
Breathe In New Vision

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/26/2017 - 22:03

God said:

Behold the Glory that you are filled with. Look up. Keep your attention high. Let your mind soar. Love the Earth. Love the ground your feet walk on. Love the flowers. Love the dirt. Love it all. Relish this Earth that I have given to you for Joy just as it appears.

If you were out in Nature every day, and under the stars at night, you would love the Earth and Life on Earth more than you may presently love them these days. If there were no doors to open or close or to lock, if keys had not been invented, you would already be well-versed in the Joys of Earth. Your Freedom of Choice is not meant to be put far off to a later date.

You have a Mind that can take you anywhere, and a Heart to take you everywhere. What prevents you? What forwards you?

Take your attention higher.

Worries are not high-minded. Worries keep you looking down rather than up. Worries affirm that which you do not want to affirm.

Put your attention on higher fields than worries. Grow inspiration. Grow Light. Take in deeper breaths and exhale all the past and all its worries. Breathe in new air. Expand your lungs, and expand your vision.

Sing a new tune. Write yourself a new story. No more delays. Now you begin rising to the heights. All you have to do is to let go of where you have been.

Stop holding onto bannisters in your Life.

You learned to swim. Now you are learning to soar. Spread your wings, Beloveds.

Sometimes All You Seek Is a Little Peace

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/25/2017 - 21:59

God said:

Physical Life consumes most of your time. Every day, you eat. Many days, you commute. You sit. You walk. You stand. You talk on the phone. Physical Life makes its demands on you. And you fulfill these demands pretty much without argument. You wash your face. You put on your shoes. You tie them.

The Spiritual is also always with you. I am always with you.

Now, if time is not true, how does time have anything to do with the Spiritual and its development?

You are right to ask the question. In the physical realm, you make lists and check them off. You feel you’ve gotten somewhere.

The Spiritual Realm is not like that. The Spiritual Realm isn’t made of doing. What action can you take in the Spiritual Realm? What is the procedure? You may read books on growing spiritually, pray day by day -- do everything you can think of to raise your consciousness, yet, how can you measure your progress? How much of your noticeable Spiritual Life do you really have that much to do with. You would hurry the Spiritual along if you knew how. You don’t know how. There may not be a how. You know of no way to whip yourself into shape spiritually just like that.

You Can Take a Back Seat in the Drama of Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/24/2017 - 22:40

God said:

Sure, Beloveds, have a degree of solicitousness for others, yet don’t overdo it. You don’t have to outdo everyone else in this Drama of Life you play in.

Dear Ones, it is not a tribute to you to see anyone as less than you. This is not courtesy from you nor is this to be your fulfillment. Serve in order to serve others.

As for concern for yourself and your sensitivity, you are not a hothouse flower that requires extraordinary attention and special favor. You are a hardy rose.

Yes, by all means, enjoy Life. Let enjoyment be a by-product of your Life. To enjoy is a priority, yet you are here for more than your own personal refreshment.

Be good to yourself, yet forgo pampering yourself. Go for a massage or whatever, yet you, yourself, as an individual, are not the be-all and end-all of your Life. You are greater than how you feel at any given moment. The purpose of your Life is grander than you may have ever thought. Have a bigger view now. You are part of a Grand Creation.

The aim of your Life isn’t for you to pick flowers all day. It is also your privilege to give to others from your heart some of the flowers you pick, not by decree of the world but by your own decree.

There is more to you than meets the eye.

Goodness and mercy do not mean that you are to be over-solicitous. You do not give all of yourself away. I am an advocate of service, yet you are not to sacrifice. You have nothing to prove. You have everything to Be.

What a Difference One Person Can Make

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/23/2017 - 22:19

God said:

When you feel a complaint coming on, bless instead.

If someone feels like a thorn in your side, bless him or her one more time.

This lifts you out of the mode of complaint. Feel the difference between your wont to complain and your lack of giving blessing. What a difference.

Imagine the difference one person who turns his plaint into a blessing can make. Imagine the difference two people can make. Imagine the difference ten people giving simple homespun blessings can make. Imagine the difference ten thousand people can make, and why not? Then there really might be nothing left in the world to complain about then.

If you have a complaint, you may have good reason, yet it doesn’t matter whether you do or don’t. Life is not about being justified in your annoyance or short or long-lasting aggravation for even downright suffering.

If you would rather list your complaints, go ahead. This may well be what you have been doing right along. A question to ask yourself is: “Where does complaining get me?” I would say it digs you into a rondel of more and more complaints.

Dear Ones, complaining, whether rightly or wrongly doesn’t matter one whit -- complaining takes you where you have been. When you complain, no matter the various causes and expressions, you are saying, “Poor me.” Where you have been is pseudo-victorious in your victimhood. Do you want sympathy more than you want freedom from complaint?

Divine Rapport

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/22/2017 - 18:20

God said:

So many thoughts rule the world, thoughts escaping like a mass release of prisoners. Thoughts like cars entering the freeway. Thoughts speeding on electrical connections.

Thoughts come in so many languages, and thoughts tussle with each other to make more room for themselves.

How is it that so many thoughts crisscross the Universe, zooming around at the speed of light? How busy is the human mind. There is no lack of thoughts. It seems that you hardly choose your thoughts. It’s more like thoughts grab you, unending constant thoughts. Constant appraisals and conclusions drawn, the process of thinking something like riding the merry-go-round in every direction, up and down and sideways.

How busy your thoughts are. How random. How often short-sided. How often harried. Thoughts often like robbers, robbing you of your peace of mind. Bundled up thoughts, thoughts rushing in, each thought trying to keep its place in the cosmos. Indeed, thoughts seem to have a mind of their own. Thoughts upon thoughts. Thoughts running a race in order to confound you.

Our One Truth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/21/2017 - 22:47

God said:

Beloveds, I gave you My troth. We are betrothed. I give it to you now. We are Truth. The Truth is that We are One.

Beloveds, it isn’t so much that you are to trust Me. From the world view, how can you trust Me, rely on Me, depend upon Me when, at any moment, something untoward and inexplicable can happen to you in the blink of an eye? From the world view, somehow, somewhere, when you expect it or when you don’t, in whatever manner it may occur, your body will lie down, and it is bye-bye for you -- as you may see it.

Yeah, you feel certain that you can trust Me about about your body’s dying all right! You can count on Me for that. It will inevitably happen. How and when, you don’t know. You do know that a moment will come when a seeming Big Hand out of the Sky will whisk you away.

The cause of your death can be unknown. There can be no rhyme nor reason, and still you will not live in your body forever, so you have heard, and, so there you are. Even as a young child, you caught onto the meaning of what is called death.

At the same time that death -- this closing of your eyes and your ceasing to breathe --is inevitably yours, you can’t quite believe it. It just seems eerie, not real at all. Not your death. No, not yours.

Furthermore, you may be the finest person in the world all your Life, and, still, even as the miracle of adjudged death reaches out for you, you may feel you are singled out for a disastrous end. The idea of death has throttled the Life out of you.

Dream Your Dreams on God’s Behalf

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/20/2017 - 23:00

God said:

That which is called Enlightenment is a natural progression. It is inevitable. As sure as the Sun rises every morning, Enlightenment will also arise within you. It is included in your birthright. It comes to you at My Behest.

Anyway, Enlightenment is a part of you right now as We speak. Stay in step with Me.

When I say Enlightenment will arise within you, I mean Enlightenment will come to your awareness of all that which you already are. You are My Divine Child no matter what you think of yourself or whatever ways the world might think of you. I am the Director here.

But, ah, for you to have the actual awareness of the True State of Affairs is another story, and one which bodes well. All is within your grasp right now. So grasp it.

Everything is connected. No one is unconnected or disconnected from Me. The Awareness of Enlightenment Bells ring throughout the Universe. Look at you! One more Enlightened Being to resurge the Glow of Light. One more Enlightened Being to rack up all the pool shots in the Name of Peace. One more Enlightened Being to change the world before you. Other Great Beings cast their Light without much ado, so why not you? Dare to, dear Friend.

One Blaze of Light Across the Universe

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/19/2017 - 22:32

God said:

You live on a whirling planet. The Sun, Moon, and Stars shine on you. You reflect the Orbs above.

You are made of cells that whirl.

Dancers whirl.

What looks solid is whirling nevertheless.

What is to be made of this whirling whirling whirling you live in and all the whirling inhabitants, whirling thoughts, and whirling blenders? Can the substance of the world be such whirling?

Sometimes you feel you are in a tailspin as you spin like a top in this verified round place called Earth. Furthermore, you have been told that everything is really upside-down and twirly-whirly.

At the same time, you are above it all. You are Essence greater than motion. You are Stillness. Still your Heart Beats Its Universal Tune.

Do individuals really exist? Are you an individual? Really? You guess not, really, and, yet individuals can be seen everywhere in a Field of Oneness.

Look at a Field of Wheat. Each strand of wheat is blown by the wind as a Whole Field of Oneness. A Crowd of People is made of many forming into Oneness, yet how on Earth can Oneness be formed? You don’t see how, yet, somewhere in the alleys of your mind and the phalanges of your heart, this is so.

You would love to feel less bound to Earth at the same you wish to attach somewhere or everywhere. You don’t want to be whirling out there in the Universe, for you wonder wherein lie Safety and Circumference.

Panning for Gold

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/18/2017 - 21:24

God said:

Look for the gold. It exists.

When you are digging a gold mine, you don’t dig for tin. You don’t look for plastic either.

Consider Life as though you are digging for gold, or consider Life as though you are panning for gold in a mountain stream or are about to.

Look for the gold, and it will come to you.

This isn’t high intensity mining We are speaking of. Let gold be the stance you come from. It isn’t as if you have a quota you must fulfill. Be easygoing about finding the gold. You are set in the direction of gold. You are certainly not mining for coal. Coal has served a purpose, yet gold is what you look for now and claim.

It can happen that you find gold without looking for it. However, you are more likely to win at cards when you are playing cards than when you’re not.

By now, you’re onto fool’s gold and aren’t so easily taken in as you might once have been. Yet if you are taken in by fool’s gold, you might as well have a good laugh at yourself.

Finding the gold in Life is easier than finding a wife right for you, yet you can find a right wife for you, too. Have some clues as to what you want to fill your Life on Earth with to overflowing.

Of course, there are many kinds of gold awaiting you. There are many kinds of gold for you to share, just as there are many good kinds of horses to run with and to say Giddy-yap to.

In Its Finest Sense

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/17/2017 - 21:35

God said:

In its finest sense, a great thing to be able to say about someone is:

“He really knew how to enjoy Life.” Or, “She really knew how to live Life and to Love it!”

Alas, you may wonder where you fit in on this scale.

I say in its finest sense to make clear I am not speaking of any way of masking Life with opiates or any other escapades away from Life.

Enjoying Life is also more than taking Life in your stride, although Life is that too. Taking Life in your stride means that having a flat tire doesn’t have to impose tension and urgency. Whatever occurs on the surface of Life, this is your very Life to enjoy just the same.

Mud tracked in the house isn’t a catastrophe. Life is meant to be enjoyed with or without mud. Of course, Life is to be taken one day at a time, one moment at a time.

If your meat for supper tonight is more gristle than meat, chew the gristle and enjoy it. Among other things, gristle contains collagen, and chewing gristle is also good exercise for your jaw.

No need to turn the little into big! At the same time, little things can be the joys of your Life. A dandelion. A lollypop. A morning hug. A note. A smile. A question. An answer.

Oh, yes, there is more to Life than meets the eye.

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