Image sourced from Pixabay

I wasn’t sure whether to write this blog or not…but then one of my readers sent me such a beautiful email earlier today that helped me to regain my confidence, and my balance. Thank you Lumanthra!

Things are hotting up! To put it mildly… So hang onto your breeches!

It seems the message I received from Michael not so long ago is coming to pass. The energy is churning us all right! Churning and indeed turning us inside out, and in so doing, bringing the best of us right out into the open, out into the Light. It is helping us to release all that we have mis-created which has been acting as the Veil of Illusion separating Heaven and Earth.

It may help perhaps to change our perspective just a little by thinking of this mis-created energy as also longing to return to the Light from whence it came, which it is! This energy is our energy and that means it is Source energy which has been mis-created by us, and just like us, it is longing, yearning even, to be returned to Source, into the arms of Divine Love, just like we are. It doesn’t even matter anymore which of us created it. We are One! We are a Collective Consciousness and there is no more separation in this new energy. We are here to serve Gaia, and to clear the air [ether] of all that we have mis-created as the Human Collective upon this Great Earth.

Happy Solstice Everyone!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 06/20/2017 - 08:09

Happy Solstice Everyone!

Here in the Southern Hemisphere in Cape Town, South Africa, we celebrate the Winter Solstice tomorrow morning at 06.24. In the Northern Hemisphere it is the Summer Solstice and it officially arrives at 12:24 a.m. Wednesday in New York City. (On the west coast of the United States, the solstice officially arrives at 9:24 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20, and in Chicago it arrives at 11:24 p.m. on Tuesday.)

This happy event is celebrated by Light beings all over the Cosmos, especially those who have their eye on Planet Earth. And who doesn’t these days! There are wonderful things happening on the Earth Plane at present. For one, the energy has been amped up quite nicely and people who are geared into receiving this energy are experiencing all its wonderful benefits.

One of the greatest gifts of any energetic alignment is how close we become to our Source energy during the actual event itself. Therefore the so called veil of separation becomes thinnest during these times giving us greater access to our innate power and wisdom. So do take advantage of this precious time!

This is a great time to be focusing on manifesting your glorious future! So remember to stay in your Sacred Heart and focus on all that it is you wish to create at this time. Remember that need is an illusion, and just the vibration of the word ‘need’ will tip you off to this fact. Rather use the word CHOOSE when holding the intention to create something.

Will we be seeing anything different in the near future following this Solstice?

Energy update – There is an air of Transparency where ALL is being revealed.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 05/07/2017 - 00:33

Energy update – There is an air of Transparency where ALL is being revealed.

Let us talk about where you’re at currently with your transition. There is an air of transparency now that is affecting all at this juncture and it is permeating everything, every part of life and indeed every part of your life, your existence, both within your human form and within the world around you.

Everything Dear One, everything is a manifestation of consciousness, therefore do not look outside of yourself if something manifests in your life or in your human vessel that causes you discomfort or dis-ease. Always look within and ask yourself the question, “What energy am I holding onto that is manifesting this experience?”

Remember that the human body is a reflection of its consciousness, therefore will bring to your attention all that must be cleared in order for you to move forward freely into the next octave of your greatness.

This is a time where all is being illuminated. All is being revealed for transmutation. This is a time where nothing can be hidden. If there is something within your consciousness that is non-serving it will be illuminated now in order for you see it clearly so you may surrender it to your higher power for transmutation into the Light of Love.

Energy Update:The Stars Shining you Home

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sat, 03/18/2017 - 13:45

In tapping into what the coming Equinox gateway will bring to the us, I received a feeling of joy and excitement, visions and information. Woo hoo! We are ever expanding and evolving as a species. Are you feeling the intensity of it? Let me share what I am seeing and feeling as an akashic reader listening to cosmic information in a download. Please use your own guidance to know what the Equinox will be for yourself.

Vision: Seeing the cosmic whales connected to the stars, connected to the earths oceans and everyone of you. Cosmic whales represent and embody the oversoul or group soul. Physical Earth whales are the frequency keepers of earth and those who have the records, or some believe. There is a connection between cosmic whales and Earth whales as the Cosmic Whales are the higher selves of the whales, just as we humans have higher selves. Tap into the frequency or the feeling of the whales, as they are so joyful and loving. Also imagine the cosmic whales swimming through space, and feel them. There is something very special about whales.

Energy Update ~ What is happening within you now is of paramount importance

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 02/08/2016 - 07:48

What is happening within you now is of paramount importance. Your body (physical, mental and emotional) is being overhauled so to speak. You could say you’re undergoing a major service as you would with your car periodically. Only in this service you are being restructured at DNA level. This re-wiring of your DNA is taking you into deeper levels of consciousness and at the same time, bringing up all the old patterns and belief systems that belong to the person you used to be before your transformation began.

You are now at a point in your transformation whereby you can consciously choose which vibration you wish to experience. When old thoughts and beliefs pop up that belong to a consciousness that is still being governed by your ego, you can immediately recognize them, and therefore be cognizant and change that patterning. This will eventually become second nature so to speak and your ego consciousness will realize that there is now a new way of thinking and behaving and will act accordingly.

With the restructuring of the old your body may begin showing signs of outward manifestation. For instance, joints may become swollen, you may experience back ache and muscle aches and pains. You may also find yourself dealing with symptoms from and old condition you thought had already dealt with and fully cleared. When this happens, do not become despondent. Do not allow yourself to think you are doing something wrong. Everyone is different, please remember that, so do not compare yourself to another.

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