Company of Heaven

The Redemption of Satan

Submitted by Tinahyah on Fri, 03/06/2020 - 07:37

On January 18, 2020 Satan has been redeemed, taken home to heaven and welcomed.

Ever since I intentionally started doing my healing work [2000], Satan has been in opposition to me. I have performed countless exorcisms and set up Light Stations to attract the demonic for liquidation or transumation purposes.

This past Jan. 18, 2020. It all came to a conclusion when I performed a Redemption Directive for Satan, who had acquired a COMPLETE soul, as has every soul received, initiated on September 2, 2018.

Previous historical events:
[Some of this verbiage will not be 'clear', for you will not be used to these kinds of words. Also, all of these dated events occurred in history "out of my control", but were recorded as they occurred, whether I understood what God was performing or not. I just "did" what I was told to do by God. All of these events tied into and flowed into another event in a way that can only be said to be God's Plan. I know I sure did not plan these things. The first part of my collection here is a summary in time, a timeline of events that lead up to the "biggie", the Redemption of Satan.]

Oct. 9, 2013 - Lucifer exorcised and sent home to heaven.

9/2/2018 Brought Light to the darkest place in all the earth, Dome of the Rock, Old City Jerusalem, Israel. Israel' no longer DESPAIR LAND, BUT HAS RETURNED TO THE PROMISED LAND. Israel alone in all the River of Life is COMPLETE.

My theme is: "How can I bring COMPLETE to all?"

I met a fellow today.
His spiritual name is KEEPER.
He is Nephilim.

Whose SOUL is he "KEEPING?" SATAN..
Satan does not like that KEEPER is preserving/keeping his soul.
Satan' origin is as an angel.
KEEPER is to keep the soul of Satan, until it is time for Satan to be redeemed.

Mother Mary: You Are As Big As The Multiverses, As Illuminated As The Stars – As Channeled by Fran Zepeda – September 8, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 09/08/2013 - 22:06


Mother Mary:

My dear ones, the peace in your hearts is palpable and growing, as you progress through your ascension process and your opening of your beautiful hearts for yourselves and all mankind. It is a beautiful sight to see and I stand before you to tell you that you are so loved and cherished.

You are learning to love and cherish yourselves on an even greater level and magnitude, dear ones, and for that and from that you will see much expansion. For it indeed does start with yourselves. Oneness begins from there. Peace begins from there. Expansion begins from there, and from there, all else is affected and nourished on out to infinity.

Mother Mary: You Will Never Be The Same ~ As Channeled By Fran Zepeda ~ August 26, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 19:59



Mother Mary:

Your progress in this huge undertaking that you have shouldered for humanity is immense, dear ones. Do not let anything or anyone tell you differently. For you may be still processing all that has transpired over these recent days and much is settling into your cells and your hearts as we speak.

You will never be the same. You will never be the same as you were last week, or even yesterday. For you are evolving at breakneck speed, dear ones. Give yourselves time to assimilate and absorb all that has taken place. Spend as much time as you can quietly in your own stillness, in the stillness of your individual hearts, and feel the changes. Feel the subtle changes and feel the immense ones that are forming within you now.

No, you will never be the same, dear ones, my sweet travelers into the 5th Dimension. You are there so much more now; can you tell? Can you feel it in that softness, that sureness, that all-pervading Love that you are feeling more and more each day, not only for yourselves, but for your fellow man, woman and child, as well as everything in your environment?

Can you feel it in the increased gratitude you feel for everything, in every experience and notion you are having, no matter how uncomfortable? Yes, embrace it. Embrace all of it. For in that is built your Wholeness and your link to your Divinity.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Glow In Your Own Unique Divinity ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~July 12, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sat, 07/13/2013 - 00:14

Yeshua.glowuniquedivinity.imagesCAF21XM9Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Greetings from afar, as they say, but really from not so far away, at least Now in your perception, as it has always been that we of the Celestial and Galactic Realms have been very close to you.

It is now your perception that brings us very close and we revel in the delight and opportunity to have this closeness, and opportunity to impart our wisdom and support for all of you hardworking Lightworkers; and yes, you are Celestial and Galactic Beings as well. You are beginning to accept this and realize it more and more, dear ones.

Mother Mary: You Are Such Precious Jewels of Eternity ~ as Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 7, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 07/07/2013 - 18:19

MotherMary22imagesCA7EGT9Fpicture source:


Mother Mary:

Hello my dear illustrious Beings. I come to you on yet another auspicious day. Energy is accumulating for ever more shifts within each of you and I am here to tell you to be as open as you can, be as expanded as you can and as fluid as you can be.

By now you are experiencing more of your gifts, more of your hearts that are opening to the divine within you. Grasp and behold the beauty within them as you embark on your continuing journey back to Oneness.

I and all the Ascended Masters of the Company of Heaven hold the space for you to enter further into your Wholeness, into your majesty, into your Beingness - your Divine Beingness.

There are so many pockets of energy opening within you now. Go easy with yourselves as you explore them and enjoy them and be in the wonder of them, dear ones.

Above and Beyond you is so much to encompass Into you and Of you. You are in the process of melding into this vast energy as you awaken the same within you. And it is glorious and magnificent and so full of possibilities. Expand dear ones; encompass, and enjoy.

Yeshua: Embrace Your Multidimensionality ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 20, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 06/20/2013 - 19:21




Hello my dear ones. On this beautiful day I come to you bearing tidings of immense love and promise, for you have reached yet another marker for your development and transformation into the Celestial and Galactic Beings that you are.

Take stock now, dear ones. You are not what you were yesterday and tomorrow you will not be what you were today. And so it goes, as you greet the solstice and super moon energies with sheer openness and courage to not accept the old ways of doing things and to embrace the new once and for all.

You are constantly changing. Behold the promise of ever more change – in that brings immense expansion and for that you can thank yourselves first, for without you we would not be speaking of the immense evolution taking place here and now and always ever-increasing in intensity and value and promise.

My love for you cannot be described adequately and all of the Company of Heaven rejoices in your presence, in your courage and in your perseverance. For you are the saviors of the world – for you are the forerunners and you are the game-changers.

Behold your magnificence. Behold your value. Behold your ability to shape-shift and transform and encompass all parts of yourself simultaneously. For that is becoming easier and easier for you, my dear ones.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: You Are Building Your New Life ~ January 14, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 01/14/2013 - 20:11


yeshua.buildingnewlife.1Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Hello, dear ones. Much has transpired in your energies and your world of late. In any re-configuration, there is always a lull period where nothing of significance seems to be happening, and then lo and behold, the new energies build on themselves again and again to make an unmistakable opening in how you see the world and in how you perceive yourselves.

In many ways you all have become a blank slate, a clean palette and canvas on which to build the New Earth. You have discarded many things from your old world, many “staples,” shall we say, from which you once built your reality. This is much like purging a pantry of many things no longer deemed good for your well-being; you now have room to re-stock it with new staples for a healthier life-style.

It takes time and energy to build up a new pantry of more healthy and substantial items that will yield healthier “meals” for a finer, lighter way of living. You are building on that new way of living now, and it is reforming as we speak. Your new ingredients include, of course, love, gratitude, hope, harmony, purity, compassion, peace and cooperation.

It takes a bit of re-orientation to not reach for those old staples of separateness, fear, competition and judgment. To turn away from those ingredients is what you have been committed to. Now it is only for you to continue to turn away from the old and to mix the new ingredients in new ways to yield your newly created life.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: We Remain By Your Side On Your Illustrious Journey ~ January 4, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 23:58


light of the worldYeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Hello my dear friends, Light of the World. We come before you today to bring you our Love and encouragement on your continued journey into the Higher Realms.

All around your world awakening is continuing and much is still transpiring below the surface. You have been a major part of that, although all of you may not actually see or experience all that has transpired and all that is bubbling below the surface and below the radar, so to speak.

Our love for you abounds and our respect for you does as well, as you continue refining your energies to accommodate the higher realms. Remember that what you perceive may not always be what is real and part of your new dimensionality. You are making your way steadily and surely.

Now more than ever it is important to pay attention to your thoughts, as the possibility for instant manifestation is now even greater. We ever guide you but it is important that you do not continue along the vein of delving into thoughts or commitments that abide by the old ways of duality.

Your Light Bodies have transformed, your vibrations have risen, and many are tapping into and/or living in the 5th and 6th dimensions already. For others, it is a gradual process, but all have progressed to the extent that their contracts and life plans and intentions and mind-sets have allowed.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Step Into Your Glorious New Light-Filled World ~ December 19, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 12/19/2012 - 16:23


Yeshua.peacenewselves.3Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Greetings, One and All, my fellow Lightworkers, the Love of my Heart, the Love of our Hearts. We present you today with another offering about your ascension.

For many it is already happening, and as I have said, it will happen in just the right way and time for each of you, if that remains your choice, and for you reading this, I trust it is.

You are approaching the final hours of duality and lifting splendidly. Many are feeling the effects and settling into opening their hearts and beings to the shift. From here on out it is your own unique journey and we see that many of you are embracing it with fresh eyes and open hearts.

Many of you are having a bit of difficulty letting go as you feel yourselves being swept up with the current of rising energies. Trust yourselves and trust your hearts. You are safe and protected, and you are proceeding according to your life plan and the Divine Plan, which is one and the same in many ways.

Letting go is not an easy thing, because you have been locked up in the realm of duality where you felt you had to maintain control at all times for the sake of your survival. It is not an easy thing to trust and surrender, especially now if the old realm is still making its presence known to you in these final hours.

So we ask you to ask yourselves: “Would I want to put my all into this in order to reap the highest and fullest outcome?” If the answer is yes, you know what to do.

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