
You Are a Rose Opening before Your Very Eyes

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/11/2018 - 23:52

God said:

Beloved, you pledge your troth to Me. This came about long ago. You are destined and cannot depart from when We first began. Horses cannot pull you away. How fully We are united as One. This is a great situation to find yourself in. You are exactly where you want to be.

Not at all are you confined. You are expanded. This is to say you follow the deepest heart of yourself, which is to say you follow your deepest Self which is I, God. You are helpless when you begin to recognize Who you are, really are, without effort, only joy. How lucky Oneness is without digression or departure. You are naturally attuned. You have a remarkable GPS system. You don't have to turn it on. It is on. What a great system sits at your beck and call. You are blessed. Where you are is where you want to be, and you are purely in tempo with Me.

I say you are a rose blooming. This is who you are with all your heart. This is Who you are. You have the freedom of choice, yet you have no choice. This is a great freedom, however, in that you have been chosen. You have no choice but to stay. You are on your mark.

This is another way to say I choose you to be by My side forevermore. You are caught up exactly where you want to be. We can say that I, God, make a bull's eye. Now you know the happiness you are made of and cannot depart from.

In a Special Valley Blessed by God

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/10/2018 - 21:19

God said:

Beloved, every Human Being on Earth may not be in the same boat as you, yet everyone is seemingly in a boat. It’s like you wound up somewhere, and you don’t quite know how you landed here or there or why. It’s not at all clear to you. It may be that you wound up high and dry for all you know. If only you had the combination to the lock of life up your sleeve.

Does Over the Rainbow Exist Anywhere Near?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/06/2018 - 12:45

God said:

Beloved, by and large, it appears that everyone sees life somewhat differently, and everyone, of course, sees how he sees as correct.

When you feel cold, you are confident that it is chilly. By the same token, when sweat is running off your brow, you are certain it is hot indeed. When someone’s take on the temperature is different from yours, then the other's view must be an aberration.

The Grace of Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/05/2018 - 22:03

God said:

Beloved, someday life will be simpler when you speak more from the depth and height of the speech when you Godwrite without the necessity of the touchstone of surface speech. Speech, as it is known on Earth, is made of many gradations. Let's have simple uncluttered speech deeper than the way the world tosses off speech.


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/04/2018 - 09:30

God said:

Beloved, kindly turn the tide of your attention to what gives you joy and also gives joy to the world. Keep in mind what gives you joy. Pull the shades up this morning. Lift up the world. Arise.

All the wrongs in the world are for you to let go of. All of them. The sun rises, and so do you. What is that old song about what is the use of worrying and keeping that old kit bag? Today is the day to let go of the past. No kit bags for you, for there is no use in carrying them whatsoever. Be a good news bear!

Every day the sun rises. Rise with the sun. Something glorious is going on in the world. And just so are you to rise. Have a clarion call for joy.

To Be Alive is Not a Hiding Game

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/03/2018 - 17:54

God said:

Beloved, I say it again. Don’t obscure yourself from yourself. I do not ask you to go through the motions of being alive. I say: Be alive. Be aware of what you amount to. Do not downplay yourself. Do not play possum. Be bold enough to be exactly you as you are. Expand yourself. Do not pretend yourself away. You are not smokescreen. Be as you are. There is no hiding yourself as if you must flee from public view.

Let Go of Old Habits of Thinking

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/02/2018 - 18:59

God said:

Beloved, old habits and old ways of being belong to the past now. Where you have held onto old ways, now begin to dare to follow new ways. Don’t cut yourself short. Turn every no you routinely attach to into a strong Yes. Let go of old ways of responding that you may be comfortable with. Grow to new heights.

Let go of the familiar. Say Yes and Yes and Yes. Remove the word no from your vocabulary. If you are asked to give a speech, now dare to say Yes. Otherwise, you may be shunting life away. Now say hello to a wide swath of life on the hoof.

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